We routinely ask a few thousand of our closest truck camping friends what they think on a range of truck camping topics. Do you have an idea for a question or poll? Contact us!
Readers show us that four wheel drive low range is for slow speed maneuvering, backing down slick boat ramps and winter driving.
Readers share how they save money while truck camping from campground clubs, boondocking, eating in, and more.
Fifty-three readers share their summer truck camping plans for 2014. These plans and destinations are sure to get you inspired.
It’s time to reveal the three mystery campers from this week’s old school truck camper challenge.
Readers offer back seat storage solutions for their extended cab and crew cab trucks. The list includes dogs, cats, and camping gear.
Readers share how they keep their truck camper cool in hot weather.
Readers share the devices they use to heat their truck camper in cold weather.
Readers share their recommended LED lights; from direct replacement plug-ins to changing out the fixtures.
Readers share their favorite truck camping destinations in Canada. The Canadian Rockies, Vancouver Island, and the Trans Canada Highway top the list.
We asked readers about the devices they need to plug in and charge. Phones, tablets, and computers topped the list.
Readers share events they attend where they can dry camp. The list includes balloon fiestas, bluegrass festivals, antique tractor pulls, and more.
When asked if readers snowbird in your truck camper, they said that they go to Florida, Arizona, Texas, and California.
Readers share the most extreme weather they’ve ever experienced while out truck camping.
Readers respond to where they would transport their truck camper rig if they could go anywhere in the world.
Fifty-two readers responded with internet solutions for the road including how to find the best free WiFi.
Here’s Part 2 from last week, “How would your truck camping lifestyle change if you won $100 million in the lottery today?”.