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Truck Camper Videos

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Today’s featured camper is the Soaring Eagle Adlar 5.0 #truckcamper.  This tiny #camper can sleep three adults.

Soaring Eagle’s all-aluminum and composite design features built-in components, a face-to-face dinette, and a pull-out North-South bed.

Click on the link in our profile to read our exclusive interview with @soaringeaglecampers about the 5.0.

#soaringeaglecampers #soaringeaglecamper #truckcampers #truckcampersrock #truckcampermagazine
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Do you know what the SC means in Northstar 850SC?

There’s 30 gallons of fresh, 13 gallons of grey and a 5 gallon cassette in this pop-up #truckcamper.  Go to the beach or out in the wilderness and have everything self-contained in your #camper. 

Definition: (SC) Self-Contained - having all that is needed, in itself.

Click on the link in our profile to check out the Northstar 850SC.

#popuptruckcamper #selfcontained
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Lindsay Buerger from @princesscraftrv has a question for TCM readers.

Princess Craft offers a way for you to purchase so that you don’t need to travel to their location.  Delivery is available for some #campers, or you can set an appointment to pick it up at the dealership.

They want to know, would you prefer to come to the dealership and buy your next #camper in person, or would you prefer to buy your next #truckcamper online and have it delivered? Thank you for your feedback!
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Jesse Mullet, President of @nucamprv, shares the #camper he would get if he could have any Cirrus #truckcamper?

Would you get the same Cirrus as Jesse or would you get a different model?

More about Cirrus #campers can be found by clicking on the link in our profile.

#CirrusCamper #truckcampersrock #campinglife
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A looming AI attack. A betrayal. A murder. A race across America in a truck camper to stop a madman—unrequited love riding shotgun. 

Gordon White, Publisher of Truck Camper Magazine, announces his first fiction novel, Titanic Man.

Titanic Man is full of heart, characters you will care about, and enough action, fun, and humor to keep the pages turning. 

And there’s a cross-country truck camping adventure, a murder, a love story, and a race against time to save the world. I think you’re going to love it.

Warning: Titanic Man contains adult words and situations that would never be published in Truck Camper Magazine. There’s character and situation-driven profanity and a few violent scenes. There are mature situations and conversations that wouldn’t be appropriate for Sunday school. 

If adult themes and language ruffle your feathers, please do not read Titanic Man. 

Check out Gordon’s new book by clicking on the link in our profile.

#truckcampermagazine #truckcamperthriller #titanicman
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Did you know a bunk option is available in a Capri Retreat? It’s easy to use. Today, Josh at @capri_camper shows us how it works! 

Click on the link in our profile to find out more about the Capri Retreat #truckcamper.

#capricamper #capricamperadventures
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For 2025 campers, Citation Explore by @generalcoachcanada have a 300-amp hour lithium battery option. 

We picked up the “battery” and Gordon thought he’d have some fun with this new option.

#CitationCampers #truckcamper #truckcamperlife
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After years and years of #tent #camping, Dale wanted to be the person who sat inside with a cup of tea and a book comfortable when it was pouring rain.  We get that, Dale!

From her #truckcamper being low profile to it being a hard sided pop-up, Dale shares why she has an @alaskan.campers. 

She also talks about her upstairs and downstairs storage.  So much storage! 

Dale is a lot of fun!  We hope you enjoy the video.

#alaskancamper #popuptruckcamper #truckcamperlife #truckcampermagazine #truckcampersrock
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Scott Bradshaw, Co-Founder of @soaringeaglecampers, has a question for TCM readers.

You can keep your #truckcamper jacks on all the time, keep them in your truck, or leave them home. What do you do?  Would you be interested in removable jacks for your #camper?
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Today Eric, Dan and Kurt from @outpost_campers show us some of their facility in Bayside, Colorado where they build Outpost truck #campers. 

Outpost makes the 6.5; a hard side, non-slide composite truck #camper.  Click on the link in our profile to check out our exclusive interview with Taylor Ripp about the Outpost 6.5.

#outpostcamper #truckcamper #truckcampermagazine #madeintheusa
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Keith Donkin, President of @northernlitetruckcampers, shares the camper he would get if he could buy any Northern Lite #truckcamper.

Would you get the 10-2EX dry bath, u-shaped dinette like Keith or would you get a different model?

More about Northern Lite campers can be found by clicking on the link in our profile.

#northernlitecamper #truckcamperlife #truckcampermagazine #truckcampers
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Dave Hofert, Co-Founder of @DHRVCenter, has a question for TCM readers. 

How can your #truckcamper dealer better help you with the #truck and #camper matching process?
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Truck Camper
Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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