With a raised basement, wider interior floor, more windows, new pull-out tray, and a service center, Lance launches the new 1062.
Lucien and Helen Langlois had an epic truck camping year exploring Florida, Utah, New Mexico, and Labrador.
Gary Lech fires eight-foot Level 3 rockets 14,500 feet into the atmospheres of Oregon and Nevada.
Julie and Ernie have what might be the biggest truck camper on the planet!
TCM visits the Lance Camper factory in Lancaster, California and finds cutting-edge computer aided design. Come see how Lance Campers are built!
Jerry Caldwell shares his top ten tips on exploring Alaska on a budget including how to save on food, fuel, and camping.
Lance Campers debuts the 2016 Lance 975, a ten-foot, four-inch truck camper with a full-wall slide out and a dry bath.
Paul Harris talks about how to properly use and maintain truck camper holding tank systems.
Jim and Patti Duarte take us truck camping off-road, off-the-grid, and onto the beaches of Cape Cod. Time to air down.
Bryan Appleby reveals his full-time camper lifestyle; the good, the bad, and what many of his friends and family thought was crazy.
Lance Campers debuts the 2015 Lance 995, a 9-foot, full-wall slide-out with a wider floor, larger basement, and a radius cabover step.
Lance Campers announces changes to its camper line for 2015, and introduces new graphics and a list of upgrades.
Lucien and Helen Langlois go truck camping in eastern Canada through the provinces of Labrador, Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia.
From traveling the Alaska Marine Highway to fishing with a Porta-Bote, Skip Bosley shares his top ten tips for traveling through Alaska.
From Point Reyes National Seashore to Humboldt Redwoods State Park, Duffy Hurwin and her Arabian horses love to ride the trails.
Torklift International’s all-new Ultra Deck Plus bumper system for Lance Campers has been kept classified until now.