Truck Camper Magazine reviews a 2022 Palomino HS-2910 Max, a hard side, full-wall slide long bed truck camper. Have nine years of updates and two insanely comfortable recliners kept this flagship luxury camper competitive? Our verdict is in.
Palomino RV debuted the HS-2910 Max in Truck Camper Magazine nine years ago. The HS-2910 Max was presented as Palomino’s new flagship truck camper with a full-wall slide-out, an impressive feature and options list, and at a notably lower price than the competition.
Since then, the Palomino HS-2910 Max has enjoyed multiple model-year refinements, enjoyed dozens of feature improvements and upgrades, and remains Palomino’s luxury flagship slide-out truck camper. Palomino did offer a double-slide Max for a short time, but the popular HS-2910 Max is the one that endured.
The walls, floor, and roof of the Palomino HS-2910 Max are aluminum-framed and laminated in-line with the competition. The HS-2910 Max’s full-wall-slide floor plan borrows heavily from what’s worked elsewhere in the industry. In fact, if you look past the Palomino-exclusive front nose cap and automotive-style windshield, the Palomino HS-2910 Max might look like any other full-wall slide-out camper.
So what makes this camper special? Palomino RV has an ace up its sleeve that other truck camper manufacturers can’t touch; Forest River buying power. As one of the titans of the RV marketplace, Forest River can place huge orders with their material and component vendors driving down costs and demanding first-come access to scarce supplies. These advantages have benefited Palomino RV since the company was acquired by Forest River in 2002, and have become even more important during the pandemic-triggered shortages of 2020, 2021, and 2022.
The day I photographed the camper under review, I questioned if a camper nearly a decade past its launch date was still worth reviewing. Then I sat in the recliner theater seats and, oh yes, clearly this spry model is worth a fresh look. Together with the front windshield and numerous year-upon-year refinements, the HS-2910 Max remains a marketplace contender. How much of a contender? Let’s find out.
Above: All photos were taken at D&H RV and Marine in Apex, North Carolina
Considering the longevity of the HS-2910, Palomino has done a good job keeping the exterior of this camper looking modern and fresh. From the grey laminated sidewalls, black Rieco-Titan remote electric jacks, compartment doors, and trim work, dark tint frameless and insulated windows, and minimal and mostly geometric graphics, this camper firmly belongs in the present. The HS-2910 may be at least nine years old, but it doesn’t look it.
Palomino boldly debuted front windshield nose caps on their truck camper line in late 2014. For the record, front windows had long been abandoned by the greater truck camper marketplace and weren’t exactly being clamored for among the user base.
Palomino saw this open net as an opportunity. Rather than install a front window, they flexed their Forest River purchasing power and innovated with automotive quality and sealed windshields by Guardian Glass. This approach is designed to eliminate leaks and provide a larger and stronger window. Their gamble paid off and they remain one of the only truck camper companies offering a front “window”.
In subsequent years, Palomino has refined the fiberglass nose cap design, flush-mounted the windshield, and treated the nose cap with Line-X for chip prevention. To say that Palomino is all-in with their fiberglass nose cap and windshield is not an understatement.
For the record, we have not had reports of any of these front windows leaking. What we hear is that some people love this feature, and others do not. We’ll have more to say on this signature feature when we get to the inside cabover.
Underneath the front nose on the front wall of the camper is where you find the battery disconnect and the “Easy Charge” battery port. This port is designed to provide easy access for battery jumping or charging. This can also be used to connect portable solar panels.
We certainly applaud the easy access to the batteries although this location will be tight when the camper is loaded on a truck. That stated, the opportunity to quickly connect a portable solar panel is fantastic and we wish this capability was on more truck camper makes and models.
When we first encountered the Palomino HS-2910 nine years ago, full-wall slide-outs on a truck camper were an exciting novelty. Today at least a half-dozen camper manufacturers offer this feature. It’s not a yawn, but it’s not exactly rare anymore. That’s not to say a full-wall slide doesn’t make a huge difference in a truck camper interior. It most certainly does.
The main thing to note here is Palomino’s use of the Schwintek slide mechanism. This elegant and lightweight slide mechanism had a myriad of issues when it first debuted over a decade ago. Since then, the system has been improved significantly, as has the industry experience of how to properly design for, install and service it.
We have never once had an issue with a Schwintek slide. However, we recommend talking with your Palomino dealer about where the slide motors are located, how to access them, where the slide controller is located, and how to set the controller on manual mode. Chances are you will never need this information, but it’s critical to know if you do.
For anyone out there thinking we’re picking on Schwintek, we also recommend having this same knowledge about any slide-out mechanism. Do you know how to access the motor, gears, and controller on your slide-outs? If you don’t, you should.
This is what the interior floor space looks like with the full-wall slide-out. In a non-slide camper, we look for enough space for two people to pass one another. Here, two people could practically cha-cha, tango, and rumba. Keep it tight, and you’ll be all right.
Once again Palomino demonstrates its Forest River purchasing power with not one, but two power awnings. By combining their orders across multiple Forest River RV brands and types, Palomino can offer features and options at a price point unattainable by smaller manufacturers. And you thought one power awning was impressive.
The HS-2910 employs a Girard tankless water heater (Model GSWH-2). This third-generation model is designed to offer unlimited hot water when connected to city water (or until your fresh tank runs dry), quiet operation, and freeze protection for winter camping.
The primary advantage of a tankless water heater in a camper is weight. By not having to hold and heat four or six gallons of water, a camper can save up to 50-pounds of water weight. Of course, that also means you lose four or six gallons of water capacity in addition to your fresh tank. You also don’t get the option for electric hot water as the Girard only works on propane gas. As with everything, trade-offs abound.
Speaking of gas, the HS-2910 has a single 7-gallon 30-pound vertical propane tank. This tank choice is a good compromise between space and weight. You don’t have the exchange convenience or 10-gallon capacity of two 20-pound vertical propane tanks, but you get most of that capacity in a smaller compartment. That saved space allows for more interior space.
The first thought I have when I see a single propane tank of any size is the need to keep tabs on it. Propane runs the refrigerator, heat, water heater, cooktop, and oven. If you run out you could be up a tree without a paddle. The solution is to fill this single tank like you (hopefully) fill your truck fuel tank. Don’t wait until you’re anywhere near empty to refill.
Way back in 2011 we borrowed a Palomino HS-2902 for a jaunt around Michigan’s Thumb. That’s when we discovered a rear wing compartment door that opened to… nowhere? We asked the Palominians about this and they explained how the 2902 camper could, “fit” a long or short bed truck. Short beds get a durable plastic enclosure that makes this door into a compartment that holds more than air and atoms.
Unfortunately, the 2910 is strictly designed for a one-ton long bed truck. Loaded and wet, the 2910 is too heavy for the payload capacities offered by the great majority of short bed trucks. Given that reality, this door to nowhere should really be eliminated, or given a new purpose. Hey mod makers, what could we use this space for?
Here’s one feature area that everyone should appreciate. Not only does the rear deck bumper create a safer and more comfortable entry and exit platform, but it also offers two useful storage compartments.
On our personal truck camper, we have a Torklift designed bumper that resembles the older-style Palomino Landing Pad. Like the pictured bumper, it offers storage on both sides of the entryway. In these storage areas, we keep our dump hose on the driver’s side and jack blocks on the passenger’s side. It is so convenient to have these items stored in the bumper. We also appreciate the safe and stable platform. Once you have a bumper like this, there’s no going back.
Stepping inside the Palomino HS-2910 Max, you’re presented with a careful blend between the traditional beige and brown RV wood tones and materials, and a lighter and more modern aesthetic.
If this all looks calculated to be a safe choice for the maximum number of buyers, you’d be right. As part of their production efficiency and cost-focused approach, every Palomino gets the same interior. That interior may change from year to year, but every Palomino truck camper, travel trailer, and fifth wheel gets the same interior for a given year.
Thankfully, the aforementioned purchasing power means the materials are high quality and the look is impeccably neutral. If you don’t like this interior, you could always paint the walls and/or cabinets, change the linoleum, and re-carpet. Just don’t ask your dealer to order the camper with anything different than what you see here. They can’t.
The HS-2910 is a basement camper necessitating a step up into the camper from the entry door. That well area is something you need to get used to. I know we have fallen into this space a time or two in a camper or three.
The rear “magazine rack” is a nice touch making this otherwise blank wall space created by the slide-out useful. It’s not hard to imagine maps, tablets, and other reading materials in this space. Of course, it could also hold items used prior to exiting the unit including pet leashes, umbrellas, and flashlights.
Inside the door well is where you’ll find the Rieco-Titan activation switch and (held with velcro) remote. I always like to point out when the right thing is in the right place and this is definitely an example of that.
Also note the 1/8-inch input for the included Rieco-Titan wired emergency red remote in case you lose your black remote, or the batteries die at exactly the wrong time. It’s happened to us and the red remote has saved our bacon.
Undoubtedly, many people will buy the 2910 because of these two recliner theater seats. We can confirm that they are as comfortable as they look. In fact, Angela and I started scheming about how we could get them in our own camper. I can see folks deciding to buy this camper upon sitting in these chairs. They’re that comfy.
And they really do recline; maybe not as much as a residential La-Z-Boy, but more than enough to get you horizontal and relaxed. Add an adult beverage of your choice and take in a movie or a nap. This is the kind of seating comfort that was once unimaginable in a truck camper.
The center armrest features cup holders and lifts up revealing storage for remote controls and reading glasses. The seating system also has post holes for tables turning the recliners into an area for meals and laptop computer use.
On balance, we would miss the work surface and functionality of a traditional four-person face-to-face dinette and table. We work on the road and need a larger table for our laptops and paperwork. We also like having a larger table for meal prep and meals.
This is the kind of compromise that will make perfect sense for some, and not for others. The recliner seats certainly make a strong argument that comfort is more important than an additional table and seating area. If we were retired, I know which way the argument would turn.
The HS-2910 utilizes Slow-Rise day/night roller shades. This window shade system eliminates the strings of traditional Venetian blinds and is designed to smoothly go up or down with single pulls. This is yet another example of Palomino’s buying power enabling them to use a more expensive and higher-end product in their truck camper line. Other companies incorporate Slow-Rise shades, but their price points are decidedly higher.
I don’t think we’ve published a single interview with a truck camper manufacturer in the past two years that didn’t mention the ongoing parts and material shortages. One of the very first things we heard that manufacturers were running out of was air conditioners.
We found a Dometic Penguin II air conditioner in the Palomino HS-2910 under review, but it’s possible you will find a different make or model in a camper you purchase. Rather than stop production, companies are installing the air conditioners (and sometimes other components) they can source.
For this reason, we recommend you pay attention to the make and model of components installed in the campers you purchase, especially if that’s important to you. Please understand that the reason for any variation is the shortage and options may not be readily available. Like the manufacturers, we’re stuck with what we can get.
The refrigerator in the Palomino HS-2910 is also sourced from Dometic. This is probably indicative of Palomino’s extraordinary purchasing power allowing them to get priority for the Dometic air conditioners, refrigerators, and other components that are available. Reality has been less kind to the smaller camper manufacturers without the enormous purchase orders.
Note the additional magazine rack. Perhaps this one could be utilized for spices, small dry goods, napkins, and other small non-refrigerated kitchen items.
The refrigerator is a six cubic foot, two-way (propane and 110-volt electric) model with a separate freezer and refrigerator. We have a similar Dometic model in our truck camper and find it’s more than adequate for at least a week of food.
Some competing manufacturers have gone to eight cubic foot refrigerators, but we have never found a need for more than six. Unless you need to boondock for more than ten-days or take an impressive amount of liquid refreshments, the difference between six and eight is not likely to be a deal-breaker while traveling.
Turning around from the refrigerator location is the wet bath, shown here with its sliding door shut in travel position.
Before we advance to the bathroom, I want to call your attention to the black-colored Convenience Center, thermostat, and water heater control. First, the location of these controls is perfect; mid-ship and easy viewing height for most people.
The custom Palomino branded “Convenience Center” includes battery level indicator, fresh, black, and grey water level indicators, lighted water pump switch, water heater switch, living room light switch, porch light switch, awning light switch one, awning light switch two, and power awning rocker switch one and power awning rocker switch two. Whew!
While we would rather see more accurate holding tank and battery gauges, the utility of the battery and tank level gauges is good. If you want more accuracy, install SeeLevel gauges and a proper battery monitor. The solar controller can also serve this last function.
The awning controls are a bit odd because you probably won’t be able to see the awning extension position or possibly the awning light from the location of these controls. If you have an awning buddy, this possible issue goes away. “Awning is out now, Fred. And the light is on. Now get out here with my beer and make your Parcheesi move, will ya?”
Under the Convenience Center are the thermostat and water heater controls. One cool thing about the Girard tankless water heater system is that you can set the water temperature between 95 and 124-degrees Fahrenheit. It would be nice to see the same level of digital accuracy from the main thermostat, but the analog Suburban model will do the job.
Opening the wet bath door reveals essentially the same Palomino wet bath we’ve always seen with updates to the materials.
As a wet bath, space is relatively tight, and drying this area after taking a shower presents a lot of potentially wet facets. That stated, this is a fully functional bathroom with a solid door, toilet, small sink, countertop, shower, medicine cabinet, light, exhaust fan, outlets, and skylight for tall folks like yours truly. It covers all the bases.
I have a hunch that most of the industry doesn’t even see their bathrooms anymore. I would like to challenge the industry to do just that. If everyone on the Palomino management and design team (and their significant others) spent a weekend fully using this bathroom, I bet the improvement ideas would start flowing. At a minimum, the areas that need improvement would come to light. Somebody should dare them to do just that.
The use of an exterior compartment door is a clever way to waterproof a storage area in a wet bath. Here is a place for toilet paper and other bathroom essentials. That’s quite the handle and latch for an inside bathroom cabinet.
Toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, and other toiletries go here. I like the two shelves for equal storage opportunities.
The kitchen in the Palomino HS-2910 is fully-featured with a Magic Chef microwave, Suburban propane cooktop and oven, large sink, a ton of storage, and (on the passenger’s side) a 6-cubic foot Dometic refrigerator.
On the left side is a large closet with adjustable shelves. Some folks may take the shelves out and use this area for hanging clothes. Others will opt to use this as a dry food pantry or gear storage. It’s hard not to like a large and central storage space with so many possible uses.
Under the closet are two pull-out drawers on quality stainless steel slides. We would likely use the top drawer for silverware and utensils and the lower drawer for potholders and a long nose lighter for the oven. As with the closet above, what you do with these generous storage opportunities is your call. Thank you, Palomino.
Under the two drawers is a WFCO power converter and distribution panel. With so many RV electrical issues starting and ending with a fuse, having this panel centrally located and easy to access is fantastic.
In our camper, the panel is on the floor in front of the step to the cabover; not terrible, but not exactly a comfortable place to reach, retrieve and read tiny fuses. Where Palomino has installed the panel in the HS-2910 would be a huge step-up, literally. Small camper design decisions like this matter.
The three-burner propane Suburban Elite Series cooktop and the oven are yet another example of Palomino flexing its purchasing power and installing a high-end unit in their campers.
The black and stainless steel look is modern and offers all the cooling capability and capacity anyone could want in a truck camper. In fact, many of us end up using our ovens to store pots and pans. Storage or stroganoff, this is a very impressive feature in a cost-competitive unit.
If you needed more evidence that the Palomino HS-2910 is packing some serious storage, shut the oven door and pull out this monster box. Why put pots and pans in the oven when they can go here? If this isn’t the largest single kitchen drawer in all of truck-camper-dom, it’s darn close.
With 900-watts of power, 0.9 cubic feet of capacity, and 10 power levels, the Magic Chef MCG992ARB should check every microwave box outside of convection. Of course, any microwave needs 110-volts from shore power, a generator, or a suitable inverter and battery bank. We solved the microwave dilemma years ago by not having one. If your preferences vary, keep the considerable power requirements in mind.
The upper cabinetry space is considerable, although it seems like Palomino made the cabinet doors a little too narrow. Ideally, the doors would open to reveal the entire space.
Coming from a residential kitchen, the counter space may seem tight, but this is actually a decent size for meal prep and dish washing in a truck camper. The space expands considerably if you close the metal cooktop lid. I would have liked to see a flip-up counter on the right side of the sink area, but that’s exactly the kind of modification that can be added after the purchase.
Large rectangular farmhouse-style sinks are very popular in homes and RVs right now. They certainly offer the size needed to wash full-size dishes, pots, and pans. The sink is positioned a bit far back on the countertop, but that’s hardly a serious gripe. Owners will quickly adapt and enjoy the large sink working space.
Palomino finished the cabinet under the sink to allow for storage. It may be challenging to find a suitable container that fits, but I can see a small trash can in this location. If not, we would likely store cleaning supplies here. Whatever you store, it’s awesome to see the finished interior to protect the plumbing and other components. Nice detail, Palomino.
Unfortunately, this is not a nice detail. The backsplash behind the cooktop was loose. As it is, it looks like an afterthought. Owners could easily re-affix this material or remove it.
On the step up to the cabover are the solar controller and a 110-volt outlet. I hate to say it, but I’d be the first one to accidentally step on this solar controller; probably somewhere off-grid, far from the reaches of civilization, on the first day we arrived. The language that would follow would not be suitable for these electrons.
This location would also be inconvenient to read solar charge and battery levels. You might need to get on your knees. While you’re there, you could pray to the sun gods for more solar power. It never works for us, but hope springs eternal.
In all seriousness, I would want to move this solar controller. If that wasn’t possible, I would look into replacing it with a slimmer or flush mount solar controller. At an absolute minimum, I would put some support underneath this unit so it doesn’t instantly break off when I eventually step right on it.
I am still in awe that Palomino partnered with Guardian glass and created an automotive-style windshield for their campers. It looks sharp on the outside, and man does it change the cabover game on the inside. Imagine the above photo without this front window. It would be much darker. Much more closed in. Much less inviting.
But why, oh why, is the Palomino logo pasted across it? There has to be a better way to adhere your name on the front of this camper. I’m afraid I would be the first one to razor blade these letters off. Not because I wouldn’t be proud to own a Palomino, but because I don’t want to read, “ONIMOLAP” from my bed every day. That’s pronounced, “Oh-Nee-Moe-Lap”, in case you are curious.
On the driver’s side of the cabover is the television, audio-video stereo system, a trick storage area (just wait), a small hamper, a good-sized window, and a side-table shelf area.
The Furrion DV3300S is one heck of a nice entertainment unit for a camper. First, it appears to be straightforward to use with a minimum number of clearly labeled buttons. Second, it has a nice set of features; auxiliary-in, headphone jack, USB-in or charging, and HDMI in. It plays DVDs, CDs, MP3, WMA, AM, FM, Bluetooth 4.0, and one-on-one basketball after dinner. Do I need to say this is another example of Palomino’s buying power putting in a high-end feature at a more affordable price point? I don’t? Well good. I won’t then.
I love details like this. Under the Furrion unit is a useful cubby with a false floor. Under the false floor is the perfect nook to store items that you don’t need all the time. I don’t think I’d hide anything here as (a) it’s too obvious and (b) a certain magazine just revealed it to the world, but it’s a great tucked-away storage opportunity. Bravo, Palomino!
The driver’s side hamper is the perfect place for socks, underwear, and comfy pants. Stored skivvies aside, I am curious why the design team didn’t make the hamper doors longer to allow for better access to the entire storage area. Or offer two smaller hamper doors. Again, the mod makers salivate with their spinning rotary saws.
I am pleased to see the quality of the hamper hinges and the finished cabinet interior. The nightstand shelf area is another functional and aesthetically pleasing detail that deserves kudos. Phones, tablets, and – heaven forbid – real paper books could be placed here.
Directly across from the television and audio-video system is a large, double-door hanging clothes closet. This is perfect for hanging dresses, button-down shirts, dress pants, light sweaters, cardigans, blue blazers, smoking jackets, and black-tie tuxedos. Wait, what?
While I know many of us travel with clothes that need to be hung, many more of us need open shelving space for T-shirts, shorts, jeans, and sweatshirts. If you examined our camper clothing collection you’d find most everything fits into these categories, plus the aforementioned hampered underthings. When I see a huge open space like this, I see inconvenient piles.
Before Palomino amends their “Thanks for the review” response, I am thrilled to see this huge storage area in the cabover. We would add our own shelves or containers, or both. Others will actually enjoy bringing their entire Hawaiian shirt collection. It’s always better to have the storage opportunities than not.
The passenger’s side features another convenient hamper and night table shelf area. Part of me wishes there were front penguin-style cabinets for even more storage, but you would lose the night table and shelf area, and the cabover would get a bit more closed in. As it is, this is a very open and spacious feeling cabover.
You may have noticed the two black rectangular items on the front cabover wall. These are a dual-USB outlet and a 110-volt outlet – on both sides of the bed! Need a bedside USB outlet to charge your phone or tablet? No problem. Need a 110-volt outlet for a CPAP machine? Palomino has you covered. Ten years ago these outlets were the things of dreams and wishes from our semi-annual camper surveys. Thanks for listening, Palomino!
Specifications | |
Dry Weight | 3,493 pounds |
Wet Weight* | 4,525 pounds |
Floor Length | 10’0″ |
Overall Length | 19’3″ |
Width | 8’2″ |
Interior Height | 6’8″ |
Exterior Height | 9’9″ |
Center of Gravity | 46″ |
Truck Type | Long Bed |
This floor plan and its dimensional specifications are time-tested and proven, at least in the context of the twenty-five or so years slide-out truck campers have existed. Of the more popular slide-out floor plans, this is the one that has outsold the field year after year. Naturally, it’s also the most copied.
The HS-2910’s 10-foot floor-length is slightly longer than typical for this floor plan, but probably not enough to notice; just a little bit longer, a little bit taller, and a little bit wider. We’re talking an inch or two folks, so don’t get too excited, but the difference is there. I’m sure the extra few inches allow for a little more storage and elbow room.
The tall tale is easy to miss. I stand at 6’3″ and never once thought about the 6’8″ height of the camper during my photo shoot. For taller folks, this should be a very comfortable camper in the main living area and cabover. For shorter folks, the ceiling could be a real stretch.
Capacities | |
Fresh | 45 gallons |
Grey | 20 gallons |
Black | 20 gallons |
Water Heater | On Demand |
Propane Tanks | 30 pounds |
Batteries | Two Batteries |
The HS-2910 does not compare as favorably to its peers in the tank capacity department. It’s on par with the lower-tier of fresh capacity, but that’s hardly a bad thing at 45-gallons. Unfortunately, the 20-gallon grey and black tanks are lower than the competition. At a minimum, these tanks need to be in the mid-20s, preferably 30 or above to really compete.
On balance, 20-gallons of grey and black would last us seven to eight days; roughly a week. That is if we only Navy showered once (each) in that time and conserved water while washing dishes, washing hands, and brushing teeth. Not everyone will be comfortable being that tight with their tanks, but it comes naturally to many of us who enjoy camping off-grid. And if you camp mostly at campgrounds, the smaller holding tank sizes don’t matter.
On-demand water heaters save weight by not having a built-in six or four-gallon tank like traditional water heaters, use less propane (doesn’t need to keep the aforementioned tank hot), and offer more hot water capacity. The disadvantages of on-demand water heaters are (a) they are propane only (no electric heating option) and (b) it takes 10-20 seconds for the water to initially heat up. Everything in a truck camper has trade-offs.
One 30-pound propane tank is good, but having a single tank will require the owner to be vigilant about their LP level to avoid running out at inconvenient times. When we borrow campers, it always takes time to learn how long we can go before filling the tanks. The obvious trick is to not wait until you’re out to refill, keep tabs on how much you have used, and adjust your refill schedule accordingly.
Finally, two batteries are the standard for a slide-out truck camper of this size and should be enough for most users.
Using our standardized Truck Camper Magazine wet weight calculation, let’s run the numbers on the 2022 Palomino HS-2910 Max. The first weight is listed as a special factory order only as it includes no options. Most dealer stock truck campers include factory options.
Base Dry Weight – special factory order only
Palomino HS-2910 Max: dry weight, 3,493-pounds + 45-gallons fresh, 375.3-pounds + 1x 30-pound full propane tank, 27-pounds + batteries, 130-pounds + stuff, 500-pounds = 4,525.3-pounds
Optioned Review Unit
The particular Palomino HS-2910 Max unit under review had seven added options; air conditioner, entry bumper step, rear awning, side awning with LED lights, roof ladder, 100-watt solar panel, and theater seating. Based on our conservative estimate, the weight of these options would be approximately 315-pounds. With the 315-pound option weight added to the dry weight, let’s run the wet weight calculation again.
Palomino HS-2910 Max: dry weight, 3,808-pounds + 45-gallons fresh, 375.3-pounds + 1x 30-pound full propane tank, 27-pounds + batteries, 130-pounds + stuff, 500-pounds = 4,840.3-pounds
At 4,840.3-pounds fully loaded and wet, the reviewed Palomino HS-2910 Max is best suited for a one-ton dually truck. Some will wish to match this camper with a single-rear wheel one-ton, but even carefully specified single-rear wheel one-ton trucks tend to top out around 4,400-pounds. One-ton single rear wheel trucks that are older or not carefully specified for payload are often below 4,000-pounds of payload. Even the 4,525.3-pound wet weight of the base model really calls for a dually truck.
For a long bed, full-wall slide-out truck camper, it should surprise no one that we strongly recommend a long-bed dual rear wheel truck. On a positive note, most late model long bed dually trucks will offer sufficient payload capacity for this camper, even with the seven options on the review unit.
We are now on our second Ram 3500 6.4L HEMI, dual rear wheel, crew cab, 4×4, long bed dually truck. We would have kept the first if it wasn’t totaled in an accident. The 2018 version we have now offers a fantastic 5,889-pounds of payload. With the loaded and wet Palomino HS-2910 Max under review, that would give us 1,048.7-pounds of excess payload; plenty for the LP records and vacuum tube amps I might gather along the way.
Even better, the Ram 3500 6.4L HEMI, dual rear wheel, crew cab, 4×4, dually truck starts in the low-$50K range for a base Ram Tradesman model. While the price of this truck has jumped $10K (20-percent) in the past year, I believe it remains the best value truck on the market for a heavy truck camper. Of course, Ford and Chevy/GMC offer great one-ton dually trucks as well. It’s a matter of preference and budget.
There’s a very good reason why the Palomino HS-2910 Max floor plan is one of the most popular in truck camper history. With the full-wall slide-out, it’s wide-open inside and offers exactly the right amount of living space, storage, and amenities for the majority of slide-out camper owners. Fully loaded and wet, the weight sits comfortably inside the payload capacities of most one-ton dually trucks.
It also offers just the right length and overhang to still allow for convenient towing. Any shorter and floor plan sacrifices would be necessary. Any more overhang and the towing extensions get out of hand. For the slide-out truck camper owner who tows, this is something of a Goldilocks design. Even for those for don’t, it’s often a first choice.
Due to the popularity of this floor plan, the Palomino HS-2910 Max faces some strong competition. Where the Palomino version shines is value. With their tremendous Forest River buying power they are able to offer more features and options and more high-end versions of those features and options at an overall lower price point. Furthermore, the Palomino HS-2910 Max is aluminum-framed and fully laminated. It may be priced to compete, but they haven’t skimped on the materials or build process.
I was also impressed with the overall quality of the Palomino HS-2910 Max under review. For decades Palomino was strictly a value leader in the truck camper marketplace. Upon close inspection, their campers often lacked the build quality, fit and finish of their more pricey peers. To be clear, Palomino still has some catching up to do to compete on quality with their higher-priced competitors, but they’ve come a very long way.
All of these words, pictures, and whatever else is rolling around in your brain goes right out of Palomino’s frameless insulated windows when you sit in the HS-2910’s spellbinding theater recliners. I can see many a Max being purchased from these sumptuous seats, in a stretched-out position, with a big sleepy grin on the new owner’s face. Oh yes my friends, you had better be careful with these secret sales weapons. You might walk in thinking, “I’m just lookin'” and walk out sayin’, “I’ll take it, today if possible. Like right now!” Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
I started this review by asking a simple question; Have nine years of updates and two insanely comfortable recliners kept this flagship luxury camper competitive? From where this reviewer sits, absolutely yes.
Hugely popular and proven full-wall slide floor plan
Recliner theater seats are ridiculously comfortable
Palomino’s unique front windshield really opens up the cabover
Awesome and plentiful storage opportunities abound
Rear deck bumper offers safer entry and exit, and storage
Tremendous value courtesy of Forest River purchasing power
Some cabinetry blocks full storage area access
20-gallon grey and black tanks could be limiting off-grid
Kitchen backsplash was coming loose on review unit
Optional solar controller is a potential step hazard
Logo letters across front windshield obscure the outside view
Exterior door-to-nowhere desperately needs a purpose
Model Information:
2022 Palomino HS-2910
MSRP: $35,371
Warranty: One-year bumper-to-bumper. Individual appliances have their own warranties.
Palomino RV
Phone: 269-432-3271
Request A Palomino HS-2910 Brochure
Truck Camper Magazine inspects all reviewed truck campers for design, material, and quality issues and reports what we find. However, since Truck Camper Magazine reviews only brand new truck campers, our reviews do not address long-term quality, customer service, or reliability.
To learn about a brand’s long-term quality, customer service, and reliability, Truck Camper Magazine recommends talking directly with truck camper owners at truck camper rallies and online via truck camper forums and truck camper owners groups.
Please be sure to balance your gathered feedback across multiple sources including direct correspondence with the truck camper manufacturers and your closest truck camper dealers. If you are new to truck campers, please start in the Newbie Corner.