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The Best First Aid Kits For Campers

A good number of the 40-plus respondents are medical professionals, while others have taken extensive first aid training. Their advice is particularly insightful as they remind us that there’s no substitute for medical training in an emergency situation.

This may not be the most compelling question we’ve ever asked, but it’s certainly one of the most important. Angela and I will be purchasing a proper first aid kit for our truck camper, most likely a reader recommended Adventure Medical Kits.

Thank you to Tom Bierschenk for inspiring this week’s question, and everyone who participated.

“I’ve have had to use my first aid kit many times for everything from minor cuts to watching a guy flip his motorcycle 100 yards in front of me.”

“We have a homemade first aid kit. It is contained in a diaper wipe box to keep everything clean. Contents are band-aids, sterile gauze pads (2″ x 2″), a gauze roll, disinfectant cream, small bottle of Hibiclens, Benadryl, waterproof bandage tape, and mole skin. We have used this kit for treating minor cuts.” – David Gladstone, 2016 Ford F350, 2006 Arctic Fox

“As a widow of a Special Forces Combat Medic, I have an extensive first aid kit that I rarely use. It usually has band-aids, vet tape, and antibiotic ointment.

On the other hand, I have a significant first aid kit for my dogs, which gets used regularly. I have used plenty of vet tape, tweezers, gauze pads, gauze rolls, antibiotic ointment, styptic powder, Benadryl, baby aspirin, de-wormer, and spare antibiotics and steroids (prescribed by my vet specifically because of the amount we travel). I’ve used the dog kit much more often than my human kit!” – Karen House, 2005 Ram 2500, 2005 Lance 811

“We do carry a small commercially available first aid kit, approximately the size of a thick library book. It contains some basic bandages and band-aids, tape, gauze pads, tube of antibiotic ointment, scissors, etc. Also, various common over the counter medicines are in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.

We’ve use the occasional band-aid and a bit of the triple antibiotic ointment. No major surgery… yet!” – John and Marylou Wells, 2011 Chevy 3500, 2012 Chalet Ascent S100F

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“Yes, we always carry a first aid kit. I would say it is a medium sized kit, with the essentials; Motrin, various size band-aids, alcohol wipes, antibiotic ointment, etc.” – George Visconti, 2015 GMC 3500HD, 2016 Arctic Fox 990

Pelican 1500 EMS case first aid kit

“Absolutely! I wouldn’t leave home with out it. I use a Pelican 1500 EMS case. It is super tough and waterproof, so moisture is not an issue with storing first aid supplies. I keep it stocked with everything from band-aids and cold medicine to a CPR mask and tourniquet.

If you spend enough time on the road you will see accidents with people hurt (hopefully not you). If you travel to areas that are not close to medical care or even a CVS/Walgreens, you will be thankful you have it. I’ve have had to use my kit many times for everything from minor cuts to watching a guy flip his motorcycle 100 yards in front of me.” – Bill K., 2005 Ford F-250, 2007 Lance 815

“Yes, I have a first aid in my camper and a first aid kit in my truck. Both have items ranging from band-aids to Aspirin to major trauma bandages.

I have never had to use the upper end of these kits. Of course I haven’t used my life insurance either, but I have it. However, if a life threatening occurrence did occur, a high compression bandage could be the difference between life and death.

I think those basic first aid kits are a joke and only good for a simple scratch and give a false illusion. It’s too simple and inexpensive to be prepared in your truck, camper, or on a hike to not prepare for a serious emergency.” – David Kremer, 2015 Ford F350, 2000 Lance 1130

First aid kit in the outside storage area of camper

“I always carry a first aid kit.  I have one in the outside rear storage box in the Eagle Cap.  I also have one in the truck under the back seat and one in my storage bag on my bicycle.  All three are fairly comprehensive as to the items that are carried in them.  I seem to get cuts and scrapes at various times.

First Aid Kit for Bicycles

There was a time a few years back when we were in Palm Springs and I went riding early in the morning looking for a java shop.  While waiting at a crosswalk for the light to change I was straddling the bike and reached over to push the walk button and the bike’s front wheel turned and began rolling backward.  Being that this was a 1989 bike, it did not have a sprocket guard.  As the bike was leaning over and going backward the sprocket pushed into my right shin and commenced leaving holes as it went upward on my leg.  Bloody, well right!  It was ugly looking.  I whipped out the first aid kit and sat on the sidewalk for quite a while to stop the bleeding.

As always, lessons are learned and it’s good to be prepared for life’s little mishaps.” – Roger Odahl, 2008 Ram 3500, 2004 Eagle Cap 950

“Oh boy, do we have first aid kits. One in each car, each RV, back pack kits, kits for our mountain biking adventures, and a kit for our inflatable kayaks.”

“Yes, we have a first aid kit; two actually. The smallest one is carried in a 500 mL wide mouth screw top water bottle and literally goes everywhere that we take our daughter.

This kit contains regular sized bandages, tiny bandages, knuckle bandages, antibiotic cream, chewable Advil, anti-diarrhea medicine, a spare pair of contacts for me, tweezers, rubbing alcohol, after bite, a tube of anti-chafe cream, a folding pair of scissors, a hunk of moleskin, one of those blister bandages, a tiny bottle of hand sanitizer, mini tube of Lanolin, and a travel tube of Voltaren.

I’ve tapped into this kit many, many, many times. It is carried in the water bag backpack that we take when we take our daughter, who is now 6 years old.

The bigger first aid kit we keep with the camper contains more regular bandages, sunscreen, bug spray, large non-stick pads (3″x4″ and 2″x3″), paper tape, bigger tweezers, athletic wrap (the wrap stuff that sticks to itself), a tensor bandage, gauze wrap, Advil (200mg and 400mg) and muscle relaxant pills.

We’ve had to use the larger first aid kit as well. Just last week my husband crashed at a bike park and scraped his shoulder and arm pretty bad. He also broke his helmet and got a concussion, but there’s no treatment for concussion. He bought a new helmet right away. I also have a first aid kit that I carry in my bike pannier (pouch) and have had to use it many times.

I have never ordered a first aid kit. I recommend finding a container that seals and building your own. It’s much less costly and you’ll get what you want in it. There are lists online for suggested contents.

We’ve dealt with injuries from flying pieces of chopped wood, slips while walking on beach rocks, a number of falls off bicycles, losing a contact while swimming, many mosquito and other bug bites, and even a finger cut on the bread knife. We also have a fire extinguisher in the camper and I always take a jar of baking soda for cooking fires, but I have never needed either one.

I’m a very safety conscious person, but we also are very active outdoors, so we tend to get hurt more than the people who just sit around. Hope that helps!” – Melissa Malejko, 2002 Chevy Silverado 2500HD, 1981 Okanagan

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“Oh boy, do we have first aid kits. One in each car, each RV, back pack kits, kits for our mountain biking adventures, and a kit for our inflatable kayaks.

That last one is the most expensive one, and it illustrates the problem with first aid kits. It was sold as a kit for expeditionary uses. We bought it for a ten day trip down the Missouri River, starting in Fort Benton, Montana. We would never see another town on our trip, and would be picked up by a shuttle service when we were done.

The first day, my wife developed blisters on one hand from the all day paddling. I got out the blister kit only to learn that there were two blister packs in there, and they were to be changed three times a day. Fortunately, she healed quickly and no harm was done.

Upon getting home, I learned that restocking the kit only entailed assortments of expensive replacements. If a person uses a first aid kit, sometimes it can be problematic to replace the used contents. And even in that kit which cost just short of a hundred dollars, the equipment was substandard.

The point of all this is that the meaning of the phrase “first aid kit” is just that. First aid, which the Red Cross defines as temporary repairs until the paramedics show up, or the patient is taken to a medical facility. That is something that may be impossible or impractical for those of us who are adventurous.

I strongly suggest that anyone who is contemplating a first aid kit find out what is in it and determine if it will meet one’s possible needs.” – Michael Turner, 2007 Dodge Laramie, Camper under repairs

“I have a fairly basic first aid kit. And yes, I have used the odd band-aid over the years.” – Maaja Sutak, 2012 GMC Sierra, 2015 Northstar Liberty

“I have a first aid in the camper and one in the truck. The camper kit is from Costco, which is a home first aid kit. The truck unit is a car kit in a metal box. We are fortunate and the items we’ve used from the camper first aid kit have only been for scrapes and light cuts.” – Klaus Jager, 2014 Ford, F350 SD, 2007 Lance 1131

Adventure Medical Kit in truck camper

“Yes, I have a first aid kit in the truck camper. Actually, I always had a first aid kit since my first step in the outdoors as a kid. It was modest in my early years and has become more elaborate since, either for backpacking or truck camping.

For the truck camper, I bought an Adventure Medical Kit brand, Fundamentals first aid kit from an outdoor store. Then I completed this kit with other material.

The Adventure Medical Kit is fairly elaborate with two splinters, a breathing mask for CPR, an irrigation syringe for cleaning open wounds, more triangle bandage, some water purification pills, a whistle, and a survival blanket.

Yes, I had to use it a few times for serious rashes, cuts, and a twisted knee.

Finally, I have a certification in First Aid and CPR and I encourage every truck camper to get a first aid kit, especially if you go off road in the wilderness. Have a great safe summer.” – Roch Nadon, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, 2007 Toyota Tundra, 2007 Okanagan 89WS

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“I have a small boxed first aid kit that I keep in the camper. It’s old and needs to be renewed. I bought it at a sporting goods chain, I think.

It contains various self-adhesive band-aids as well as gauze compresses, other bandaging materials, ointments, scissors, tapes, tweezers, etc. The box is about 12″ by 10″ by 4″ in size.

I’ve used it for minor cuts and abrasions and one nasty pinky finger injury that resulted in a lost nail.” – Mark Obert, 1999 Ford F250SD, 1999 Lance 920

“I have a moderate size first aid kit, though I keep it in the truck rather than in the camper. That way it’s with us even if we’ve unloaded the camper. I have also taken a basic first aid course and that may be more important than the kit. Truck campers like to be independent, so the more knowledge the better!” – Robert Mayton, 2014 Ford 450, 2015 Lance 1172

“Yes, I have a moderate first aid kit as well as a medicine first aid kit (stores liquids with expiration dates). While not the typical first aid kit case, mine is a Rubbermaid cereal container. I have used the contents for contact burns to my kids’ boo-boos. The container is air and waterproof tight and stores easily in the step-up under the dinette.” – Barry Edwards, 2014 Ford F350, 2014 Lance 1050S

“I have a Rotopax first aid pack mounted on the outside of my camper. This size allows me to have fairly extensive first aid kit to support my boondocking camping.” – Fred Stanley, 2012 Ford F350, 2015 Northern 8’11” Q Classic Sportsman

“We go a step farther and have our first aid training in place.”

“I keep a well-stocked first aid kit in my truck cab. That way it’s with me whether the camper is loaded or not. It’s stocked with everything to take care of anything from insect bites to large cuts and sprains.

The medicine cabinet that I installed in the camper’s bathroom has all the other usual camp essentials; insect repellent, aspirin, antihistamine, laxative, Pepto, etc. The bandages, antiseptic, and tape came in handy last year when I had a bike accident. I was stupidly not wearing a helmet and landed on my head. Ouch!” – Alan Keith, 1993 Ford F250, 1997 Lance SquireLite

“Yes, I have a first aid kit in my truck.” – James Foster, 1993 Chevy K1500, Looking for a truck camper

“Yes, we have a fairly simple kit in our camper with band-aids, antibiotic cream, wipes, and basic things. My husband is an EMR (emergency medical responder) and we carry an elaborate first aid kit in the truck with blood clotting wraps, cervical collar, tourniquet, and the works. We have never had to use any of those items on us.” – Stacie Link, 2015 Ram 1500, 2001 FWC Grandby


“Yes, I have a Red Cross first aid kit. It has a bit more than the kits you see in Walmart and Target. We added to the kit the following; extra gauze wrap, a bottle of Apinol (natural ointment that speeds up healing), better quality scissors, and a few insulin needles (great for picking out splinters).

I have used most of the contents at least once, and have used the ointment and band-aides a lot more frequently.” – Thomas Wilson, 2015 Chevy 3500, 2015 Adventurer 89RB

“Yes, we have a fairly elaborate first aid kit. We started with your basic adventurers kit but, with two sons, we quickly learned that wasn’t enough.

Besides the usual cuts and scrapes, we’ve had to use the inflatable splint to immobilize a broken arm. We’ve also had to use a saline flush to clear sand from one of our son’s eyes.” – Eddie Fort, 2006 Ford F350, 2016 Hallmark Everest

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“A big yes! I am a believer of being prepared. Our kit is about mid level and is well stocked.

After years of cruising on our Trawler on the West Coast, I know that having supplies for a medical emergency very important. We have cruised in very isolated areas and need to be able to look after ourselves. Plus, we have come to the medical aid of others (nothing too serious, thankfully).

We go a step farther and have our first aid training in place. At least one of us keeps it current. A minor issue can turn into something major without training and supplies. Many issues are time sensitive and help needs to happen quickly.” – Wes Hargreaves, 2016 Ford F450 Super Duty, 2006 Snowbird 108DS

“We carry a simple kit bought at Rite-Aid with extra gauze, Neosporin cream, band-aids, Tylenol, and Excedrin.” – Bill Gahafer, 2008 Ford F450, 2013 Lance 1181

“I have one in the camper that has 4×4 gauze pads, tape, band-aids, steri-strips, scissors, alcohol wipes, and antibacterial ointment. Of course, I always have Ibuprofen.

Along with that I have a basic travel kit in my bag that rides up front because you just never know. Fortunately, the band-aids are the most used and we have never had a serious injury while on the road.” – Peggy Sego, 2005 Dodge 3500, 2011 Lance 992

“Our advice to everyone is adventure before dementia.”

“We have a very large first aid kit. We spend a lot of time in isolated areas boondocking. You really never know what may come up.

Probably the most unusual item is a defibrillator. My daughter gave it to us when we first started traveling around the United States. She just said we would be around more old people then she would and thought we out to have it. She is a trauma nurse and always has one with her. Now we do, too. We always let fellow travelers we are around know that we have one and to not hesitate to knock on our door if it might be needed.

Our advice to everyone is adventure before dementia.” – David Fox, 2011 Ford F350, Tiger Adventure Vehicle

“We day hike from campsites in the Rockies on national forest trails, often up to exposed passes, so our packs always contain a rudimentary REI first aid kit and basic survival gear. There is a larger kit left in the camper which contains a suture kit and butterflies. Hmmm, this needs re-thinking.

The survival gear is worth more than the kit if it comes to an unplanned night out in the mountains due to an injury. My real fear is breaking something south of the hip while on the trail. Fat lot of good those kits will do us then; no splints or serious painkillers.

Anything a band-aid is going to fix could go without until we return to the camper. We should probably add a lot of duct tape to rig something if we need it, plus shift a suture kit and some butterflies to the carried materials.

We may have trotted out the moleskin once, but we’ve not used the kits for anything else. We do keep up-to-date on expiration dates for the drugs.” – Marilee Talley, 2003 Ram 2500, 2003 Lance 815

“We did buy a medium to well stocked kit, but we have supplemented it with many other essential emergency items like a SAM rolled splint, EMT scissors kit, Israeli bandage, trauma quick clot pack, and more.” – Bruce Allison, 2000 Ford F350, 2012 Adventurer 910FBS

“We carry a pretty good first aid kit in the camper, boat, and truck. All three have their own.” – Bruce Erickson, 2006 Dodge, 2016 Adventurer

Adventure Medical Kit, Field-Trauma kit

“I have an Adventure Medical Kit, Field-Trauma kit. It’s lite and I can use it hiking etc. It’s simple but can get you out of a jam.” – Ed Osborn, 2007 Chevy Silverado 1500, 2012 Four Wheel Camper Raven

“Absolutely! I keep a small kit of band-aids for the grandkids inevitable ouch-ies, and a large kit in a 10″ x 12″ x 2″ metal box which I have used many times over the years.

I do keep it updated as the stuff doesn’t last forever. The box fits easily under a seat. This kit has outlasted three trucks, two trailers, and two campers. By the way, I also keep a small kit in each ATV.” – Walt Currier, 1999 Dodge Ram W2500, 2015 Palomino SS-1240

“We bring not nearly what my wife would want. As an Registered Nurse with 35 years floor duty behind her (four years in the Army Nurse Corps), she wants a fully-packed US Army medic’s field kit. Her idea of a First Aid kit has 4X4 bandages, etc.” – Philip Tron, 2009 Chevy 3500, 2012 Lance 1050

“Yes, I have a small first aid kit of just 90 items. Fortunately, I have not had to use it, but it gives me peace of mind when I go hiking.” – Tom Miner, 2004 Dodge Ram 3500, 2005 Host Yukon 11.5 SS

“We have routine essentials like band-aids, aspirin, and Tylenol. Those do get normal use. Besides that, we either carry one of those First Aid kits you find in the camping section of most sporting goods stores. I also have a surplus first aid kit from a jet I fly that gets pulled into service if the camping one is unavailable. So far, neither of those has been opened.” – Jim McIrvin, 2015 Ford F-350, 2012 Lance 1191

“At the time, we plan to change our big rig to a truck camper. We have a big small kit as first aid, but added quite a lot of other things, like medications for pain, headache, etc. We also have some different band-aid types for elbows, knees, feet, and, most importantly, a clotting sponge in case of a deep cut.

You never know what may happen during boondocking or hiking. In addition, we have a little thing to aspire venom in case of snake bite, bees bites, etc.” – Jean-Claude Seydoux, 2007 Beaver Contesa 43’

Johnson & Johnson industrial first aid kit

“Yes, we maintain a Johnson & Johnson industrial first aid kit in our truck. We have added water desalination tablets to the kit for an emergency, if needed. We have really never used the kit for anything more than a band-aid.

We also maintain a few first aid items in the camper. These items include hydrogen peroxide, band-aids regular and square, Neosporin, Caladryl, and baby Aspirin. These items are most commonly used and within easy reach.

One interesting thing is that our veterinarian recommends the use of Neosporin for any minor abrasions or cuts on our active hunting dog. Once our dog was bitten by a poisonous water snake, and it was recommended that he was given a baby Aspirin to calm him down until he was able to get medical attention.

We believe in being prepared for whatever and wherever for us and our active Weimaraner when traveling.” – Warne Todd, 2000 Ford F250, 2005 Lance 981

Vet’s Note: “Common water snakes (the species) are not poisonous.  A poisonous snake that happened to be in/near the water (Cottonmouth, Copperhead) would be a possibility.

Aspirin has no sedative/tranquilizing effect whatsoever.  It is good for pain relief and fighting inflammation only. And, in an injury where potential bleeding might be a problem, would enhance the possibility of bleeding.

Aspirin is a good, safe drug for most dogs, and usable in many situations.  The correct dose for a dog is 1 grain (65mg) per 10 pounds body weight, 1-2 x daily.  Buffered aspirin is a bit gentler on the stomach. Dogs that don’t tolerate aspirin will vomit.  If that happens, don’t use it again.

Cats are much more sensitive to aspirin (and other NSAIDS) than dogs, and it is only used rarely, and in extremely low doses for very specific diagnoses.  Avoid aspirin in cats unless prescribed by your doctor.

Don’t mix aspirin with other NSAID pain relievers (Rimadyl, and many other veterinary RX pain relievers) as a dangerous bleeding stomach ulcer might result.

Always let your veterinarian know if you’ve given your dog aspirin within a week of your visit to avoid any adverse reactions to other drugs or procedures.

Never use an aspirin product containing caffeine (like Excedrin). Dogs metabolize caffeine eight times slower than humans.

I can’t think of a situation where Neosporin would be contraindicated for use on a minor wound or bandage, unless the patient happened to be allergic to Neomycin (rare).” – Dr. John, Official TCM Veterinary Consultant

Afterbite anti-itch creme

“We have a St John Ambulance first aid kit, designed for camping, boating, etc. We also carry a bin with assorted medications; Benadryl, Acetaminophen, After Bite, good tweezers, and anything else we may need.

We often use it, though rarely for anything serious. We were hiking the other day and one of the group was bitten on the tongue by a wasp. We have expanded our mini first aid hiking packs to include Benadryl.” – Orian Hartviksen, Ford F-350, 2010 Northern lite 8’11’

“We absolutely have one! It’s a Walmart kit in a plastic box. It has everything needed for minor cuts and scratches, and it gets used about every other trip – on me. Being careful isn’t part of my character. It’s impossible to make a camping trip and not cut or scratch some part of my body.” – Robert Hicks, 2010 Chevrolet 2500HD, 2011 Lance 992

“Yes, we have a full first aid kit in our Hallmark Everest. Actually, we have a full military Elite Combat Medic Kit 3. Most importantly, I have had the training on how to use it. We have had the occasion to use some of the bandages and wound cleaning supplies. I know this is overkill, but hey, why not go fully prepared?” – Rick Guffey, 2012 Ram 2500, 2013 Hallmark Everest

“It’s just a basic store bought first aid kit. Then, we have the usual added pain reliever and antiseptic.” – Jeff Hagberg, 2002 Ford F250, 2006 Travel Lite 800SBX

“Yes we carry a first aid kit that we purchased at Costco. It’s a nice size kit about 12” x 12”. We have used it more than once. The grandkids always seem to get a cut or scrape. The kit is fully loaded with about everything you can think of.

We have a separate kit in the truck, the boat, and all of our cars. I am retired law enforcement so it comes natural to me to be prepared. We also carry electronic flares just in case we break down and are a hazard on the road to other motorists. Those were purchased from” – Dennis De Ville, 2008 Ford F-350, 2008 Lance 1191

“I decided that it was easier to walk into a High Street shop and buy a complete kit. It cost about £10 ($13) some ten years ago and contains the following (according to Boots website):

Sterile Medical Wipes x 5
Waterproof Plasters (band aids for our colonial cousins) x 20
Fabric Plaster Strip 6cm x 1m – x1
Adhesive Wound Dressing 8cm x 6cm – x 3
Low Adherent Wound Dressing 10cm x 10cm – x 5
Crepe Bandage 7.5cm x 4.5m – x 1
Stretch Bandage 7.5 x 4m – x1
Microporous Tape 1.25 x 5m – x1
Safety Pins x 6
Triangular bandage x 1
Eye pad dressing x 1
Eye Wash Phial 20ml x 1
Burn Gel Sachets 3.5ml x 3
Heat Retaining Foil Blanket x 1
Instant Ice Pack x 1
Emergency Face Shield x 1
Nitrile Powder-Free Gloves Large – 2 pairs
Splinter Remover x 1
Tough Cut Scissors x 1

Over the years I’ve added paracetamol (acetaminophen) pain killers, insect repellent, hay fever tablets, antihistamine sting cream, sunburn cream, sea sickness tablets, and a very sharp knife.

As my camper is usually by the water at the sailing club when we are teaching youngsters, the kit gets raided regularly to cater for minor bumps and cuts. Fortunately, there are a couple of nurses at the club who top off my kit with stuff that has gone out of date. Why does an elasticated bandage have use by date?

I’ve never used the kit for a major injury as our first aid training tells us that very often the best treatment is just to keep the patient calm and comfortable until qualified help arrives. Doing something for the sake of it can do more harm than good.” – Tony Sutton, 2007 UK Ford Ranger, 2004 Northstar 700 DL

“Yes, we have a first aid kit. I started with a basic kit and have modified it to cover incidents most likely to occur while camping (burns, bug bites, and cuts). We camp often with children so, yes I have used it. Most commonly I’ve used it for bicycle crashes and bug bites. I might mention though that I am a paramedic for a living, so I would feel silly to have a poorly stocked first aid kit.” – Tricia Mason, 2009 Ford F350, 2008 Montana Ponderosa

“We carry a well stocked kit. It contains compartments for different uses such has burns and cuts and has the items and instructions needed for each; bandages, gauze, ointments, etc. You never know when you’ll need it!” – Paul H. Castillo Sr., 2007 Chevy Silverado 2500HD, 2002 Lance 820

Polysporin anti-infection creme

“I have a large first aid kit contained in a plastic bin with a cover. It contains the following; hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, Polysporin, vaseline, Q-tips, cotton, various sized band-aids, a roll of gauze, tape wrap for legs/ankles with pins, a thermometer, Tylenol, aspirin, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, Pepcid, scissors, tweezers, and a couple of safety pins.

We have used the items since we like camping in out of the way places. Often gas stations and small stores are limited in medical supplies. I have used tweezers to remove ticks from the dogs as well as splinters that I received from wood. I used Ibuprofen and the stretch ankle wrap when I fell down and my ankle was swelling. I have given other campers medicine when they have asked. I give the whole bottle so they have the directions and are responsible.” – Helen Scurzi, 1991 Chevy 3500, 2008 Lance 9’11”

“You bet!  We have used items from our homemade kit, which can be replenished as used.  As I think about it, we started with a small kit from REI, and added items.  I keep the kit handy in the truck, and a smaller version in my pack, including a First Aid booklet.  We also have two space blankets in the truck and a medium supply of band aids, wipes, ointment, pain pills, gauze, tape, and an elastic knee support brace.  An arm sling is a good idea as well as a few sewing items, tweezers, and folding scissors.  All this reminds me of my Boy Scout days.” – Bob Peterson, 2008 Silverado 2500 HD, 2015 Northstar Laredo

“Yes, I do carry a couple first aid kits; one is a military field kit and the other is a Red Cross kit.  Both are complete.  The only thing missing is a patient.  I have used both, but have to say that if I did not have them, a visit to a doctor or EMT would have happened. T he saying goes, “If you don’t have it and need it, shame on you.  If you need it and have it, no shame.” – Charlie Young, 2013 Chevy 2500HD, 2016 Palomino SS-1200

“I do carry one.  It is a little more elaborate as I have been in Emergency Medical Services for forty years.  In addition to regular headache medication I carry some Benadryl and anti-diarrheal medication.  I also carry gauze and triangular bandages.  Don’t forget some protective gloves.

I carry it for both personal use as well as stopping at the occasional traffic accident while on the road.” – Timothy McGowen, 2016 Ford F150, 2016 Four Wheel Camper Hawk

“My husband and I were boondocking in the outback of Oregon when you asked about first aid kits.  One thing I think is important is aloe vera gel.  I always keep a bottle in the refrigerator for sunburns, cooking, and campfire burns.  It works wonders!” – Pat Kyne

“I am a retired physician and I finished off my career full time in an ER.  Consequently, I assemble my own kit and it varies from time to time.

My best save was totally unrelated.  We were family camping (you know, tents and all that stuff) at Moro Bay, California.  I noticed a truck was on fire.  Naturally I had a good sized fire extinguisher on hand and put the fire out.  The truck would have burned to the ground if I hadn’t had it.  I was prepared and he was lucky.

So, obviously, a first aid kit isn’t the only emergency item you might need.” – Preston Smith



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