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Torklift International Announces Stainless Steel StableLoad

Utilizing their $1M in-house laser cutter, Torklift International produces their new top-of-the-line Stainless Steel StableLoad.  And about that Torklift countdown…

Torklift Stainless Stable Load

Two years ago Torklift International acquired an Optiplex 4030 Fiber II laser cutter.  This was a $1-million dollar equipment purchase to bring new state-of-the-art capabilities to the Sumner, Washington manufacturer.

Torklift’s laser cutter cuts twice as fast as their plasma cutters.  This speed was important to help Torklift meet growing demand, but it wasn’t what most excited the Torklift design team.

What had the design team feeling like kids on Christmas morning was the ability to cut more materials (including brass, copper and stainless steel) with dramatically improved precision.  Where their plasma cutters cut lines as thick a pencil lead, the laser cutter could cut lines as thin as a thread.

Torklift International Stainless Steel StableLoad

Which brings us to Torklift International’s new Stainless Steel StableLoad.  The ability to laser cut stainless steel with incredible precision made this new product possible.  It’s also the second in a list of new truck camper related products Torklift International has promised for 2019.

We have no idea what Torklift is up to (they won’t tell us) but they have promised to launch these new products here in Truck Camper Magazine.  Only then will we learn what the countdown on their homepage is all about.  They sure know how to keep a bunch of truck campers in suspense.

To cut through the metal on the new Stainless Steel StableLoad, we talked to Jack Kay, President of Torklift International.

Stainless Steel Lower StableLoad Torklift

The StableLoad is a successful product in powder coated steel with Torklift International’s lifetime warranty. So why did Torklift International decide to develop essentially the same product in stainless steel?

As a company, we are constructively discontent. If there’s a way to improve our products, we are continuously pursuing that goal. That’s who we are.

Many Torklift customers travel through harsh and corrosive environments including road salt in the winter and ocean beaches in the summer. The best material for these conditions is stainless steel. Stainless is more expensive, but it’s the best.

From a function perspective, the original powder coated steel StableLoad quick disconnect does everything the new stainless version does. In terms of suspension performance benefits, the two products are identical.

Torklift International customers often want the best of the best. For those customers, the Stainless Steel StableLoad is the clear choice. Plus, the bare metal, shiny silver look of the Stainless version is impressive.


So the original powder coated steel StableLoad Lower will remain in production?

Yes, the original version will remain in production and available alongside the Stainless Steel StableLoad.

Since the Stainless StableLoad was based on a proven design, did it require any physical testing?

There was no testing required for functionality, but it required extensive testing with the tooling. Stainless steel is not as easy to work with as a conventional metal.

Optiplex 4020 Fiber Laser

Above: Torklift Production Manager, Cody Frost. operates the Optiplex 4020 Fiber Laser to cut a batch of Stainless Steel StableLoads on a sheet of stainless steel.

To meet this challenge, the Stainless StableLoad is laser cut on our Optiplex 4020 Fiber II. This is the same state-of-the-art laser cutter that was featured in Truck Camper Magazine.

Sharper and cleaner edges with the laser cutter

Our plasma cutters are excellent for cutting non-stainless steel and for applications where fit and finish aren’t critical. In contrast, the laser cutter cuts more materials and with much greater precision. The Optiplex 4020 Fiber II allows us to cut stainless steel within a thousandth of an inch.

Most aftermarket automotive companies aren’t running laser cutters, but it allows us to work with better materials and make better products. Again, we are constructively discontent.

Grinding An Edge On A Stainless Steel StableLoad Plate

Above: Combine Manager, Nic Kay, grinds an edge on a Stainless Steel StableLoad plate.

Does that mean the Stainless StableLoad is 100-percent made-in-the-USA at Torklift International?

Yes. And the stainless steel is also domestically sourced.

Assembling A Bolt Kit For A Set Of Torklift Stainless Steel StableLoads

Above: Michael Kostenko assembles a bolt kit for a set of Stainless Steel StableLoads on the assembly line at Torklift International.

Is the Stainless StableLoad a product that a customer can install themselves? Or is this a product that should be dealer installed?

Many customers have installed the StableLoad system themselves while others are more comfortable having a Certified Torklift Dealer install the system.

Packaging A Set Of Stainless Steel StableLoads

Above: Packaging Lead, Hunter O’Brien, packages a set of Stainless Steel StableLoads at the Torklift International factory.

What’s important is to make sure you get the right version for your truck. There are two available versions; the A7311S with drill bits and the A7310S without drill bits.

About 80-percent of trucks have pre-drilled leaf springs. If your leaf springs are pre-drilled, the A7310S is what you need. If your leaf springs are not pre-drilled, the A7311S is the same product but includes the needed drill bits.

Stainless StableLoad With Leaf Springs

Once installed there are three separate plates that adjust the StableLoad Lower system to the amount of lift you want. If you want the maximum lift, use all three plates. The majority of customers use all three plates on all four sides and then go down to two or one if they need to, most don’t need to though.

Our phone tech support is here to help if a customer needs technical support during installation or set-up. Just call us at 800-246-8132.

What is the MSRP for the Stainless Steel StableLoad?

The MSRP of the Stainless Steel Stable Load, A7311S and A7310S is $353.99.

Inspecting A Stainless Steel StableLoad Plate

Above: Ethan Calderon inspects a Stainless Steel StableLoad plate during the production process after it has been cut on a laser.

What is the warranty for the Stainless Steel StableLoad?

The Stainless Steel StableLoad is backed by our Legendary Lifetime Warranty. If you register your Torklift International Legendary Lifetime Warranty we’ll send you a free limited edition Torklift International hat.

For more information about the warranty and the free hat, check our website.

Torklift International has also announced a 30-day money back guarantee on the StableLoad range of products. How does that work?

We want people to try our StableLoad product line and experience the dramatic improvement these suspension enhancement products offer for towing and hauling.

In fact, we are so confident in our StableLoad line that we now offer a 30-day money back guarantee on the StableLoad Upper and Lower products. If you don’t like them, we’ll refund your money. All a customer needs to do is provide proof of purchase.

When will the Stainless Steel StableLoad be available?

It’s available now.

Is there anything else you would like to add about the new Stainless Steel StableLoad?

There are 100-years of design, development, engineering and science that go into every truck that rolls down the road. That’s why it’s so important that truck suspension enhancement products work with the OEM suspension system and spring pack.

Our StableLoad line represents the only aftermarket suspension products that work with your factory overload springs. StableLoads also work with or without air bags. And the StableLoad system can be turned on or off depending on the need.

This all ties into what we know are the two commandments or laws for truck suspension products. First, a truck must be as comfortable to drive as a car since 90-percent of the time that’s how it’s being used.

Second, a truck should also be comfortable and safe while towing and hauling. Our StableLoad products are the only suspension product that accomplishes both of these truck laws better than any other suspension enhancement product. We have a 30-day money back guarantee and a Legendary Lifetime Warranty to prove it.

Torklift Countdown

There’s a countdown on Torklift’s website for a mystery announcement. What’s that all about?

We have quite a few exciting new truck camper products in development at Torklift International. We will be debuting these new products later this year right here in Truck Camper Magazine. Stay tuned.

For more information about towing from Torklift International, visit their website at  Click here to request a free Torklift brochure.



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