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Would You Consider Workamping?

Not everyone wants to retire and stop working.  Some folks just want to retire from their career, and do something else.  Staying productive and having some kind of income is still a priority, even though they are “retired”.

In a nutshell workamping is working for a private or public campground or park in exchange for a place to park your rig and/or money.  For example, you could workamp at a private campground in southern Florida and, in exchange, get your winter campsite for free.

As for what workampers do, responsibilities can include office duties, taking reservations, cleaning, grounds maintenance and repairs, landscaping, and campground host responsibilities.  Basically, you help out with the guests and help keep the grounds and buildings clean and operational.  That’s workamping.

Over the years we have met many truck campers who workamp.  Some of them workamp to stay busy and feel productive.  Some of them workamp out of necessity; it helps them stay within budget.  Either way, their reports about the experience of workamping have been positive, with a few bad experiences thrown in for good measure.  It is, after all, work.

This week’s Question of the Week is, “Would you consider workamping?”  If you have workamped, tell us about your experiences.  If you have any workamping tips or suggestions, they would also be welcome.

Here are the responses to our workamping question of the week.


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