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Camper Modifications
Polished Aluminum Marker Light Bezel

Grant Davidson shares a Polished Aluminum Marker Light Bezel he added to his 1965 Avion C-10 vintage camper.

Camper Modifications
Avion Storage Step

Grant Davidson shares how he made a weatherproof storage entry step for his 1965 Avion C10 camper.

Camper Modifications
Retro Truck Camper Renovation

Chad and Liz Chesley share how they took an old 1970s camper, completely gutted it, and renovated it into something new!

Camper Modifications
One Camper With Two Step Solutions

Ralph Freddolino designed two step systems for his camper; red steps for long stays and white steps for short stays.

Camper Modifications
Ceiling Mounted Pantry For Pop-Up Campers

Jacob Brokke from Abilene, Texas shares his ceiling mounted removable pantry in his 1996 Custom Lite Craft pop-up camper.

Camper Modifications
East-West To North-South Cabover Conversion

Lexi GoForth of Nashville, Tennessee converted an East-West cabover to a North-South cabover in her 1970 Avion C11.

Camper Modifications
Grey Water Storage Using An Oil Drain Tank

Tim Elett of Angola, Indiana shares a grey water storage using an oil drain tank for his Dodge 3500 and Hideaway camper. 

Camper Modifications
Residential Shower Solution For Truck Campers

Marc Cuslidge of Napa, California shares a Residential Shower in his 2006 Chevy 3500 HD and 1994 Weekender 1010 rig.

Camper Modifications
Camper Cabover Wind Dam

Traci Hill-Duncan of Abilene, Texas shares a Way To Reduce Wind Noise on her 1996 Ford Bronco and 1996 Lite Craft.


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Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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