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Alaskan Buyers Guide

Welcome to the 2025 Alaskan Camper Buyers Guide with nine hard side pop-up truck campers classified by price, weight, and capacities.

Buyers Guide Alaskan Campers

New Alaskan pickup campers are for sale at the factory.  Alaskan’s long bed floor plans are the 10’FD and 10’SD. Their short bed floor plans are the 7FD, 6.5, and Sportsman models.  The Alaskan 8’FD, 8’SD, 8.5’FD, 8’36FD are for long or short bed trucks.

To contact Alaskan Campers in Winlock, Washington, call 360-767-9271.  To visit the Alaskan website, go to  For additional information, request an Alaskan truck camper brochure.

Alaskan 10′

The 2025 Alaskan 10′ is a pop-up, long bed truck camper with an MSRP of $44,800.

Alaskan Camper 10 Floor Plan Alaskan Camper Interior Wide Alaskan Campers Klondike Buyers Guide
Dry Weight 1,985 pounds
Wet Weight* 2,795 pounds
Floor Length 117.5″
Overall Length 174.5″
Exterior Width 83.5″
Interior Height 70″
Exterior Height 62.5” lowered
83.5” raised
Cabover Height, mattress to ceiling TBD
Dinette Bed Size TBD
Center of Gravity N/A
Truck Type Long Bed
Fresh 27 gallons
Grey N/A
Black 4.5 gallons
Toilet Type Built-In Cassette
Shower TBD
Water Heater Opt. 4 gallons
Cabover TBD
Refrigerator TBD
Jacks TBD
Propane Tanks 20 pound vertical
Inverter N/A
Solar TBD
Batteries One Battery
Warranty TBD

*Alaskan Camper 10′ : dry weight, 1,985 pounds + 27 gallons fresh, 225 pounds + 20-pound full propane tank, 20 pounds + battery, 65 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 2,795 pounds

Alaskan 8.5′

The 2025 Alaskan 8.5′ is a pop-up, long or short bed truck camper with an MSRP of $42,700. For more information on this model, check out our Alaskan 8.5 Review.

Alaskan 8.5' Floor Plan Camper Alaskan Campers Interior Buyers Guide Alaskan Campers Buyers Guide
Dry Weight 1,805 pounds
Wet Weight* 2,615 pounds
Floor Length 102″
Overall Length 159″
Exterior Width 83.5″
Interior Height 70″
Exterior Height 62.5” lowered
83.5” raised
Cabover Height, mattress to ceiling TBD
Dinette Bed Size TBD
Center of Gravity TBD
Truck Type Long or Short Bed
Fresh 27 gallons
Grey N/A
Black 4.5 gallons
Toilet Type Built-In Cassette
Shower TBD
Water Heater Opt. 4 gallons
Cabover TBD
Refrigerator TBD
Jacks TBD
Propane Tanks 20 pound vertical
Inverter N/A
Solar TBD
Batteries One Battery
Warranty TBD

*Alaskan Camper 8.5: dry weight, 1,805 pounds + 27 gallons fresh, 225 pounds + 20-pound full propane tank, 20 pounds + battery, 65 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 2,615 pounds

Alaskan 8′

The 2025 Alaskan 8′ is a pop-up, long or short bed truck camper with an MSRP of $41,900.

Alaskan 8' Camper Floor Plan Alaskan Camper Interior Wide Alaskan Campers Tailgate Shut
Dry Weight 1,680 pounds
Wet Weight* 2,490 pounds
Floor Length 93.5″
Overall Length 150.5″
Exterior Width 83.5″
Interior Height 70″
Exterior Height 62.5” lowered
83.5” raised
Cabover Height, mattress to ceiling TBD
Dinette Bed Size TBD
Center of Gravity TBD
Truck Type Long or Short Bed
Fresh 27 gallons
Grey N/A
Black 4.5 gallons
Toilet Type Built-In Cassette
Shower TBD
Water Heater Opt. 4 gallons
Cabover TBD
Refrigerator TBD
Jacks TBD
Propane Tanks 20 pound vertical
Inverter N/A
Solar TBD
Batteries One Battery
Warranty TBD

*Alaskan Camper 8′: dry weight, 1,680 pounds + 27 gallons fresh, 225 pounds + 20-pound full propane tank, 20 pounds + battery, 65 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 2,290 pounds

Alaskan 7′

The 2025 Alaskan 7′ is a pop-up, short bed truck camper with an MSRP of $40,900.  For further information on this model, check out the Alaskan 7 Review.

Alaskan Camper 7' Floor Plan Alaskan Truck Camper Interior Buyers Guide Alaskan Campers On Truck
Dry Weight 1,560 pounds
Wet Weight* 2,370 pounds
Floor Length 85.5″
Overall Length 142.5″
Exterior Width 83.5″
Interior Height 70″
Exterior Height 62.5” lowered
83.5” raised
Cabover Height, mattress to ceiling TBD
Dinette Bed Size TBD
Center of Gravity 30″
Truck Type Short Bed
Fresh 27 gallons
Grey N/A
Black 4.5 gallons
Toilet Type Built-In Cassette
Shower TBD
Water Heater Opt. 4 gallons
Cabover TBD
Refrigerator TBD
Jacks TBD
Propane Tanks 20 pound vertical
Inverter N/A
Solar TBD
Batteries One Battery
Warranty TBD

*Alaskan 7′: dry weight, 1,560 pounds + 27 gallons fresh, 225.2 pounds + 20-pound full propane tank, 20 pounds + battery, 65 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 2,370.2 pounds

Alaskan 6.5′

The 2025 Alaskan 6.5′ is a pop-up, short bed truck camper with an MSRP of $39,900. For further information on this model, check out the Alaskan 6.5 Announcement.

Alaskan 6.5' Floor Plan Alaskan Campers Interior Buyers Guide Alaskan Campers White
Dry Weight 1,390 pounds
Wet Weight* 2,100 pounds
Floor Length 80″
Overall Length 137″
Exterior Width 83.5″
Interior Height 70″
Exterior Height 62.5” lowered
83.5” raised
Cabover Height, mattress to ceiling TBD
Dinette Bed Size TBD
Center of Gravity 30″
Truck Type Short Bed
Fresh 15 gallons
Grey N/A
Black 4.5 gallons
Toilet Type Built-In Cassette
Shower TBD
Water Heater Opt. 4 gallons
Cabover TBD
Refrigerator TBD
Jacks TBD
Propane Tanks 20 pound vertical
Inverter N/A
Solar TBD
Batteries One Battery
Warranty TBD

*Alaskan 6.5′: dry weight, 1,390 pounds + 15 gallons fresh, 125.1 pounds + 20-pound full propane tank, 20 pounds + battery, 65 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 2,100.1 pounds

Truck Camper Dry and Wet Weights

Truck camper base dry weights have been provided by the manufacturers.  Be aware that (a) each manufacturer has different standards and options that are included or excluded from their base dry weights, and (b) very few truck campers leave the factory without additional options.  Make sure to add the weight of additional options for your truck and camper matching calculations. 

The Truck Camper Magazine Buyers Guide uses a standardized equation to calculate truck camper wet weights. Starting with the manufacturer’s base dry weight, the equation adds the full fresh water weight, full hot water heater weight, full propane tank weight, battery weight, and 500 pounds for stuff.

Click here to read all Alaskan articles in TCM.  All dry weights, specifications, capacities, and photographs were provided by Alaskan Campers.  For a free Alaskan brochure, click here.



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