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2018 Calendar Contest Entries Part 5

Here are the entries for the 2018 Truck Camper Magazine calendar contest.  Click here to enter a photo into the contest.

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#401 - Dan LinMonument Valley, Utah2016 Ford F-2502015 Four Wheel Camper Grandby Silver SpurCamera Used - Samsung Note 8 Smartphone

#401 - Dan Lin

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#402 - Kris and Savanna CassidySalmon Glacier, British Columbia2003 Toyota Tacoma2013 Northstar 600SSCamera Used - Canon Rebel SL1We were touring down the Cassiar Highway and had to take the side road to Hyder which was spectacular in itself.  Having driven through Hyder, and stopped off to view the bears at the Fish Creek viewing platform, we headed on to Salmon Glacier.I had read in TCM articles about boondocking there, but I had no idea that this dirt road would be so awe-inspiring.  The sun was setting as a backdrop to the glaciated peaks, and the road itself, though not as hairy as I was led to believe, still got the adrenalin going with sheer drop offs.  We were the only ones camping at the top immersed in deafening silence and surrounded on all sides with incredible views.  The next morning was totally clear, and I jumped out of bed to take many photos of the sunrise including this one.

#402 - Kris and Savanna Cassidy

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#403 - Kris CassidyThe Catavina Desert, Baja2003 Toyota Tacoma2013 Northstar 600SSCamera Used - Canon Rebel SL1I was heading back home after spending the month of January in Baja, and drove through the Catavina desert in central Baja.  This desert is unique as it features hundreds of species of cactus, many found no where else in the world.  I took a dirt road off the highway and stopped for a picnic lunch and a hike in this cactus grove.

#403 - Kris Cassidy

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#404 - Les SageSaguaro National Park, Tucson, Arizona2015 GMC 35002015 Lance 855SCamera Used - iPhone

#404 - Les Sage

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#405 - Les SageRuskin, Florida2015 GMC 35002001 Lance 845Camera Used - iPhone

#405 - Les Sage

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#406 - Samantha HindmarchPlaya Coyote, Baja, Mexico2015 Ford F2502015 Four Wheel Camper HawkCamera Used - Canon EOS 7DMy husband I were traveling down the Baja coast looking for the perfect beach spot.  We found it here at Playa Coyote.  A one night stop turned into five glorious days of sunshine, swimming with whale sharks, and starry nights.

#406 - Samantha Hindmarch

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#407 - Samantha HindmarchLake Atitlan, Guatemala2015 Ford F2502015 Four Wheel Camper HawkCamera Used - Canon EOS 7DFrom the gorgeous views of this campsite, to the laid back vibe of the lakeside villages to the hellish drive to get back out, it’s easy to see why people go to Lake Atitlan in Guatemala and stay for a very long time.  This was one of the best campsites on our journey along the PanAmerican Highway.  To get to Pasaj Cap, you need to drive very steep, single track switchbacks (24 of them) with big ass buses appearing out of nowhere coming from the other direction.  It was not the first time we were very pleased with our decision to get the heavy duty truck that can handle all the weight we have piled in the back.  The drive was worth it.

#407 - Samantha Hindmarch

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#408 - Samantha HindmarchBig Sky Ranch Nicaragua, in Nicaragua2015 Ford F2502015 Four Wheel Camper HawkCamera Used - Canon EOS 7D

#408 - Samantha Hindmarch

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#409 - Lance KlasseGross Reservoir, Colorado2013 Ford F-1502016 Travel Lite 770RCamera Used - Sony a6000

#409 - Lance Klasse

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#410 - Wes ChowOak Bay County Park, Washington2017 Ram 35002011 Lance 850Camera Used - PhoneI arrived at sunset to an empty campground and a spectacular view!

#410 - Wes Chow

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#411 - Buzz and Sherri MerchlewitzBuffalo Gap National Grassland just north of Badlands National Park, South Dakota2017 Ram 35002015 Hallmark UteCamera Used - Canon Power Shot SX700 HS

#411 - Buzz Merchlewitz

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#413 - Buzz and Sherri MerchlewitzLong Canyon Road just north of Canyonlands National Park, Utah2017 Ram 35002015 Hallmark UteCamera Used - Canon Power Shot SX700 HS

#413 - Buzz Merchlewitz

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#412 - Buzz and Sherri MerchlewitzA BLM road just off Utah Highway 128 northwest of Moab, Utah2017 Ram 35002015 Hallmark UteCamera Used - Canon Power Shot SX700 HS

#412 - Buzz Merchlewitz

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#414 - Jeremy HaymoreMoki Dugway, Utah2015 Chevy Silverado 35002015 FWC Grandby

#414 - Jeremy Haymore

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#415 - Jeremy HaymoreYellowstone National Park, Wyoming2015 Chevy Silverado 35002015 FWC Grandby

#415 - Jeremy Haymore

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#416 - Marylou and John WellsWellspring Farm, Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania2011 Chevy 35002012 Chalet Ascent S100FCamera Used - Sony HX-200VWe attended the September 2017 truck camper rally in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and some of our friends followed us home to our farm.  We had a week of parties, music, campfires, meals, cooking demonstrations, a covered bridge tour, and most of all, terrific fellowship and lots of laughter.  For us, Truck Campers = Friends and Fun!

#416 - Marylou and John Wells

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#417 - Gary MartinPort Crescent State Park, Michigan2003 Chevy Silverado2001 Palomino Bronco 1250Camera Used - Pentax Optio WP10Gotta love waterfront camping. I was lucky enough to get a site at last notice this summer.  I bring my inflatable kayak everywhere I camp (stored in my back seat) and was able to get out on Lake Huron.  I carry my waterproof Pentax on the boat in case I dunk.  I thought it was a nice looking scene coming back to the campsite.

#417 - Gary Martin

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#418 - Virginia HollandSandy Neck Beach, Barnstable, Massachusetts2016 Ram 35002014 Palomino HS8801Camera Used - Samsung ActiveWe live 10 minutes away on Cape Cod... best summer vacation spot ever!

#418 - Virginia Holland

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#419 - Stephani SpaarLassen Volcanic National Park, California1997 GMC Sierra 15002017 Four Wheel Camper HawkCamera Used - iPhone 6In mid-July, we spent a weekend in the northwest area of Lassen Volcanic National Park in northern California.  Before heading home to the 100+ degree heat of the Central Valley, we drove up to see the snow where the park’s main road was still closed over the summit.  We also stopped to see the area below Lassen Peak devastated by the 1915 eruption.  After a prolonged drought, California had a near-record winter for snow and rain with the snowpack lasting well into summer.  Not aware that the main road was still closed, our friends tried to reached camp through the southwest entrance and ended up spending their first night in the Visitors Center parking lot.  They eventually made it into camp the next morning with a good story to tell!

#419 - Stephani Spaar

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#420 - Stacie LinkMonument Valley2016 Ram 25002001 FWC GrandbyCamera Used - iPhone SE

#420 - Stacie Link

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#421 - Stacie LinkMonument Valley2016 Ram 25002001 FWC GrandbyCamera Used - iPhone SE

#421 - Stacie Link

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#422 - Robert and Kristin BreenNorth Dakota Grasslands2017 Toyota Tundra2018 Northstar 8.5 AdventurerCamera Used - Samsung Galaxy S7We resumed our adventure after a brief Hurricane Irma cleanup in our home state of Florida.  No major damage.  We are now traveling and visiting national parks. We had just left Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota on our way to Badlands National Park in South Dakota.  It was early morning, and we noticed we had a truck camper following us.  It was just us and our shadow!

#422 - Robert and Kristin Breen

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#423 - Roger GarnerKeweenaw Peninsula, Michigan2014 Ram 15002016 Northstar VistaCamera Used - Canon Power ShotThis photo was taken at Brunette Park, a little roadside park on the southeast side of the Keweenaw Peninsula in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.  I was on my way to Fort Wilkins State Park Campground at Copper Harbor when I came across this beautiful and secluded Keweenaw County roadside park on the shores of Lake Superior.  I ate my lunch there, wandered the shoreline, and had the park all to myself for the hour or so that I was there.

#423 - Roger Garner

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#424 - Roger GarnerKeweenaw Peninsula, Michigan2014 Ram 15002016 Northstar VistaCamera Used - Canon Power ShotThis photo was taken at Brunette Park, a little roadside park on the southeast side of the Keweenaw Peninsula in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.  I was on my way to Fort Wilkins State Park Campground at Copper Harbor when I came across this beautiful and secluded Keweenaw County roadside park on the shores of Lake Superior.  I ate my lunch there, wandered the shoreline, and had the park all to myself for the hour or so that I was there.

#424 - Roger Garner

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#425 - Roy GarlandCragsmoor, New York2011 Ford F3502010 Lance 1040Camera Used - Samsung S6

#425 - Roy Garland

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#426 - John RyderWolf Creek Pass, Colorado2016 Ram 35002017 Northern Lite 10-2 EXCamera Used - Lumix

#426 - John Ryder

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#427 - John RyderWickenberg, Arizona2016 Ram 35002017 Northern Lite 10-2 EXCamera Used - Lumix

#427 - John Ryder

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#428 - Marylou and John WellsFlywheelers, Ft. Meade, Florida2011 Chevy 35002012 Chalet Ascent S100FCamera Used - Sony HX-200VIn February 2017 we boondocked for several days with truck camping friends at Flywheeler's Annual Antique Engine and Tractor Show.  One day, a brief afternoon shower blessed us with a beautiful perfect rainbow!

#428 - Marylou and John Wells

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#429 - Tim ZehTrans Labrador Highway, Labrador2005 Chevrolet 35002007 Arctic Fox 1150Camera Used - DMC FZ200We decided to take a trip this year to the Northeast and added Labrador to our plans.  The 1126 kilometer Trans Labrador Highway is the only road going across Labrador.  Although much of it is paved from Labrador City to Happy Valley-Goose Bay the 542 kilometer section from Goose Bay to Red Bay is still mostly gravel.  We headed out of Goose Bay and it rained all the way to the east.  This picture is taken on the highway.  We also got to drive on a dry section of gravel in Quebec.  The dust on that section was exciting.  Trucks would pass and we were in a whiteout for a couple hundred yards.  The wet gravel road was preferable as visibility was not obstructed.The road is covered with potholes in certain sections and we understand it is quite hazardous in the spring time as the ice thaws and potholes are exposed.  They are planning to pave the remaining sections in the next few years.We never needed our spare gas cans or two spare tires in Labrador.  One suggestion is to check your lug nuts.  When we got into Newfoundland, we lost both left rear wheels when the lug nuts came loose and the wheels came off.  Everybody was safe and we now have a great story to tell.

#429 - Tim Zeh

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#430 - Nolan SturgeonAnza Borrego, California2001 Ford F3502015 Wolf Creek 850Camera Used - iPhone

#430 - Nolan Sturgeon

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#431 - Ric MillerVermillion Cliffs, Arizona1996 Dodge Ram 25002006 Hallmark UteCamera Used - Canon 5D Mk IWe planned a road trip to an area we had never been before – Bryce Canyon, Staircase Escalante National Park and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  It was my birthday in September when we left Palm Springs where it was still hot.On a gravel road in Escalante, we met a guy named “Duck” from Maine who had sold everything he owned except what he could get into his truck camper.  He told us about a place in Vermillion Cliffs, Arizona where you could camp on BLM land right on the rim of the Grand Canyon.  After visiting the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, we searched out Duck’s destination and found it high above the first rapids on the Colorado River.  We camped there, totally alone, with the vermillion cliffs to our north, the canyon to the south and vast vistas to the east and west.

#431 - Ric Miller

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#432 - Ric MillerPark Creek, Rio Grand National Forest, Colorado1996 Dodge Ram 25002006 Hallmark UteCamera Used - Samsung Galaxy S7 Cell PhoneI had just retired. It has just hit 120 degrees F in Palm Springs and my girlfriend, Malia, and I decided it was time for a road trip.  In Colorado, we stopped at a US Forest Service office and asked the ranger where we could go to camp off-the-grid, fish for trout, and hike.  We also wanted to end up in Chama, New Mexico.  She told us to take forest service road 380 which follows Park Creek.For a while we followed Park Creek which was near the road, but at some point, the road rose many hundreds of feet above the creek.  At this point we could look way down into the valley and see a broad, green meadow which looked ideal for camping.  We drove down a steep gravel road, over a small creek and right into a beautiful hunting camp and there was not a soul in sight.

#432 - Ric Miller

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#433 - Ric MillerTaylor Mesa, San Juan National Forest, Colorado1996 Dodge Ram 25002006 Hallmark UteCamera Used - Samsung Galaxy S7 Cell PhoneI had just retired. It has just hit 120 deg. F in Palm Springs and my girlfriend, Malia, and I decided it was time for a road trip.  At a brewery in Cortez, Colorado, we met a guy who was doing bird counts for a federal agency on nearby Taylor Mesa.  He said we looked like people who like an adventure, so he gave us directions.We climbed the steep mountain gravel road a couple thousand feet to the top where there were vast areas of pine trees separated by wide grassy meadows and bogs – perfect elk country.  We camped on the edge of a meadow which turned out to be stage for the night’s performances.  Three separate herds of elk crossed the meadow from late afternoon through dusk and into the night.

#433 - Ric Miller

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#434 - Gail ColemanVery high bluff above the Virgin river east of Hurricane, Utah but before Virgin, Utah on Highway 92011 Ford F3502018 Hallmark MilnerCamera Used - iPad AirOur St. George, Utah friend knew a side road off Highway 9 where we could dry camp on the way to Zion.  We climbed in elevation until we were high above the Virgin River, which looked like a mini Grand Canyon from our perspective.  At sunrise, we had a spectacular 360 degree view.

#434 - Gail Coleman

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#435 - Norm MelsheimerMesa Verde National Park, Colorado2003 Chevy Silverado 35002016  Northstar LibertyCamera Used - iPhone SE

#435 - Norm Melsheimer

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#436 - Rick JohnsonFrench Creek Road, The Fingers, Idaho2004 Ford F3502007 Lance 1181Camera Used - Sony Alpha SLRForest Road 247, also known as French Creek Road, Payette National Forest, goes from the Bear Pete Recreation Trailhead, Elevation 6325', to French Creek, elevation 1920' on the Salmon River.  This large elevation change is accomplished over a relatively short distance of about ten miles using many switchbacks, called

#436 - Rick Johnson

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#437 - Fred StanleyYankee Boy Basin Access Road, Colorado2012 Ford F3502015 Northern Lite 8' 11' SportsmanCamera Used - Canon 7DThis picture was taken southwest of Ouray, Colorado the last week of September on the jeep road leading to Yankee Boy Basin.  It’s a road that a truck camper can navigate safely even though it’s scary.  This jeep road is too steep, too rough, with switchbacks too tight for trailers or RVs.  Our F350 diesel, four wheel drive truck and Northern Lite camper handled it easily.  We love to explore back roads, and almost always boondock in natures beautiful settings.This was a six day trip covering 1,100 miles with nine mountain passes.  Vail Pass was closed the last night.  We pulled into Minturn and camped.  Brushing eight-inches of snow off the truck in the morning we drove home over Vail pass after a good nights sleep.  It’s so nice to have a warm, dry place with hot chocolate when the road home is closed.  We’ve owned four truck campers over 40 years and have over 800 comfortable nights out, mostly in the boondocks of the west.

#437 - Fred Stanley

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#438 - Fred StanleyTop of Mt Evans, Colorado2012 Ford F3502015 Northern Lite 8' 11' SportsmanCamera Used - Canon 7DThis midnight picture was taken at the top of Mt Evans Colorado, the highest altitude a truck camper can go in North America.  The summit is at 14,271 feet.  The parking lot is at 14,124. This is one of the best places in the North America to take long exposure night pictures. Spending several hours at this elevation is cold and windy.  Having the truck camper available to get warmed up and make hot chocolate made a memorable night much more pleasant.

#438 - Fred Stanley

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#439 - Jeffrey PollockWhite Rock Canyon, Gila Lower Box, BLM, North of Lordsburg, New Mexico2015 Chevrolet 35002016 Northstar LaredoCamera Used - Nikon Coolpix L820

#439 - Jeffrey Pollock

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#440 - Jeffrey PollockRio de los Pinos, Carson National Forest, New Mexico2015 Chevrolet 35002016 Northstar LaredoCamera Used - Nikon Coolpix L820Fly fishing in front of the camp.  Perfect weather and the trout were biting.

#440 - Jeffrey Pollock

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#441 - Ben and Tory Matthews

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#442 - Ben and Tory MatthewsMcCarthy Road, Alaska2007 Ford F3502006 Outfitter Apex 8Camera Used - Sony a6300/18-105 f/4We were on our way down McCarthy road to see the town of McCarthy and visit the Kennecot Mine and decided to camp here for the night.  The river put us to sleep that night and there wasn't another soul around for miles.

#442 - Ben and Tory Matthews

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#443 - Ben and Tory MatthewsNabesna Road, Alaska2007 Ford F3502006 Outfitter Apex 8Camera Used - Sony a6300/18-105 f/4Nabesna Road offered another opportunity for some remote camping in Alaska.  That’s our favorite way to camp.  We spent a couple of days exploring this area and taking pictures.

#443 - Ben and Tory Matthews

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#444 - Zachary ZeilerSnowy mountains, Wyoming2011 Ford F1502013 Adventurer 80GSCamera Used - iPhone 6This photo was taken while I was on a hunting trip while in the snowy mountains of Wyoming.  This was my first solo trip with the camper and I always wanted to stay in this area.It was beautiful weather during the day and very cold at night.  Boondocking with a winterized camper proved to have many challenges, but I managed to stay warm by bringing an electric heater to supplement the furnace and a generator to charge the battery.  By running the generator and both heaters at night I could get the temperature in the camper from 40 to a cozy 75 degrees while making dinner.  After dinner I would put on my long underwear, pjs, and a hat and get into bed.It was a great trip with every type of weather possible and I will definitely do it again.  Having a truck camper made it a very enjoyable trip.  I was there for four nights and if I had been in a tent I would have never made it.  I ended up putting the rear legs down due to 50-60 mile and hour winds one night.  I love the type of access having a truck camper provides.  I would never be able to get to a lot of the places we camp with a larger trailer or motorhome.

#444 - Zachary Zeiler

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#445 - Zachary ZeilerSnowy mountains, Wyoming2011 Ford F1502013 Adventurer 80GSCamera Used - iPhone 6This photo was taken while I was on a hunting trip while in the snowy mountains of Wyoming.  This was my first solo trip with the camper and I always wanted to stay in this area.It was beautiful weather during the day and very cold at night.  Boondocking with a winterized camper proved to have many challenges, but I managed to stay warm by bringing an electric heater to supplement the furnace and a generator to charge the battery.  By running the generator and both heaters at night I could get the temperature in the camper from 40 to a cozy 75 degrees while making dinner.  After dinner I would put on my long underwear, pjs, and a hat and get into bed.It was a great trip with every type of weather possible and I will definitely do it again.  Having a truck camper made it a very enjoyable trip.  I was there for four nights and if I had been in a tent I would have never made it.  I ended up putting the rear legs down due to 50-60 mile and hour winds one night.  I love the type of access having a truck camper provides.  I would never be able to get to a lot of the places we camp with a larger trailer or motorhome.

#445 - Zachary Zeiler

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#446 - Zachary ZeilerSnowy mountains, Wyoming2011 Ford F1502013 Adventurer 80GSCamera Used - iPhone 6This photo was taken while I was on a hunting trip while in the snowy mountains of Wyoming.  This was my first solo trip with the camper and I always wanted to stay in this area.It was beautiful weather during the day and very cold at night.  Boondocking with a winterized camper proved to have many challenges, but I managed to stay warm by bringing an electric heater to supplement the furnace and a generator to charge the battery.  By running the generator and both heaters at night I could get the temperature in the camper from 40 to a cozy 75 degrees while making dinner.  After dinner I would put on my long underwear, pjs, and a hat and get into bed.It was a great trip with every type of weather possible and I will definitely do it again.  Having a truck camper made it a very enjoyable trip.  I was there for four nights and if I had been in a tent I would have never made it.  I ended up putting the rear legs down due to 50-60 mile and hour winds one night.  I love the type of access having a truck camper provides.  I would never be able to get to a lot of the places we camp with a larger trailer or motorhome.

#446 - Zachary Zeiler

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#447 - Andres SchieleSalto Rio Ibañez, Chile2010 Dodge Ram 25002011 Hallmark GuanellaCamera Used - Canon 70D

#447 - Andres Schiele

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#448 - Andres SchieleLago General Carrera, Chile2010 Dodge Ram 25002011 Hallmark GuanellaCamera Used - Canon 70D

#448 - Andres Schiele

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#449 - Bill KehoeMt Shavano, Colorado2017 Ram 25002017 FWC Hawk Silver SpurCamera Used - iPhone 6s

#449 - Bill Kehoe

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#450 - Jonathan SavageVentura, California2006 Chevrolet Silverado 25002016 Lance 850Camera Used - Samsung Galaxy S8This was our first trip in about six months.  It was the first weekend after my wife finished chemotherapy and beat breast cancer.

#450 - Jonathan Savage

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#451 - Janet and Jim ManisHudson, Iowa2014 Dodge Ram 2500HD2015 Travel Lite 960R IllusionCamera Used - iPhone 6sThis was our first night camping on our three month adventure west.  We stopped at Hansens Farm Fresh Dairy, a Harvest Host stop!  Hosts, Jeanne and Jay Hansen, treated us like family.  There is a creamery with wonderful ice cream and dairy products plus a farm tour.  The pond is also stocked for fishing.  Very nice mini Museum about the Hansen’s years of farming.  It was a very relaxing overnight stay.

#451 - Janet and Jim Manis

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#452 - Janet and Jim ManisHudson, Iowa2014 Dodge Ram 2500HD2015 Travel Lite 960R IllusionCamera Used - iPhone 6sThis was our first night camping on our three month adventure west.  We stopped at Hansens Farm Fresh Dairy, a Harvest Host stop!  Hosts, Jeanne and Jay Hansen, treated us like family.  There is a creamery with wonderful ice cream and dairy products plus a farm tour.  The pond is also stocked for fishing.  Very nice mini Museum about the Hansen’s years of farming.  It was a very relaxing overnight stay.

#452 - Janet and Jim Manis

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#453 - Brett and Celina BinnsElliston, Newfoundland2014 Ford F3502014 Arctic Fox 1150Camera Used - Nikon D3400This was taken on our six week trip through Newfoundland and Labrador.

#453 - Brett and Celina Binns

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#454 - Brett and Celina BinnsLong Point Lighthouse, North Twillingate, Newfoundland2014 Ford F3502014 Arctic Fox 1150Camera Used - Nikon D750

#454 - Brett and Celina Binns

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#455 - Brett and Celina BinnsBlow Me Down Provincial Park, Lark Harbour, Newfoundland2014 Ford F3502014 Arctic Fox 1150Camera Used - Nikon D750The wonderful folks at the park told us that, in the early season, we could have any of spot in the campground, none of which were level, or we could park in the day use area on the beach.  We had it to ourselves and it was level.  No contest.  We chose the beach!

#455 - Brett and Celina Binns

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#456 - Jonathan SavageVentura, California2006 Chevrolet Silverado 25002016 Lance 850Camera Used - Samsung Galaxy S8This was our first trip in about six months.  It was the first weekend after my wife finished chemotherapy and beat breast cancer.

#456 - Jonathan Savage

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#457 - Hannah ButlerBLM near Virgin, Utah2006 Ford F3501969 Custom CamperCamera Used - DJI Mavic ProWe visited Zion National Park in March of 2017 and the entire campground was booked six months out. We soon had to get creative and came to find out that a large part of the land outside of the park is Bureau of Land Management lands.  After exiting the park onto a windy, steep, narrow dirt road we found ourselves on BLM and officially able to boondock!  We were able to take the dirt bike into the park which is street legal and keep the camper parked at our awesome spot just outside of the park!  The sunrises and sunsets everyday were spectacular and truly was one of those experiences that sold us on why we chose the truck camper life.

#457 - Hannah Butler

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#458 - Hannah ButlerLake Powell, Utah2006 Ford F3501969 Custom CamperCamera Used - DJI Mavic ProLone Rock Campground was definitely one of our top favorite camping spots over the past year.  The campground is located near Page, Arizona on Lake Powell and is a popular spot for camping on directly on the sandy beaches.  We were also able to ride our dirt bikes on the beach as well and the surrounding OHV areas.

#458 - Hannah Butler

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#459 - Hannah ButlerAtigun Pass, Alaska2006 Ford F3501969 Custom CamperCamera Used - DJI Mavic ProOne of the highlights of our Alaska trip was taking the Dalton Highway all the way up to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.  The highest pass in Alaska is Atigun Pass where we took this picture before climbing up the mountain pass and camping on the very snowy summit in August.

#459 - Hannah Butler

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#460 - Yvonne ArantSalton Sea, California2005 Dodge Ram2012 Arctic Fox 990Camera Used - Samsung Galaxy Edge

#460 - Yvonne Arant

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#461 - Yvonne ArantGlass Creek, Mammoth, California2005 Dodge Ram2012 Arctic Fox 990Camera Used - Samsung Galaxy Edge

#461 - Yvonne Arant

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#462 - Claude VoynaudCarleton sur mer, Québec2017 Ford F1502016 Palomino SS1240Camera Used - iPhone 6s

#462 - Claude Voynaud

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#463 - Doug and Andrea CaruoloCathedral Valley, Utah2001 Ford F3502016 Eagle Cap 1160Camera Used - Samsung Galaxy J7We were just off Cathedral Valley Road outside Capitol Reef National Park. We camped on the ridge at about 5600 feet. It was an absolutely beautiful view and a perfect example of truck campers and why we all do this.  This was October 7, 2017.

#463 - Doug and Andrea Caruolo

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#464 - Sue KuzelkaMatthiessen State Park Equestrian Campground, Illinois2004 Ford F1502013 Palomino Bronco 1200Camera Used - iPhone 4We enjoy camping with friends and our horses.  I bought a little truck camper so I can tow my horse trailer behind it.

#464 - Sue Kuzelka

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#465 - David RasmussenBritish Columbia, Canada2015 GMC 35002017 Lance 1062

#465 - David Rasmussen

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#466 - David RasmussenPrudhoe Bay, Alaska2015 GMC 35002017 Lance 1062

#466 - David Rasmussen

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#467 - David RasmussenPrudhoe Bay, Alaska2015 GMC 35002017 Lance 1062

#467 - David Rasmussen

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#468 - Pete MatherFort Fisher, North Carolina1999 Ford F2501998 Northstar Adventurer 8.5Camera Used - Droid phoneFort Fisher, North Carolina is where you go to back up to the ocean, cast a line in, tease some fish and watch dolphins and pelicans feed.  But don't forget about the aquarium or the gun mounts.  Great kayaking, too.

#468 - Pete Mather

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#469 - Jean Clarkson and Pete MatherCape Lookout, North Carolina1999 Ford F2501998 Northstar Adventurer 8.5Camera Used - Droid phoneThis was worth the happy pill I had to take to get on the tiny ferry and watch Christine swaying back and forth on the water.  It was even worth the 18 miles we had to drive at ten miles per hour (after a 3.5 hour drive and not being fed the whole day) because our 1999 Ford truck was not happy about going 30+ miles per hour down open beach.

#469 - Pete Mather

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#470 - Gordon TolmanJordan River Regional Park, Vancouver Island, British Columbia2014 GMC Sierra2013 Northern Lite Sportsman 8-11Camera Used - Canon EOS 5D Mark IVThis beautiful campsite is on the Pacific Ocean where you can see whales, eagles, passing ships, and the (Olympic Peninsula) United States in the distance.

#470 - Gordon Tolman

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#471 - Bob TraderSanibel Island, Florida2014 Ford F3502016 Lance 825Camera Used - Samsung Note 5This was my shakedown run after getting a new truck and installing my airbags, tie downs, Stableloads and Lance plug.  It was only a day trip because Sanibel is close to home and my daughter had a rehearsal on the island.  I was able to combine taking care of my daughter's needs, checking the quality of my new installed items, and enjoying the beach for the day because that is the truck camper life!

#471 - Bob Trader

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#472 - Bob TraderSanibel Island, Florida2014 Ford F3502016 Lance 825Camera Used - Samsung Note 5This was my shakedown run after getting a new truck and installing my airbags, tie downs, Stableloads and Lance plug.  It was only a day trip because Sanibel is close to home and my daughter had a rehearsal on the island.  I was able to combine taking care of my daughter's needs, checking the quality of my new installed items, and enjoying the beach for the day because that is the truck camper life!

#472 - Bob Trader

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#473 - Mischa ten HoopeNetherlands, frosty February morning1987 Mercedes 1625AK2009 Self-built Demountable CamperCamera Used - Canon Eos50D

#473 - Mischa ten Hoope

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#474 - Mischa ten HoopeSudanese desert, close to the Meroe pyramids1987 Mercedes 1625AK2009 Self-built Demountable CamperCamera Used - Canon Eos50D

#474 - Mischa ten Hoope

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#475 - Mischa ten HoopeEthiopia during the crossing of the African continent1987 Mercedes 1625AK2009 Self-built Demountable CamperCamera Used - Canon Eos50D

#475 - Mischa ten Hoope

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#476 - Okan AtamanTulum, Mexico2007 Dodge Ram 35002016 Hallmark EverestCamera Used - Nikon D7000We are family of three, Okan, Donna and Indigo.  We quit our jobs and decided to drive from Vancouver Canada to Ushuaia, Argentina with our truck, Machete.

#476 - Okan Ataman

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#477 - Okan AtamanLake Atitlan, Guatemala2007 Dodge Ram 35002016 Hallmark EverestCamera Used - Nikon D7000We are family of three, Okan, Donna and Indigo.  We quit our jobs and decided to drive from Vancouver Canada to Ushuaia, Argentina with our truck, Machete.

#477 - Okan Ataman

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#478 - Okan AtamanJungle Road, Costa Rica2007 Dodge Ram 35002016 Hallmark EverestCamera Used - Nikon D7000We are family of three, Okan, Donna and Indigo.  We quit our jobs and decided to drive from Vancouver Canada to Ushuaia, Argentina with our truck, Machete.

#478 - Okan Ataman

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#479 - Larry KellyHighway 287 north of Rawlins, Wyoming2016 Ford F3502015 Palomino HS8801Camera Used - iPhone 7 plusI was on my way to Las Vegas and just happened to see the shadow.  The sun was at a perfect angle.  Grabbed the phone and started shooting.

#479 - Larry Kelly

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#480 - Janet and Jim ManisHighway 50, near Cotopaxi, Colorado2014 Dodge Ram 2500HD2015 Travel Lite 960R IllusionCamera Used - iPhone 6sDriving east on Highway 50 through Colorado we were following the Arkansas River . This river is very popular for rafting.  We saw several launches on the river.  We stopped for lunch at a picnic area next to the Arkansas River.  It was pretty cool to see rafters floating by.  They reminded us of corks as we could only see the people in their helmets and life jackets.  Roadside trails, amazing handicap river access and viewing is available.  It was a really great lunch stop!

#480 - Janet and Jim Manis

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#481 - Nick OlsonBass Lake, California2015 Chevrolet Silverado 25002015 Northstar 850SCCamera Used - Samsung Galaxy S4The journey started in Los Angeles a week before Thanksgiving.  If anyone has been in LA in the fall they will know that it's not much different than the city in July.  Because of this we decided to find some adventure that would cool us down for the holiday.  We ended up in beautiful Bass Lake, Lupine campground.  We were enchanted the second our tires hit that amazing winter wonderland.  The lake glistened and sparkled and the snow came up to our shins.  It was the perfect place to enjoy our holiday and test our truck and camper in the frosty snow.We had the perfect camp spot just a few feet away from a wonderful frozen lake.  The tree in the picture became what we now call our turkey tree since it was so perfect and clearly put there just for us and our trip.  This picture takes us back to that amazing Thanksgiving in the snow, and one of the best trips we can remember.

#481 - Nick Olson

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#482 - Sara MattsonSeacliff Beach State Park, California2013 Chevy Silverado 25002017 Lance 650Camera Used - iPhoneSometimes in the evening we pick up dinner ToGo and drive out to the beach to have dinner in our Lance camper.

#482 - Sara Mattson

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#483 - Ivan WilsonOutside North Rim Entrance Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona2005 Dodge Ram 35001978 Kit FSCCamera Used - Phone LG G5Our camper is an almost totally rehabbed 1978 Kit.  The only thing that separates her from newer ones is a slide out and air conditioning.  The biggest improvements were remote electric jacks, solar panel and a rear deck which make things very easy and convenient.  We did all the work ourselves.We were on a tour around the western United States that totaled over 4,000 miles.  No campsites were available at Grand Canyon’s North Rim so we found a spot outside of it in total solitude.  I took the picture right before we left on our way to New Mexico.

#483 - Ivan Wilson

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#484 - Gary and Joanne AndersonSouthern Oregon2006 Ford F2501968 Alaskan 8’Camera Used - Nikon Coolpix S6800We are recording the passing down of our old 1968 Alaskan camper that was previously owned by my husband’s uncle, to our daughter.  We just took delivery of our 2017 Alaskan camper.  It is not removable since it is on a flatbed, but we wanted to show the difference between the two.  The 1968 is 8' long and our new one is 14'.  What a luxury it will be.  Our daughter will get some great use out of the 1968 Alaskan.  We purchased the 1968 camper from Uncle Wally and owned it for thirteen years.  Gary's uncle was the original owner.

#484 - Joanne Anderson

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#485 - Kimberly ZimmerStevens Pass Elevation 4062’, Washington2017 GMC 3500HD2016 Lance 1050sCamera Used - Samsung Note 8I was in route back home from the Bavarian town of Leavenworth, Washington celebrating Oktoberfest.  I stopped at the top of the pass to introduce my new puppy, Remington, a mini Australian Sheppard, to snow.  I wanted to stop many places in route back since I had time to spare and the ling work week loomed mandatory OT.  Remi and I stopped at Deception Falls for short hike through the lower loop trail, stopped off in Skykomish, WA. Tiny logging town with great architecture.Then our final stops were Zeeks, best burgers,on Highway 2, and then the little white church which I had passed many times as a young girl riding shot gun with my dad in our truck and camper.   I shed tears as I thought of him and got back on the road driving my truck and camper.  Thank you, dad, for introducing me to the truck camper lifestyle.

#485 - Kimberly Zimmer

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#486 - David VigalSpanish Valley, Utah2006 Dodge Ram 35002007 Arctic Fox 811Camera Used - iPhoneThis photo was taken just outside of Moab, Utah on BLM land.  There is a campground at Ken's Lake which is on BLM land and that’s where we camped for the night.  Awesome place.  There were only two other rigs in the campground that night.

#486 - David Vigal

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#487 - Eric DigginsBahia de Conception, Baja2016 Ford F1502014 Four Wheel Camper RavenCamera Used - iPhoneResting after a long swim with a 25’ whale shark.

#487 - Eric Diggins

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#488 - Pamela BielbyNF Rd 4812 Oregon-California Border2017 Ford F3502017 Arctic Fox 1150Camera Used - Nikon D3200 with an ultra wide angle lensWe started out on a short trip to the coast to beat the heat.  The coastal routes were so impacted and the coastal Range was smokey from wildfires, so we did what we do best, found the road less traveled and ended up camping literally on the crest of the Oregon-California border for the night, just off a fairly decent forest service road.  The view was great on both sides, but winds sent smoke our way throughout the night.  We moved on the next morning.

#488 - Pamela Bielby

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#489 - Pamela BielbyBeartooth Highway, Wyoming2017 Ford F3502017 Arctic Fox 1150Camera Used - Nikon D3200We were traveling the Beartooth Highway for the first time.  We stopped here for some photographs of the views the alpine lakes.

#489 - Pamela Bielby

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#490 - Pamela Bielby100-Mile House Quarry Camp, British Columbia2017 Ford F3502017 Arctic Fox 1150Camera Used - Nikon D3200

#490 - Pamela Bielby

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#491 - Doug and Andrea CaruoloCathedral Valley, Utah2001 Ford F3502016 Eagle Cap 1160Camera Used - Samsung Galaxy J7Camping off Highway 95 south of Hanksville about 40 miles.  Half mile of road.  It was daybreak and we actually had rain, you know liquid drops.

#491 - Doug and Andrea Caruolo

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#492 - Scott CoddingRandolph, New York2012 Ford F1501996 Jayco Sportster 7Camera Used - Nikon CoolpixThis was the first time using my new to me truck camper.  It was during the fall color in the southern tier of New York.  It’s on my girlfriend’s family’s property.

#492 - Scott Codding

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#493 - Scott CoddingRandolph, New York2012 Ford F1501996 Jayco Sportster 7Camera Used - Nikon CoolpixThis was the first time using my new to me truck camper.  It was during the fall color in the southern tier of New York.  It’s on my girlfriend’s family’s property.

#493 - Scott Codding

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#494 - Richard OsborneFogo Island, Newfoundland2017 Ford F1502017 Four Wheel Camper HawkCamera Used - Sony DSC HX50As all travelers know, no matter how much planning you do before leaving home, your trip will always provide you with unexpected experiences.  Some of them are good, and some of them not so good.  Last June, on our trip to Canada’s Maritime Provinces we stumbled upon a wonderful surprise.  Newfoundland and Labrador were undergoing the coldest spring in over 40 years and as a result, we encountered an inordinate number of spectacular icebergs, and vast areas of pack ice.  The ferry ride from Farewell (southeast of Twillingate) to Fogo Island was like riding on an icebreaker.  This picture was taken at our campsite in the Brimstone Head campground in Fogo City on June 12th!

#494 - Richard Osborne

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#495 - Richard OsborneFogo Island, Newfoundland2017 Ford F1502017 Four Wheel Camper HawkCamera Used - Sony DSC HX50As all travelers know, no matter how much planning you do before leaving home, your trip will always provide you with unexpected experiences.  Some of them are good, and some of them not so good.  Last June, on our trip to Canada’s Maritime Provinces we stumbled upon a wonderful surprise.  Newfoundland and Labrador were undergoing the coldest spring in over 40 years and as a result, we encountered an inordinate number of spectacular icebergs, and vast areas of pack ice.  The ferry ride from Farewell (southeast of Twillingate) to Fogo Island was like riding on an icebreaker.  This photo was taken on a foggy morning looking out over the bay at Raleigh in far northern Newfoundland on June 19th.

#495 - Richard Osborne

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#496 - Carina HastingsWhite Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire1997 Ford F3501994 JaycoCamera Used - iPhoneMy sister and I have been inseparable our entire lives.  We grew up in upstate New York, and when it was time to go to college, she chose Colorado.  It was very hard to not see her for long periods of time including summers when she had a job out there.  This past summer we decided to go on an epic road trip all over the northeast.  We explored the Adirondacks, the vase state of Vermont, and spent several days with family in New Hampshire.  This picture is captured after a long day of wake surfing on Lake Winnipesauke, New Hampshire in White Mountain National Forest.  This trip will go down in the books for us and I'm so happy we were able to get to take a week from our busy lives to spend together in the great outdoors!

#496 - Carina Hastings

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#497 - Malia MacartneyOmetepe Island, Nicaragua2003 Dodge Ram 25002014 Four Wheel Camper HawkCamera Used - iPhone 6

#497 - Malia Macartney

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#498 - Malia MacartneyOmoa, Honduras2003 Dodge Ram 25002014 Four Wheel Camper HawkCamera Used - iPhone 6

#498 - Malia Macartney

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#499 - Connor FairbairnCape Cod, Massachusetts2014 Ford F1502016 Palomino SS1200Camera Used - Galaxy S7

#499 - Connor Fairbairn

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#500 - Connor FairbairnCape Cod, Massachusetts2014 Ford F1502016 Palomino SS1200Camera Used - Galaxy S7

#500 - Connor Fairbairn

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