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Where Do You Camp Cool During the Summer Heat?

In the early summer of 2015, the Pacific Northwest experienced a historic heat wave.  Temperatures soared into the 100+ degree Fahrenheit range breaking all-time state temperature levels in both Oregon and Washington.  In late June, Walla Walla, Washington peaked at 113 degrees.  Whoa Whoa, what?

We remember this oppressive heat wave well because we happened to be in the Northwest in our rig.  Seeing the record high temperature predictions, we immediately adjusted our schedule and course driving further north into Canada’s Okanagan Valley.  Unfortunately, the temperatures were nearly as hot in British Columbia.  Without shore power and air conditioning, we would have been in trouble.  Even with air conditioning, it wasn’t fun.

After completing our mission touring the Northern Lite factory in Kelowna, we changed strategies.  Angela plotted a course for the highest elevation we could find on our return route; the Beartooth Highway area of Wyoming and Montana and the Chief Joseph Scenic Highway area of Wyoming.  There we found campgrounds at high altitudes and lower temperatures.  We also discovered some beautiful drives and mountain scenery.

This week’s Question of the Week is, “Where do you go truck camping when it’s hot outside?”

To be clear, we’re talking about temperatures above 90-degrees Fahrenheit / 32 degrees Celsius.  At that temperature and above, you either knuckle down with shore power and air conditioning, or go some place cooler.

For the sake of this question, pretend you have no access to shore power and your generator was stolen by pilfering pussycats.  You have to boondock in your truck camper, in the heat.  So where would you camp to stay cool?

This QOTW is now closed.  Check out the Cool Camping Spots for Hot Weather that TCM readers recommend.



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