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How Many People and Pets Have Stayed In Your Camper?

Sometimes I shake my head at huge 5th wheel or motorhome (what are they thinking?) only to have my objections thrown back at me as not one, not two, not three, not four, but like seven people come out of the RV.  Yes, that Class A is 50-feet long plus a Jeep, but they’re hauling around a small village of people.  Don’t try that in a truck camper, unless it’s for the circus.

Of course there have been many truck campers who have gone truck camping with their families of four or five.  Mark and Ellen Siminoff took their two kids on a multi-month truck camping adventure across the country.  Then they shared exactly how they made it work in their must read story, “Road Schooling With The Kids”.

Dan and Marlene Lin upped the ante even further by truck camping full-time in a pop-up truck camper with a family of five.  That’s beyond our comprehension, but they make a very compelling case in their amazing article, “The Full-Timing Family of Five”.  Dan and Marlene’s photos alone deserve a click.

This week’s Question of the Week is, “How many people, including pets, have you camped with overnight in your truck camper?

If it’s just the two of you, and seven cats – we want to hear from you!  If you have picked up all three grandkids for a weekend in the camper – we want to hear from you!  If you had people sleeping on the floor of your camper after a wild party a few years ago… well, you get the point.

How many people and pets have stayed overnight in your camper?  And why?  And how did that work out?

This QOTW is now closed.  See how TCM readers Pack in the People and Pets.  It’s amazing how many people and pets truck campers fit into their rigs.



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Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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