Eckhart and Linda Franz have been exploring the back roads of North America.
The design, build, and trials of a rig developed for full-time extreme boondocking.
Bruce and Kim Scott have modified their Northern Lite for extreme cold weather boondocking. This is winter truck camping, Upper Peninsula style.
Camping off the beaten path, Ted and Donna share their off-road lifestyle as they go boondocking in the American West.
Call it boondocking. Call it dry camping. We call it fun, free, and a major reason why we love truck campers!
Readers respond to our off-grid boondocking question about how long they can be off-grid before they need to replenish their supplies?
Bill and Deane Uthman share 45 years of coast-to-coast camping including favorite National and State Park destinations and rough road getaways.
Rick Johnson boondocks from Alaska to Dinosaur, plans everything ahead, let’s the trip take him, and modifies everything to suit his needs. Even his water is modified. Angela always makes detailed plans for every trip we take. We’ll drive this road to see this attraction and then camp here or there. Then something happens when […]
To extend boondocking you need a good converter, AGM batteries, a trimetric battery monitor, and an upgrade to LED lighting.