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Announcing the 2014 Readers’ Choice Award Winners

And the winners of the second annual TCM Readers’ Choice Awards for Best Truck Camper, Best Truck Camper Gear, and Best Truck Camper Feature of 2014 are…


Without further adieu, here are the winners of the second annual Truck Camper Magazine Reader’s Choice Awards.

2014 Readers’ Choice Award
Best Truck Camper of the Year:
2014 Lance 1052


Second Place: 2015 Eagle Cap 960

Third Place: 2015 Lance 995

2014 Readers’ Choice Award
Best Truck Camper Gear of the Year:
Happijac 4800-HD Camper Jacks


Second Place: Torklift International Talon Tie-Downs

Third Place: Torklift International FastGun Wobble Stopper

2014 Readers’ Choice Award

Best Truck Camper Innovation of the Year:
Eagle Cap Modular Furniture System: Dinette/Sofa/Theater Seating


Second Place: Torklift International Ultra Deck Bumper for Lance Campers

Third Place: Northstar Sub-Zero Insulation Package

Congratulations to the winners!  Thank you to all the readers who voted.

Here’s to a great 2015!  Happy New Year!


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Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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