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2022 Capri Cowboy Review

Truck Camper Magazine reviews a 2022 Capri Cowboy, a hard side, non-slide truck camper for half-ton trucks. Can a basic entry-level cabover-less camper be one of the most important models available today?

Capri Cowboy Camper Review

Click here to read Capri’s response to this Capri Cowboy Review.

Allow me to put you into the way back machine and take you to summer after your junior year of high school. You’re starting to think about life after graduation. Maybe college. Maybe a job. Maybe the military. Then, out of the blue, a half-ton truck and Capri Cowboy camper pull up. The owner gets out and you ask, “What’s that?”

“My go anywhere, camp anywhere rig,” says the person who clearly has a more exciting life than you imagined possible. “I’m out seeing our amazing country, meeting amazing people, and working when I need money.” Mind completely blown, you peek inside the camper. There’s a place to sit, a place to sleep, a sink, enough storage for what you need, and a porta-potty. Oh, you could do this.

This is the vision that shot across my cerebrum as I sat in a Capri Cowboy for this review. “Had I seen this in high school,” I thought, “my life might have been very different.” I suspect this is the way the whole Van Life phenomenon exploded among young people over the past few years. One YouTube video with a bright-eyed peer living a life of efficient travel and adventure and they’re hitting Craigslist or Kijiji for a van.

Putting your feet back into the high school version of yourself, would you have been attracted to the same Capri Cowboy or Van Life concept? I sure would have, and I suspect many of you would have too. Heck, maybe you did! If I could only go back in time…

I started with that introduction to frame what the Capri Cowboy represents. I didn’t understand it myself until I spent time with the camper. Before that, the Cowboy was too small and simple to be taken seriously. Now that I understand it, I recognize those same attributes as assets. In fact, the Cowboy might be one of the most important truck campers available today. How is that possible? Let’s dig in.

Floor Plan Evaluation

Capri Cowboy Floorplan 2022

As luck would have it, the cabover-less Capri Cowboy was side-by-side with its cabover-sporting cousin, the Capri Retreat.

Capri Cowboy Review Front Three Quarters

All photos were taken at D&H RV in Apex, North Carolina

In addition to the obvious cabover versus cabover-less difference, also note the lower height of the Cowboy. Where the Retreat model is stand-up tall 6-feet 4-inches inside, the Cowboy is duck-your-head 5-feet even.

Capri Cowboy Review Rear Three Quarters

Both the Cowboy and Retreat models are sold direct from the Capri factory (as custom ordered) or through select dealers (as stock units). From the dealers, you will be limited to the attractive, but monotone quilted-diamond patterned exterior. From the factory, you can choose the body and stripe colors, in the same quilted-diamond patterned aluminum exterior.

If you get the sense that Capri Campers stands by their classic quilted-diamond look five-plus decades in the making, you’d be right. Darn tootin’.

Capri Cowboy Review Camper Metal Roof

This was the first time I was taller than the hard-sided truck camper I was reviewing. There are two things you should notice in this shot. First, Capri Campers have aluminum roofs. If you like the rhythm of rain plunking on a tin roof (which I personally do) you’re in luck. Second, there’s not much here; aluminum and a fan vent. That means fewer seams to leak and plenty of opportunity for a kayak rack, storage pod, or a solar panel or two.

Capri Cowboy Unloaded Air Conditioner

One of the items we often see on a camper roof is an air conditioner. Unfortunately, most RV rooftop air conditioners would overwhelm this small camper and would turn it into a meat locker. Capri’s solution is a compact 5,000-BTU window air conditioner. Made by Midea, this unit has a LED-lit remote control, three fan speeds, and a washable filter.

At 534-watts, this small air conditioner still needs AC power but should be able to run on a 1,000-watt portable generator. Another solution could be a sizable lithium battery system and inverter, but the cost of that system could eclipse the sale price of the camper itself. You read that right.

Capri Cowboy Unloaded Exterior Solar Electrical

Under the air conditioner is a row of electrical ports. Left to right is a Zamp ZS-SolarPort with SAE plug, Bell Hubbel waterproof cover and 110-volt outlets, and a 30-amp twist-locking electrical connection. These ports bring the Cowboy a lot of versatility for different electrical needs and camping situations.

The 30-amp connection is exactly what’s needed for most campgrounds and can be used in conjunction with a 30 to 15-amp adapter for use at home. The 110-volt outlets will be powered when the 30-amp connection is plugged in. The Zamp SolarPort is designed to work with the company’s expansive line of portable solar panels from 45 to 200-watts.

Capri Cowboy Review Tie Down Turnbuckles

To save weight on half-ton targeting models, a number of camper manufacturers are choosing ratchet tie-down systems. Note the square camper doors to the right of the ratchet mechanisms. Once loaded on the truck, the camper owner opens these doors from the inside of the camper and attaches the ratchet straps to the truck bed tie-down points.

For lightweight truck campers, ratchet tie-downs have proven to be successful. The downside is that inside tie-downs are out-of-sight and out-of-mind. We once reported on a truck camper that literally fell-off because the owner went on a rugged off-road trail and forgot to check his inside tie-down points. These systems are effective, but owners need to remember to check them on a regular basis.

Capri Cowboy Truck Drivers Profile

We were incredibly fortunate that the Capri Cowboy under review was scheduled for pickup the day after the review photos were taken. The new owner showed up with a late model Ford F-150 regular cab long bed that matched beautifully for payload capacity and aesthetics.

In the above profile you can see how the flat section of the Cowboy’s front wall won’t be the best for wind resistance, but should be a world better than a standard cabover. A truck-mounted wind deflector could prevent this flat section from becoming a real drag. For example, we found the Icon 01217 after a quick search.

Capri Cowboy Truck Front Drivers Three Quarters

The Ford F-150 and Capri Cowboy look like they were designed for each other. Beyond the coloring, the forward roof angle of the Cowboy picks up the rake angle of the windshield. Ideally a similar set-up would be on display at every RV and sportsman’s show to showcase an affordable entry point into truck camping. Half of the attendees would likely show up in half-ton trucks.

Capri Cowboy Review Camper Truck Rear Passenger Three Quarters

Again, this combination looks sharp from all angles. The owner of this rig chose to keep his tailgate installed, at least for the drive home from the dealership.

Capri Cowboy Camper And Truck Tailgate Down Closeup

The open tailgate creates a small porch for entry and exit as well as a place for shoes and camping gear. The installed “bed rug” liner makes the tailgate more comfortable to sit or walk on, but we always recommend a rubber bed mat for the truck bed itself to help keep the camper from movingCapri Cowboy Interior Entry Door

The moment you open the rear door on the Capri Cowboy you’re welcomed with a classic old-school wood-grain interior. While the flooring, cabinetry, and wall materials may have changed and improved, this is how truck camper interiors looked 50-years ago. And mind the door. It’s 32-inches wide but only 48-inches tall. Unless you’re less than four feet tall, you’ll need to duck.

Owners should quickly adapt to the low door, but the lack of a door screen is unfortunate. Since this particular unit was manufactured, Capri has changed to a radius entry door and screen as standard on all of its campers. For folks who prefer to keep their rear door open for airflow, this is a fantastic upgrade.

I’m also a stickler for being able to see out of the back of a camper when you’re inside. If someone knocks on your door, or something is happening behind your camper, you need to be able to see without opening the door.

Again, this particular Cowboy model does not have a rear window, but Capri now has 12-inch by 21-inch opaque windows on its new radius camper doors. This is a great change for light, but still doesn’t allow one to see behind their camper. A solution could be as simple as a wide-angle peephole, or a more deluxe rear camera system. Again, when that unexpected knock raps on your door at 2:00am (it happens) I want to see who it is.

Capri Cowboy Interior Door Lock And Deadbolt

The old and new doors offer a robust mechanism and deadbolt for security. The bright red lever should be visible from the cabover for that last-minute check before bedtime. “Is the door locked?” Yes, dear.

Capri Cowboy Camper Review Interior

I was very surprised how open the Capri Cowboy actually was inside. From the outside, my expectation was for a cramped, dark, and uncomfortable space. Actually sitting in the Capri, the Cowboy was bright, warm, and inviting with plenty of room to move around, sit at the well-cushioned dinette, stand (crouched) at the sink, and sit or lie down in the forward bed.

Capri Cowboy Review Interior

For the person who understands and appreciates the simplicity of the Cowboy design, this could be all you want or need. This camper would have been even brighter inside had the unit not been shoehorned between other campers, and featured the new windowed door.

Imagine a mountain lake or maybe red rocks outside that passenger’s side window. Have a seat, stretch your legs and relax. Or pull the Lagun table in and have a meal, work on a laptop, or study your travel maps.

Capri Cowboy Interior Drivers Side Wide 2

The driver’s side features a sink, a hanging closet, and another window. In a fun bit of irony, the hanging closet is one of the biggest we’ve seen in any camper. If the closet were in my camper, I would probably turn part of it into shelving for better utilization. Then again, I don’t travel with dress suits or rodeo gear.

The large closet is not standard in a Capri Cowboy. This floor plan, including the large closet, was requested by the stocking dealer, D&H RV. Capri offers several other floor plans in this same footprint that might suit your needs better.

Capri Cowboy Interior Dinette

The dinette cleverly blends with the “cabover” bedroom to offer something of a U-shape. Together with the Lagun table system, you could sit up to three people. It would be close quarters, but workable.

Capri Cowboy Interior Dinette Lagun A

The Lagun table system is becoming the standard among small campers across the price spectrum. The Lagun’s strong yet lightweight construction, positionable design, and solidity once tightened make it an obvious choice. It takes a few minutes to get a sense of how the locking mechanisms work and how it’s able to be positioned, but that’s called learning your camper.

Capri Cowboy Interior Dinette Lagun B

This shows how far into the camper the Lagun system can reach. If you were preparing food or washing dishes at the adjacent sink, this table would be within easy reach. The table itself can also be changed out for a larger or smaller surface size.

Capri Cowboy Interior Dinette Lagun Mount

Or, you can remove the table and Lagun leg altogether if you don’t need them. As table legs go, the Lagun offers some serious versatility.

Capri Cowboy Interior Plastic Cut Material

As I have stated already, Capri Campers are old-school. They’re designed to look old-school. And they are made with old-school methods. That means there’s no CNC machine cutting perfectly smooth and finished radius curves at Capri HQ. Everything on a Capri Camper is handmade.

Building campers by hand often means more plastic to round corners and fill tolerance gaps. You might see this as antiquated. Or you might see it as old-school charm. What I can tell you is that the handmade quality of Capri Campers is excellent. If you need machine-perfect, look elsewhere, and be prepared to dig deeper into your wallet.

Capri Cowboy Interior Midea Air Conditioner

On the rear passenger’s wall is the inside of the optional Midea air conditioner previously showcased on the exterior. The location is as far from the sleeping area as possible for sound but could be a bit close if you’re in the dinette.

The front of the air conditioner offers simple adjustments for temperature (minimum to maximum cooling) and fan (off, low fan, low cool, high cool, and high fan). Unfortunately, you don’t get a window if the window air conditioner is not selected. You get a hard wall.

You can also opt for a more traditional roof-top air conditioner. With the rooftop unit, you get a heat strip. The rear air conditioner should be more than enough for this small camper, but the heat strip is definitely a nice bonus to the rooftop unit.

Capri Cowboy Interior Kitchen Sink

Directly across from the dinette on the driver’s side is an optional stainless steel sink and hand pump faucet. By utilizing a hand pump faucet, Capri eliminates the need for an electric water pump and the required plumbing and electrical components. Omitting these elements also reduces the weight of the camper and its final cost. Plus you never need to worry about your water pump going out. In our camper, we are on our third water pump in eight years.

For a camper this size and price, the sink size, counter space, and overall function of this area are phenomenal. Some may prefer a larger counter space instead of the relatively huge closet next to it, but that’s a design choice and a trade-off. This wouldn’t be a genuine Truck Camper Magazine review if I didn’t remind you that everything in a truck camper is a trade-off. It is. And it is.

Capri Cowboy Interior Kitchen Sink Counter

Above the sink is a 110-volt outlet that will be active when the camper is connected to shore power. With the addition of an inset cutting board, this space would be perfect for a coffee maker or a single-burner induction cooktop.

I would prefer this outlet to be on the rear wall so that a mirror could be placed in this location for shaving, checking cowlicks, and general grooming and maintenance. There’s something about having a sink and mirror that seems universally appreciated and useful.

Capri Cowboy Interior Kitchen Under Sink

This particular Capri Cowboy had no tanks; fresh, grey, or otherwise. Again, this greatly simplifies the camper, reduces weight, and avoids the need to winterize the unit.

It also means you need to bring in your fresh water source for the hand pump sink. Your fresh water container should preferably fit inside the space under the sink for the hand pump to draw from. Ideally, Capri Campers would either supply its customers with such a container or recommend one they know that fits and works well in this location. While they’re at it, an inset cutting board for the sink would also be great.

Capri Cowboy Interior Portable Cooler

And just like that, a cutting board appears. Inside the Capri Cowboy under review was an XG Cargo cooler that happens to include a consumer cutting board in a lid pouch. The XG Cargo cooler was supplied by D&H RV.

A 2.4 cubic foot 12-volt NovaKool refrigerator/freezer is available as an option for custom-ordered Capri Cowboy campers. Other kitchen options not featured with this unit include a microwave, built-in cooktop, traditional sink, faucet, 10-gallon tank, water heater, on-demand pump, and propane tank. Some of these options obviously require an alternate floor plan.

Capri Cowboy Interior Drivers Side Wide Closet Focus

Mid-ship on the driver’s side is that huge closet. Inside is a closet rod for hanging clothes, a 110-volt outlet, and a 12-volt outlet.

Capri Cowboy Interior Closet Outlets

I’m never one to forgo outlets in a camper, but the location seems a bit odd. Most likely, these outlets are normally positioned for kitchen or bedroom area use, but this unit was ordered with the closet. After a little digging, I believe the outlets and closet space were intended for an optional dealer-installed refrigerator.

Again, Capri Campers offers a number of floor plans for the Cowboy. Make sure to check out the other available floor plans and options on their website.

Capri Cowboy Floorplan With Countertop

The picture above (from Capri Camper’s website) shows the Cowboy layout that I prefer that swaps the closet for a much longer countertop.

Capri Cowboy Interior Porta Potti

Another option presented by D&H RV was Thetford’s Porta-Potti (model 565SE), a remarkably attractive portable toilet solution. It’s been designed to offer a residential-like toilet bowl size and height with a battery-powered flush, 4-gallon fresh water tank, and a 5.5-gallon waste tank. It even has an integrated toilet paper holder that pops out the lower side. Can a porta-potty be clever and cool? This $165 option has about the same capacity and arguably more versatility than a built-in cassette toilet system. Game changer? Could be.

What this porta-potty doesn’t have in this camper is a home. I would want a place where it was stored, preferably with a strap or something to keep it upright during travel. Otherwise, I think this portable toilet system is a fantastic option.

Capri Cowboy Interior Bed Doors Open

Earlier in this review, we looked at the ratchet tie-down system mounted to the exterior. Once the camper is loaded onto a truck, the ratchet tie-downs are accessed, connected, tightened, and later released through a series of doors inside the camper (see above). The doors are opened and closed with metal latches.

Our first truck camper had similar truck bed access doors. Like the Capri Cowboy, it was a non-basement design, and these doors allowed us to store items in the wheel wells of the truck. That option is also open for the Cowboy, but I would caution against storing loose items with the exposed ratchet system. Maybe a laundry bag, but certainly not cans of beer or Chef Boyardee Beef Raviolis.

Capri Cowboy Camper Fuse Battery Door

Under the ‘cabover’ bed area is where the WFCO 8735 (converter, AC breakers, and fuse panel), battery level monitor, and battery disconnect switch are located.

Capri Cowboy Fuse Panel Open

This isn’t the most comfortable place to access your breakers and fuses or check your battery levels, but it’s not the worst we’ve seen either. This is what knees and phone flashlights are for, right?

Capri Cowboy Bed

I think the place where this camper really came together for me was the gorgeous ‘cabover’ bed area. Not only is it open and inviting with the classic wood paneling and LED lighting, but it was also comfortable with the 48-inch wide by 80-inch long heavy foam mattress.

Capri Cowboy Camper LED Lighting

The LED strip lighting along the ceiling edges goes a long way to balance what could have otherwise been a dark camper. It also brings out a more modern and fresh vibe from the wood paneling. It may be heresy to call a Capri Cowboy modern in Bluff Dale, but the bright white color of the LED lights really do switch the vibe from classic-vintage to retro-modern, at least for me.

Capri Cowboy Caboverless Camper Fantastic Fan

Above the bed is an optional Fantastic Fan. The ability to pull air into the camper can be the difference between a comfortable night’s sleep and something else. Even better is the ability to reach up and turn this fan off when things cool down.

Capri Cowboy Review Storage

Above the bed is a full-width cabinet with three strut-supported cabinet doors. I don’t know how anyone doesn’t see this storage opportunity and not think, “socks, underpants, and T-shirts”. Capri could practically put those three words on the door lids. Kidding aside, this is the right kind of storage in the right place. And the cabinet is tucked close enough to the front wall that it doesn’t present a head knocking hazard. Perfect.

Capri Cowboy Campers Outlets

The driver’s side of the bedroom area has one 110-volt outlet. The passenger’s side has a combination 12-volt and two USB outlets, another 110-volt outlet, and a light switch. The USB outlets will be appreciated for charging phones, tablets, and other devices. The 110-volt outlets could be vital for CPAP users. And it’s always good to have a light switch in the cabover. Good night.

Capri Cowboy Specifications

Dry Weight 800-1,300 pounds
Wet Weight* 1,365-1,865 pounds
Floor Length 8’5″
Overall Length 8’5″
Width 7’0″
Interior Height 5’0″
Exterior Height 65″
Center of Gravity 38″ (Base model)
Truck Type Long Bed

Capri lists the dry weight of the Cowboy at 800 to 1,300-pounds. They present that weight range as the Cowboy is a custom-ordered camper with several different floor plans to choose from and a healthy list of options. We’ll dig deeper into the weight of this specific camper for the wet weight calculation.

The floor-length of the long bed Cowboy under review is 8-feet, 5-inches. As shown in the loaded pictures earlier in the review, that extends past the tailgate on a long bed truck. Customers who want to tow, off-road, use their OEM rearview camera, or have the added security of a closed tailgate when they’re away might prefer the camper length to be shortened to allow the tailgate to be closed.

As someone who stands at 6’3”, I was able to quickly adapt to the 5-foot interior height. No, it wasn’t as comfortable as a stand-up height camper, but it wouldn’t dissuade me from the camper if this was the right solution. That stated, the height is something potential customers should think about before making a purchase. The advantage of the lower profile is the lower center of gravity, lower weight, improved aerodynamics and overall cost.

Capri Cowboy Capacities

Fresh Optional 16 gallons
Grey N/A
Black N/A
Water Heater Optional 4 gallons
Propane Tanks Optional 20-pound tank
Batteries One Battery

The Cowboy under review did not have a fresh water tank, but a tank is available as part of an optional sink and faucet package. Grey and blank tanks are not available on any Cowboy model. Grey water is captured in a portable container on the outside of the unit. For a black tank, an optional porta-potty is available.

Capri offers an optional 20-pound propane tank to fuel the optional propane water heater, two-burner recessed cooktop, and catalytic heater. If you don’t opt for these options, you don’t need the propane tank. The unit under review did not feature these options and did not have a propane tank.

The standard Group 27 AGM battery in the Cowboy is usually stowed under the bed platform. Having the battery inside automatically limits an owner to sealed AGM or lithium batteries for safety.

Capri also allows for an additional Group 27 AGM option. Given the size of the camper, one Group 27 battery will likely be more than enough for most owners. I would lean toward a portable, removable, and more versatile lithium battery solution before I added a second battery. We have a GoalZero Yeti 400 and love it.

Wet Weight Calculation

Base Dry Weight – No Options (factory order only)

With the exception of their Lone Star production model, Capri Campers are custom built with a wide range of interior floor plans and options. The base Cowboy is essentially a well-appointed camper shell that comes in four sizes; Mid-Size 6-foot, Full-Size 5.5-foot, Full-Size 6.5-foot, and Full-Size 8-foot.

The base Cowboy includes a bed platform, two benches, some basic cabinetry, a single battery, an electrical system, interior, and exterior LED lighting, USB, 12-volt and 110-volt outlets, a Fantastic Fan, and your choice of exterior and interior colors and wood grains.

Capri states that their base Cowboy Long Bed (the model and floor-length under review) weighs 800-pounds. The use of round numbers always throws a flag for dry weights, but in this case, it’s presented as an estimate and a starting point for a custom build.

With that understanding, let’s run the numbers on a Capri Cowboy Long Bed base model. Note that there is no weight added for full fresh water, full water heater, or a full propane tank. The base Cowboy does not have these features.

Capri Cowboy Long Bed: dry weight, 800-pounds + battery, 65 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 1,365 pounds.

Base Dry Weight – Fully Optioned

Unfortunately, we do not have an accurate dry weight for the camper under review. With what is apparently a non-standard floor plan with the large closet, and the window air conditioner option, no dry weight was posted.

Capri Campers lists the top end of the base dry weight for the Cowboy Long Bed at 1,300-pounds. Yes, again we throw a flag for round numbers, but let’s run the numbers for a fully-optioned unit. And this time we’re adding in the weight for full fresh water, full water heater, and a full propane tank as a fully-optioned Cowboy does have these features.

Capri Cowboy Long Bed: dry weight, 1,300 pounds + 10 gallons fresh, 83.4-pounds + 4 gallon full water heater, 33.4 pounds + 1x 20-pound full propane tank, 20-pounds + 2x batteries, 130 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 2,066.8 pounds

Truck Recommendations

As one of the smallest hard side truck campers on the planet, we’re going to adjust the standard stuff weight above to a more realistic 250-pounds. Given the size and limited storage opportunities of the camper (compared to larger hard-side models), 250-pounds should cover the food, clothing, and gear weight the stuff figure is designed to represent. Taking the stuff weight from 500 to 250-pounds adjusts the wet weight of the base Capri Camper to 1,115-pounds, and the fully-loaded model to 1,816.8-pounds.

Given the custom nature of the Capri Cowboy including four different size/floor lengths, different floor plans, and a healthy list of options, it’s not possible to make a one-size-fits-all blanket suggestion for what truck to recommend.

Let’s tackle the obvious half-ton question. The majority of half-ton trucks running wild on roads coast-to-coast have payload capacities of 1,500-pounds or less. Chances are, if you have a half-ton truck, it could easily handle the base Cowboy wet and loaded with your stuff. Even if you added an air conditioner, hand pump sink, and a portable toilet, you’re still likely in the clear with your average half-ton truck and a Capri Cowboy.

Now, if you choose a Capri Cowboy long bed with the floor plan that features the most internal cabinetry and features and then select every possible option, fill the fresh tank, water heater, and propane tank – and then add your food, clothing, and gear – it’s likely you’ll need a more stout half-ton truck.

My favorite go-to example is always the 2021 Ford F-150 SuperCrew, 6.5-foot bed, 3.5L EcoBoost V6, 4×4 with the Heavy-Duty Payload Package featuring 2,640 pounds of payload. That truck has enough payload for the loaded out Cowboy, and that antique anvil collection you insist on bringing with you. Of course, the other option for a maxed-out, loaded, and wet Capri Cowboy Long Bed would be a three-quarter or one-ton truck.

The Verdict

Not everyone needs a fully-featured truck camper with a separate kitchen, bathroom, and cabover bedroom. Some folks only need – or want – a warm and dry place to take shelter, relax and sleep after a day of adventure or work. Not everyone wants to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a camper or wants to spend tens of thousands more on the truck needed to haul that fully-featured and expensive camper.

For the folks who want a simple truck and camper, the Capri Cowboy is a screaming bargain and an obvious solution. Dare I say that had Capri Cowboy truck campers been more widely known, the entire Van Life phenomenon may have gone an entirely different way. Why convert a dorky van when you can get a used half-ton truck and an affordable and ready-to-customize Cowboy base and hit the road?

Sadly, a huge number of our readers likely skipped this review because they don’t understand what the Cowboy represents, and it’s simply not for them personally. Those same readers will showcase their rigs to their kids and grandkids, who likely can’t afford or possibly wouldn’t even want that much truck and camper. As an alternative, they could recommend the Capri Cowboy and a half-ton truck as an attractive and affordable entry point to this amazing hobby.

And it’s crazy how comfortable I was sitting in the Cowboy. It will never be mistaken for a full-size cabover camper, but it’s not like sitting in a truck shell either. Before you dismiss this camper as too small, find an opportunity to sit in one. Unless you get claustrophobic in tree forts, I think you’ll be shocked at how open and spacious the camper feels in person.

The biggest cons for the Capri Cowboy are baked into the camper concept itself. By design, the camper lacks a cabover and bathroom. This particular version of the Cowboy lacked a dedicated kitchen area, but other versions do offer one. And the camper is relatively small and simple by modern truck camper standards. Walk into this after exploring the full-height and cabover sporting Capri Retreat next to it and you might not get the concept. Walk into it after being in a camper with slides and a bathroom and you might really be scratching your head.

Walk into that same Capri Cowboy again as someone who doesn’t need or want the amenities of those other campers and you might have a very different reaction. For example, someone who’s currently tent camping or using a truck cap might think, “This is exactly what I’ve been lookin’ for.”

In different areas of our lives, we often want different levels of features, amenities, and luxury. It’s not always a money thing. Sometimes it’s a keep-it-simple thing. Or a, not-interested-in-all-that-fancy-stuff thing. That’s what the Capri Cowboy represents. For those folks, the Capri Cowboy will be the answer to their truck camping prayers. Everything they need. Nothing they don’t.

For other folks, the Capri Camper will be the only way they can afford to get into this wonderful and richly rewarding hobby. That’s what makes this unassuming camper one of the most important models available today. In the face of all the pressures manufacturers are dealing with right now, I sincerely hope Capri Camper is able to keep the Cowboy lightweight, simple, and affordable. If there still was an accessible every man truck camper, this might be it.

Excellent entry-point value
Works well with half-ton trucks, but matching is still required
Despite its small dimensions, feels open and spacious inside
LED strip lights are bright and balance the classic-retro aesthetic
Available in different floor plans with a healthy option list
Perfect for those who don’t need or want a fully-featured camper

Adding options could balloon weight and price
5-foot interior height will likely require crouching
Flat front wall could be a drag on fuel economy
Internal ratchet tie-downs will need to be monitored
Converter and battery disconnect are hard to see and reach
Long bed model’s 8.5-foot length blocks closing tailgate

Model Information
2022 Capri Cowboy Long Bed
MSRP: $10,995 (without options), $14,999 as shown
Warranty: One-year workmanship warranty.  Individual appliances have their own warranties.

Capri Camper
26980 US Highway 377 North
Bluff Dale, TX 76433
Phone: 254-728-3226
Request a Capri Retreat Brochure

Quality, Customer Service, and Long-Term Reliability

Truck Camper Magazine inspects all reviewed truck campers for design, material, and quality issues and reports what we find.  However, since Truck Camper Magazine reviews only brand new truck campers, our reviews do not address long-term quality, customer service, or reliability.

To learn about a brand’s long-term quality, customer service, and reliability, Truck Camper Magazine recommends talking directly with truck camper owners at truck camper rallies and online via truck camper forums and truck camper owners groups.

Please be sure to balance your gathered feedback across multiple sources including direct correspondence with the truck camper manufacturers and your closest truck camper dealers.

If you are new to truck campers, visit our Newbie Corner.



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