Dietrick Kanzler has a warning sign. Hope R has a list. What prompted these items is something not to miss. It’s a two-part Camper Memo!
Submitted By: Dietrich Kanzler, 2015 Ram 1500, 2000 Northstar TC800
At least twice this past year I have driven off with the roof of my popup Northstar in the popped-up position. Luckily nothing flew away, but I now place a full page sign that says, “TOP IS UP” on my truck’s steering wheel whenever the top is up.
The Camper Memo
While we usually remember the minor things when packing up to leave, sometimes the important basics are forgotten. Make a pre-drive checklist that includes everything.
Submitted By: Hope R., 2006 GMC, 2012 Four Wheel Camper Hawk
On a recent trip to Idaho, something distracted us during the morning pack-it-up routine. We later realized it was a flying bug of some sort that attacked me right after the camper was closed up.
My job is to close up the interior and make it ready for travel. As I stepped out of the closed camper this evil bug attacked me and my husband quickly came to my rescue. The crisis was over, but it had sufficiently distracted him from his part of the routine; securing the roof latches for travel.
Thankfully, we only traveled 10-miles to breakfast and we probably stayed under 40 miles per hour. After coffee and a yummy breakfast, we walked back out to the truck and finally noticed the front of the pop-up was up. Wish I had taken a picture of that moment. By the way, The Village Kitchen in Priest River, Idaho is excellent.
Mistakes happen, so we are very thankful to Four Wheel Camper for building an impressive camper. Our 2012 Four Wheel Camper Hawk camper showed no damage. At our next stop we thoroughly inspected the unit. We did not find a single sign of stress or damage. Amazing!
The Camper Memo
Have a pack-it-up routine and double check it!
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