Truck Camper Magazine reports on companies and products throughout the United States and Canada. This means we’re often covering new campers, model year updates, and even new companies that we haven’t actually seen or met in person. Until our top secret METCAT (Matter to Energy Truck CAmper Transporter) finally works, reporting from a distance is often our reality.
While we can’t be everywhere all the time, we do our best to reach newsworthy items soon after they’re announced. New factory? We’ll be there! New camper? We’ll track one down and review it! New company? We’re on the way – as soon as possible!
In a sense, Angela, Harley, and I are continuously playing Whack-A-Mole with truck camper industry news – not that anyone in the industry is a mole, at least that we know of.
This past June we announced Stablecamper, an all-new truck camper gear company. If you missed their inspiring introduction article, it’s not to be missed. The backstory of how the company came to be is truly one for the books. We especially love how the original patent holder – Walt Perham – got involved. This is one company that was clearly meant to be.
When we interviewed Oregon-based Stablecamper for their story, we were in Florida. “Looks like we’re going to Oregon this year,” Angela said with a smile. Angela loves a road trip, especially one that takes us to the west. “Well, I guess. What else can we do out there?” Angela knows if I’m going to drive 3,000 miles, it had better be a multi-mole-whacking opportunity.
“How about the NATCOA rally in La Grande? And we also need to visit this company, see that camper, and then…”
It was a set up, folks. Angela was more than ready for my response, and instantly named a dozen or more things we needed to see out west for the magazine. She even convinced Stablecamper to meet us at the NATCOA rally. Did I mention that Angela can be persuasive?
Above: Jared and Candice Sund, Founders of Stablecamper
The story of how we arrived at the NATCOA rally in Oregon will have to wait for another day (it’s a doozy). What I can tell you is that we got there and finally met Jared and Candice Sund, the Founders of Stablecamper.
Above: The Stablecamper system installed on an Arctic Fox 992
Angela and I could immediately sense that Jared and Candice truly love truck camping and were very excited to be at a rally with fellow truck campers. Oh, and they were also eager to showcase their new company and products.
Their genuine truck campers-first, business owners-second approach pulled at our heartstrings. It’s the same way we approach the truck camper marketplace and community. Jared and Candice don’t have to pretend to love truck camping. You know it when you meet them.
Jared and Candice went all-out for their Stablecamper presentation that Saturday. They had Candice’s now famous peanut brittle (aka Stablebrittle), a variety of frosty beverages, and their products on display. Every CNC cut part was out and ready to inspect. Then Jared, Candice, and Walt spoke about their company, products, and vision.
Looking at their products and components, the very first thing we noticed was the extreme quality.
For example, the aluminum Stablecamper clamps that attach to the camper jacks are CNC cut from aircraft grade aluminum, deburred in a tumbler, and finished to a level rarely seen in any industry.
Above: Round jack brackets left (Rieco-Titan and Atwood) and square jack brackets right (Happijac)
The designs are elegant and efficient. Finally, everything just looked cool. I don’t know why, but I want a Stablecamper clamp – just to look at and show others.
After Stablecamper’s presentation, Jared talked to us about the process of designing their products in AutoDesk and routing aluminum and composites on their in-house Haas VMC vertical mill. Jared has decades of CAD design and machining experience, and patiently went through each step with us.
Above: These front brackets are used when the Stablecamper is stowed
Speaking of their factory, we are scheduled to visit Stablecamper later this summer and see their team and CNC machines in action. Jared and Candice also showed us a new truck camper accessory which will be debuting in the next month or so. Hint: Don’t fish for clues, you’ll get caught!
There’s more, but the Stablecamper team has asked that we keep things under our hats for the time being. The big message we learned is this; Stablecamper is not going to be a one product company for long. Or a two product company. Or a three product company. If that’s not tantalizing enough, we’ll leave you with one more teaser; their fourth product might just be yours.