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Lather Up or Shower Down In Your Camper


Perhaps this is a taboo subject, but it’s time we come to grips with truck camper showers.  Angela and I have always used the showers in our truck campers, but we are well aware that many folks turn their showers into storage closets and never use the shower.

While I certainly understand the desire for more interior storage, I have struggled with the idea of never using a truck camper shower.  Personally, I want a shower in the morning, however short, as long as we have enough water, propane, and power.  For us, having a shower in the camper is part of what makes this lifestyle so amazing.  How many folks can say they’ve showered dozens of times in Walmart parking lots across the country?  We can.

With this in mind, I have this week’s Question of the Week, “Do you use your truck camper shower?”  If yes, why do you use your truck camper shower, and do you like it?  If no, why don’t you use your truck camper shower, and what do you do with that space?

Perhaps the answers to this question can help truck camper manufacturers to build better shower facilities.  They could even make shower stalls that convert into storage for the percentage of customers that will not use them.  At any rate, we’ll learn more about how many of us actually use our truck camper showers.  Taboo or not, it’s time to find out.

Responses to this week’s QOTW – dry bath, wet bath, and no bath!


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