Everybody knows the vinyl graphics the RV industry uses on its products do not last forever. Depending on sun exposure and the elements, they can begin to fade, crack, and even peel after a decade or so. What have you done to maintain or repair your vinyl graphics?
When we bought our project camper in 2014, the original graphics were significantly cracked and faded. I removed a good number of the logo graphics with a 3M stripe-off wheel. In retrospect, I should not have used the stripe-off wheel as it heated the already 10-year old laminations and likely caused some de-lamination. Live and learn.
That said, the decal logos, swooshes, and other vinyl graphics on our camper were beyond saving or repair. Ideally, we would have removed them all and replaced them with new vinyl graphics. There were bigger fish to fry, so we decided to live with the cracks and fading – and get back to our magazine work, and truck camping.
This week’s Question of the Week is, “Have you done anything to maintain, repair, or replace the exterior vinyl graphics on your truck camper?”
Please tell us what you have done and how that project worked out. If you used a product or service, please share exactly what products or services you used. And don’t forget a photograph of the results, it possible!
This QOTW is now closed. Readers have shared their responses in “How To Maintain and Repair RV Graphics“.