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Dare Accepted: David Epp, Adventurer Manufacturing

David Epp, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for the Adventurer Group, has officially accepted the Triple-Dog Dare to go truck camping.

Triple Dare Accepted Adventurer

Truck Camper Magazine has been formally notified that David Epp from Adventurer has accepted our Triple-Dog Dare.

From September 6-15, David will be camping with a 2019 Adventurer 901SB to fish with friends on the Skeena River.  This is part of an annual fishing trip.

Congratulations David!  We can’t wait to hear about your fishing and truck camping experience.

You are the sixth industry leader to accept the truck camping dare.  We will hold you to it, and look forward to hearing about what you learn about Adventurer Manufacturing products on your adventure.

Industry Leaders: How To Accept The Dare

Any Industry Leader who wants to accept the dare needs to email Truck Camper Magazine with their, “dare accepted” announcement.

With your announcement, please include the dates you plan to go truck camping, the general plan, and the truck and camper you plan to take out.  We will publish your acceptance message in Truck Camper Magazine.

For more information, click here; Truck Camper Manufacturer Triple-Dog Truck Camping Dare.



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Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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