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2020 Calendar Contest: Behind the Shot Part 6

For Behind the Shot Part 6, we are featuring photos and stories from Ouray, Colorado, Roundup, Montana, Blue Spring State Park, Carson National Forest, and many more! Click here to participate in the 2020 Truck Camper Magazine Calendar Contest and be considered for a Behind the Shot feature.

Eddie Fort
Near Ouray, Colorado
2016 Ford F-350
2016 Hallmark Everest
Camera Used – iPhone

We drove out to Colorado from Virginia in the hopes of doing some of the high mountain trails, but the heavy winter snows had kept them impassible. In talking to a Ranger he mentioned that Hurricane Pass had just been opened but that it was very muddy and wet with all the snow melting. We decided to give it a try and succeeded. This picture was taken about a quarter-mile from the top. You should have seen the looks on the faces of the Jeep Owners as we reached the summit!

Scott Ellis
BLM land north of Roundup, Montana
2012 Chevy 3500
2019 Northern Lite 9-6QSE
Camera Used – iPhone Xs

We’ve camped here for several years. It’s just a random patch of BLM land in south-central Montana. Being able to camp in spots like this is exactly why we went back to a truck camper after a couple of trailers.

Pat Eastes
Colorado River road near Moab, Utah
2019 Chevy 2500HD
2015 Lance 865
Camera Used – Canon G3x

Heading into Moab for a couple of days, the colors along the river and the La Sals in the background, along with a great sky, made for a good photo. This pullout looked to have the possibility of a good composition.

Kris Cassidy
Carson National Forest, New Mexico
2016 Ford F-350
2018 Wolf Creek 840
Camera Used – Fuji X-T30

We were visiting beautiful Ojo Caliente Hot Springs in New Mexico and preferred to boondock instead of staying in their campground. There were several boondocking options in the nearby Carson National Forest with no one else around and sweeping views. The land there is quite magical.

Dan Daddieco
Moki Dugway UT-261, just northwest of Valley of the Gods, Utah
2015 Ram 3500
2015 Eagle Cap 1165
Camera Used – Sony DSC RX10 III

The Moki Dugway is located on UT-261, just northwest of Valley of the Gods. The term moki is derived from the Spanish word, moqui, a general term used by explorers in this region to describe Pueblo Indians they encountered as well as the vanished Ancestral Puebloan culture. Dugway is a term used to describe a roadway carved from a hillside.

The Moki Dugway is a staggering, graded dirt switchback road carved into the face of the cliff edge of Cedar Mesa. It consists of three miles of steep, unpaved, but well-graded switchbacks (11% grade), which wind 1,200 feet from Cedar Mesa to the valley floor near Valley of the Gods. This route provides breathtaking views of some of Utah’s most beautiful sites. Scenic views of Valley of the Gods and distant Monument valley open at every turn of the dugway.

The Moki Dugway was constructed in the 1950s provide a way to haul ore from the Happy Jack Mine on Cedar Mesa to the mill in Halchita, near Mexican Hat.

The State of Utah recommends that only vehicles less than 28 feet and 10,000 pounds attempt to negotiate the dugway.

Bill Elwell
San Rafael Swell, Utah
2016 Ram 2500
2016 Four Wheel Camper Flatbed Hawk
Camera Used – Cannon Powershot SH60 HS

On our way out to Overland Expo West in the Spring we took the northern route from Texas up through Colorado and Utah before dropping down into Arizona.

We hadn’t been in the San Rafael Swell area before and had a day to explore before we got to our reserved camp sites in the Maze district of Canyonlands. We entered the Swell on the road just north of Goblin Valley State Park and started to wander around looking for a spot to camp. We passed many sites on the easier roads that were all occupied.

We stopped and talked to a dirt biker that had just pulled into his camp. He said that if we headed up the four wheel drive trail up ahead there was no one up there. That worked out well and we had a nice site up high with a great view and no one around. We explored the area further on foot and took this shot as the sun was setting over the valley.

Alex Crowell
June Mountain, California
2003 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD
2015 Lance 1050S
Camera Used – Sony A6300

After spending just about every weekend this winter in the sierras, we became accustomed to winter dry camping quite fast. We’re high class ski bums; first ones up the hill, last ones off. There are no hot tubs or five star dining options here. Chilly stormy nights and mornings spent brushing a few feet of snow off the roof quickly became the norm.

Charles Coushaine
Blue Springs State Park, Florida
2001 Ford F350
2012 Chalet DS116RB
Camera Used – Osmo Pocket Camera

This winter we traveled to the Blue Springs State Park in Florida with multiple other truck camper friends. Our site was beautifully adorned with many spectacular palm trees!

Jacob Brokke
1996 Ford Bronco
1996 Lite Craft
Camera Used – iPhone 6s

We picked up this 22 year old Ford Bronco truck camper in Boulder, Colorado. On the way home to Texas we were blessed with this great first picture of our new rig. As a longtime Ford Bronco lover I could not believe my eyes when I first saw this truck. I had to have it. It’s the best thing I ever did. It has already given us some beautiful memories and will continue to do so as we travel in it across the country. I believe this photo shows it in all its glory with a rainbow blessing.

LaRae McKee
Rob Roy Campground, Snowy Range, Wyoming
2016 Ford F-350
2018 Northern Lite 10-2EX CD
Camera Used – iPhone

My wife was tending the campfire and I was inside our camper. I called out to her asking her a question when she saw the moment and took the picture. This was on July 4, 2019. This view is better than fireworks in our book!

Anthony and Karen Calandra
Amarillo, Texas
2017 Chevy 3500HD
2019 Palomino HS-2901
Camera Used – iPhone

We were traveling from northern Illinois to southern California. We first noticed the Cadillac Ranch and then saw the Oasis RV Resort so we stopped in for a night cap. As soon as we pulled in we saw this buried RV and couldn’t resist taking a photo.

Jeanne Doucet
Banff, Alberta
2007 Dodge Ram 2500
2005 Northern Lite
Camera Used – Nikon D90

This is from the Parcs National in Banff this summer.

Ken Krenz
Spanish Valley, Utah
2015 Chevy 3500
2013 Eagle Cap 995
Camera Used – Sony a6

On our first trip out west with our new to us truck camper.

Ivan Hass
Chilcotim Hwy 20 Tweedsmuir South Provincial Park, British Columbia
2017 Toyota Tacoma
2017 EarthCrusier GZL 300
Camera Used – iPhone SE

I noticed the leaning log shed against the mountains and turned around. I parked on the roadside sloped shoulder. The truck and cabin seem to lean toward each other for support.

Tom Castro
Zion National Park, Utah
2017 Ford F350
2017 Travel Lite 800x
Camera Used – Google Pixel 3 XL

This was on the home bound side of a 7000 mile four week western adventure from Naples, Florida.

Click here to see the latest photos entered into the 2020 TCM Calendar Contest. Enter your truck camper photos today!



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