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Chalet RV’s Double Sofa Camper

When I reviewed the Lance 1172 in March of 2013, I coined the phrase “sofa camper”.  I stipulated, based on my vast experience in such matters, that sofas are the true reason multi-slide truck campers have been successful.  Yes, the voluminous floor space a double or triple-slide floor plan presents is impressive, but it’s the sofa that sells.

So what would happen if we put two sofas in a truck camper?  Forget the dinette.  Shake the U-shape.  Would two sofas mean double the lounging, and twice the couch potato fun?  Or would it just be ridiculous?


Yes, I joke, but it’s a completely valid question.  Truck camper dinettes were invented to give folks a place to eat, play cards, work, and look at maps.  Should we just throw the time-tested and proven truck camper dinette out the proverbial window because we must have another sofa?


My initial instinct is, “Absolutely not”.  Lucky for the industry I’m not the only truck camper consumer in the universe.  Someone out there is going to see Chalet’s triple-slide sofa-sofa camper option and say, “Absolutely yes!”  Besides, you can put the included portable table in the middle and you have yourself a dinette, of sorts.


This week’s Question of the Week is, “Is a double sofa camper a good idea?”  This is simple.  No long winded answers.  No explaining.  Just tell us what you prefer.

Here are the responses to this week’s Question of the Week.


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