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Palomino SS-550 Floor Plan Evaluation

Palomino SS-550 Floor Plan Truck Camper Review

For the floor plan evaluation, we will start at the rear entry door and work our way forward.

Battery disconnect and Rieco-Titan roof lift system in pop-up camper

Rieco-Titan Roof Lift System

Immediately inside the entry door and underneath the dinette is the standard battery disconnect, Rieco-Titan roof lift system switches, the Rieco-Titan jack activation switch, and two large under seat storage compartments. Having the battery disconnect and the Rieco-Titan switches right at the back door is absolutely perfect.

Palomino SS-550 can have Rieco-Titan electric jacks

The Rieco-Titan electric jacks are an option on the Palomino SS-550.

U-Shaped Dinette and Round Table

Stepping into the camper and turning to the passenger’s side, the U-shape dinette and round table presents an attractive seating opportunity with just enough leg and feet room for three adults. The placement and position of the table makes entering and exiting the dinette relatively easy, and the wall-mounted back cushions make the seating fairly comfortable.

Palomino 550 round table in dinette

As a single post table, the table top could be more stable.  Some may wish for more surface area for cups, plates, food, laptops, etc.  We would also love the option of a more traditional rectangular table that would attach to the side wall for increased stability.  That offer more eating and working space.  Most folks using this camper will be singles and couples anyway, so why not offer a booth-style table option?

The SS-550’s Dinette Makes Into A Bed

Turning the dinette into a bed requires removing the table top, removing the table leg, installing the included plywood bed piece, and arranging the cushions as a bed.

Palomino SS-550 dinette without a circle table

The first time we did this, the process took less than a minute.

Dinette into bed wood down first

The table top and leg can be stored under the cabover bed.  That is, if you haven’t already filled that space with your stuff. Otherwise, the table top and leg could be placed on the floor for the night.

Palomino SS-550 7-foot long dinette

If the person sleeping in the dinette bed is tall, they will likely need to lie towards the rear wall and stretch their lower leg and feet into the narrow strip next to the central wardrobe (see above photo). Anyone who will be using this lower bed for tall adults may want to audition this sleeping position prior to purchase.

Palomino Pop-Up Storage

Stereo and Storage over dinette of Palomino SS-550

Above the dinette is a two-door storage cabinet, AM/FM CD stereo system with speakers, and a LED light.

Palomino Dinette Stereo System

Having the stereo and LED light within reach of the dinette and kitchen area makes sense.

Thermostat, 12-volt outlet, coax connection, and a 110-volt outlet in Palomino SS-550

The forward dinette also features the thermostat, 12-volt outlet, coax connection, and a 110-volt outlet. Having the outlets in a mid-camper location is excellent for charging cell phones and devices and plugging in laptops while on shore power. The only thing missing here is a USB outlet.

Passenger's side lower cabinet on the Palomino-SS-550

These outlets are installed into a passenger’s side lower cabinet. This cabinet has two storage areas and offers a table top.

Palomino SS-550 interior living area

Not only does the SS-550 have an impressive amount of storage areas, but the storage areas come in a multitude of sizes and shapes.

PREVIOUS – Palomino SS-550 Introduction  |  VERDICT – Pros and Cons  |  NEXT – Palomino SS-550 Kitchen


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