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Torklift SmartStep GlowStep Install

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Torklift SmartStep Install

Russ Chandler, Salem, Oregon
Torklift SmartStep GlowStep Install
2002 Chevy 2500 HD
1998 Lance Legend 980

My 1998 Lance 980 truck camper had the original fold-up step that was rusting through and suffering from years of my abuse. It was becoming a hazard.

Original Step Before Torklift Smartstep Glowstep

The Torklift SmartStep three-step Stow N’ Go step installation instructions show a variety of install applications. Bolting to the bumper was an option.

My concern was that my dump tube slides in and out of the bumper making the install complex. The OG Lance camper folding step utilizes two brackets that are 1.25” wide and welded to the bottom of the bumper under the door.

Torklift Smartstep Glowstep 1

My nephew, Joe, welded a 1/4 inch steel plate the same size as the mounting plate provided from Torklift to pieces of 6 inch tube steel on both ends of the plate.

Torklift Smartstep Glowstep 2

Then we drilled two holes through the tubes to accept the original safety pins. We laid the Torklift plate onto our plate and drilled and installed six bolts. A little grinding and painting and it was done.

Torklift Smartstep Glowstep Bracket

Torklift Smartstep Glowstep Bracket On Camper

This install provides a very stable ingress/egress out of a tricky location. After a couple of fails, I now remember to fold-up the steps before I drive off.

Torklift Smartstep Glowstep Installed

Torklift customer service very kindly provided me with extra rubber landing pad bumpers to replace the ones I tore off.

Torklift Smartstep Glowstep Attached To Bracket

$504 – Torklift SmartStep 3-step Stow N’ Go steps online from Torklift Central
(2) .125” tube steel 6 inch – $10 at local steel supplier
(1) 3.5”x23” .025” plate steel – $10 at a local steel supplier
Paint, bolts – $10 from local hardware store

It took me three hours to complete this modification and cost me $534.

Torklift Smartstep Glowstep On A Lance Legend 980

Disclaimer: The modifications above are submitted by Truck Camper Magazine readers. It is your responsibility to make sure that any do-it-yourself modification project you undertake is safe, effective, and legal for your situation.

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