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Alabama Hills Campsites Closing To Camping

Fellow truck campers, Tom and Caitlin Morton of Mortons on the Move have brought to our attention the closure of some of the camping areas in California’s Alabama Hills.

Alabama Hills Campsites Closing

Of all the places we have camped, Alabama Hills is definitely on our favorite list. As Tom and Caitlin state, the mountains and rock formations are simply magical; literally out of countless movies, television shows, and car commercials we’ve all seen. Once you’ve been there, you will see Alabama Hills everywhere.

As BLM, we have camped in Alabama Hills merely by rolling in, finding an open, scenic, and level spot, and parking for the night. And what a view we’ve had of Mount Whitney and the insane rock sculptures all around us. The only downside is the rather poor cell reception.

Sadly, that drive-in and camp anywhere is changing. The most significant change is that you will no longer be able to camp west of Movie Road or camp south of Whitney Portal Road. There are also limitations on dispersed camping and a permit will be required at a future date.

All of this is because Alabama Hills has become overrun and abused by the public during the pandemic. We have seen this abuse first hand in other locations and heard numerous reports from other truck campers and travelers. It seems far too many of us believe nature is our personal toilet and trash can to abuse.

On a positive note, there are still ample camping opportunities in Alabama Hills to enjoy. Tom and Caitlin point out Tuttle Creek Campground ($8 a night) in the BLM area, and Long Pine Campground ($26 a night) down the road a piece. We have camped at both and can recommend them, but we always preferred the free boondocking sites.

Thank you, Tom and Caitlin, for bringing this to our attention. We are saddened, but not surprised. Hopefully, the improvements outlined in your article will being this spectacular (in the true meaning of the word) area back to its natural state and preserve it for generations to come. We’re going back, and picking up any trash we find.



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