Over the past year or two, Angela and I have noticed a serious gourmet streak within the truck camping community. For example, we were treated to a ridiculously delicious Indian curry lunch by some truck camping friends this past Spring. Last Fall another truck camping couple presented a full spread of Italian meats, cheeses, and breads, made insanely amazing with a balsamic sauce that had me wondering if I had ever had Italian food before.
Both meals were brought out – pot by pot, pan by pan, plate by plate – from truck camper rigs far from home. Watching the epicurean miracles emerge from camper kitchens had us rubbing our tummies, and shaking our heads.
You see, we absolutely love gourmet food, but we certainly don’t attempt to cook gourmet food on the road. Heck, we only occasionally attempt to cook gourmet meals at home. While truck camping, we keep our cuisine as fast, simple, and healthy as possible. Think simple salads, simple pastas, and simple sandwiches. One pot meals are the norm. We never cook anything resembling gourmet food in a truck camper.
Okay, there was that one time that we prepared lasagna in the Florida Everglades. It was 2010 and Angela wanted to see if we could make lasagna in a truck camper oven. We did, and it was fantastic. I even wrote an article about it appropriately titled, “Everglades National Park, Nike Missiles, Hot Lasagna, and Mosquitoes Attack!” Sadly, we haven’t cooked anything in a truck camper nearly that audacious since.
I’m starting to wonder if we need to revisit our, “fast, simple, and healthy” travel diet. While we sit down to another one-pot meal, other truck camper owners seem to pull off five star meals that I would practically sell my cat to eat. I love my cat, but the Indian curry, and the Italian balsamic was seriously that good.
This week’s question of the week is something of a food fight, “When you’re truck camping, do you eat fast and simple (like us), or do you go all-out gourmet and live it up?”
Of course you may have an answer that doesn’t fit neatly into these two extremes. Tell us how you eat on the road. Maybe you eat out all the time. Perhaps you have your truck camping adventures catered. How ever you eat while truck camping, we want to hear about it.
Here are the reader responses to this week’s Question of the Week.