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Truck Camper Insurance Wah-Wa-Wahhh

If we were to write a very short play about calling an insurance agency to get truck camper insurance, it might start something like this:

Insurance agent: Wah-wa-wahhh?

Bob: No, it’s not a fifth wheel.

Insurance agent: Wah-wa-wahhh?

Bob: No, it doesn’t have wheels.  It sits in the bed of the truck.

Insurance agent: Wah-wa-wahhh?

Bob: No, it’s not a motorhome.  There is no engine.  It’s a truck camper.

Insurance agent: Wah-wa-wahhh?

Bob: Yes, a truck camper.  They’re also called slide-in campers, pickup campers, and cabover campers?  Any of those ring a bell?

Insurance agent: Wah-wa-wahhh?

Bob: Yes, your grandfather had one.  Well, they still make them and they’ve come a very long way since then.  They’re also a bit more money than they were then.  Can I please insure it?

Insurance agent: Wah-wa-wahhh?

Bob: No, it’s not a fifth wheel.

We have done this infuriating dance about a dozen times with different insurance agents over the years.  We’ve learned to tell the agent to go to our magazine and look at a truck camper.  That’s when the light bulb goes off, at least for a moment.

When all is said and done, we have insurance on the truck camper, but we’re not entirely sure it’s real.  If we really needed the insurance, would the insurance company recognize that they insured our truck camper, and take care of us?  Or would they say, “Wah-wa-wahhh?” and leave us high and dry.  Fortunately, we’ve never had to find out.

This week’s Question of the Week is, “Do you insure your truck camper separately, as part of your truck insurance, or not at all?”

If you do insure your truck camper separately, please tell us what insurance company you use, and whether or not you are happy with their policy and service.  Maybe one of us has found an insurance agency and agent who really knows what a truck camper is.

Click here to see the reader responses about how they insure their truck campers.


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