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NuCamp Responds to 2017 Cirrus 820 Review

To maintain Truck Camper Magazine’s editorial integrity, truck camper manufacturers are not permitted to read our reviews prior to publishing.

Scott Hubble, CEO of nüCamp RV, sent in the following Manufacturer’s Response to Truck Camper Magazine’s recently published 2017 Cirrus 820 review.

“Thank you for taking the time to review the Cirrus 820. We feel it is a truck camper that everyone can appreciate and enjoy.

We have a few items to mention in respect to the review.

First, the LED reading lights in the cabover bedroom have two levels. They toggle between the blue light shown in the review, and a standard warm white light.

Second, the backup/security camera is not a standard feature. However, the Cirrus 820 comes with a very long standard feature list including a Fiamma 8-foot awning, Samsung convection microwave, Plastoform insulated windows, Fantastic Fan, Coleman Mach 8 air conditioner, Alde hydronic hot water and heat system, Jensen 19-inch HDTV and audio-video system, Froli sleep system, and keyless entry.

Third, the first fifty Cirrus 800 (the predecessor to the reviewed 820) models had the Alde system located in the kitchen cabinet area. However, after those fifty units were manufactured, the Alde system was relocated under the dinette. Another eighty Cirrus 800 units were built this way.

Fourth, the windows in the Cirrus 820 are acrylic, which is the most durable and functional plastic on the market.

Finally, the center of gravity on the Cirrus 820 is 32-inches, not 36-inches as stated in the review.

Thank you again for the review. We welcome all feedback from Truck Camper Magazine readers and look forward to debuting another exciting Cirrus model soon.” – Scott Hubble, CEO, nüCamp



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