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2013 Adventurer 89RB Review – Manufacturer Comments

To maintain Truck Camper Magazine’s editorial integrity, truck camper manufacturers are not permitted to read our reviews prior to publishing.

Dave Frampton, General Manager for Adventurer Manufacturing, sent in the following response to our review of the 2013 Adventurer 89RB.  Here is the original review link: “2013 Adventurer 89RB Review“.

“Thank you for the 2013 Adventurer 89RB product review.  There are a couple of clarifications we would like to make.  First, the rear dinette is actually built to pull out giving you a true four-person face-to-face dinette in an eight-foot camper.

Second, the 89RB is compatible with short or long bed trucks and is generator ready in both short and long bed rig configurations.  Many models designed for long or short bed compatibility are not generator ready when mounted on a long bed truck.  This is a huge improvement for our customers and increases the trucks the 89RB is compatible with.

Thanks again.” – Dave Frampton, General Manager, Adventurer Manufacturing


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