Truck Camper Magazine Blog

How to Install an RV Smart Plug

Welcome to the second entry in July’s Medium Mod Contest.  One Medium Mod will be published in every Email Alert in July.  At the end of the month, we’ll hold a reader vote to determine July’s winner.  Click here for information about the 2023 Mod Contest, including how to enter.

Install RV Smart Plug Truck Camper

Charles Coushaine, Punta Gorda, Florida
RV Smart Plug Install
2022 Ford F-550
2012 Chalet DS116RB

I installed a newer and better way to hook up power to my RV using a SmartPlug power connection. SmartPlug replaces the older style twist-lock plugs that most RVs have with a more robust push-and-lock style that provides 37 times more metal-to-metal connector contact area.

The older twist-lock plugs were difficult to connect to our camper and prone to overheating. At least twice my connection started to overheat and char the connection requiring purchasing a new cord. In addition, the final outer plastic threaded nut was difficult to attach without cross-threading and broke easily if the cord was dropped.

I purchased a two-piece kit that allowed me to modify my camper wiring with SmartPlug.

RV Smart Plug Cutting Off Old Connector

The first step was to modify the existing electrical cord by cutting off the older style twist-lock end and attaching the new SmartPlug end. This was relatively easy except for the part where I needed to slide the cord through the new strain relief.

RV Smart Plug Add Soap To Electrical Cord

This required soaping up the cord and forcing it through the strain relief with great effort. It was doable but messy!

RV Smart Plug Pushing Cord Thru Strain Relief

Once the wire was through the strain relief, it was then very easy to attach the wires to the new SmartPlug connector, attach the inner wire strain relief, and finish off by attaching the outer cover. That’s one-half of the project complete.

RV Smart Plug Wire New Connector To Cord

The next step was to remove the older style twist-lock plug from the camper.

RV Smart Plug Old 30-amp Plug Vs New Smart Plug

This was achieved by simply removing a few screws and pulling them out of the camper.

RV Smart Plug Remove Old Plug

With the camper wires exposed it was quite easy to attach the new SmartPlug plug using the color coding they provide.

RV Smart Plug Attach New Gasket And Wire In Smart Plug

Once the wires were attached and the gasket adhered to the camper, screwing the plug to the camper was easy using the existing screws and holes.

RV Smart Plug Attach Smart Plug To Camper

The project was now complete.

RV Smart Plug All Installed

This new SmartPlug is much easier to use than the older style twist-lock design. It connects easier, locks on better, and provides a more robust electrical connection. What’s not to like? So far it is a vast improvement over the old design and makes hooking up in a campground much easier.

I got the SmartPlug B30ASSY 30-Amp Inlet Connector Combo Kit from Amazon.

Editor’s Note: As of 8/10/2023 there is a recall on the SmartPlug sold on Amazon.  Please check into any recalls before buying it.

It took me two hours to complete this modification and cost me $200. In my opinion, the skill level of this modification is medium.

Disclaimer: The modifications above are submitted by Truck Camper Magazine readers. It is your responsibility to make sure that any do-it-yourself modification project you undertake is safe, effective, and legal for your situation.

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