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How Far Have You Truck Camped From Anywhere?

With our weekly publishing schedule, we are somewhat limited in how far off-road and off-grid we can go.  Water, food, and power aren’t the issue (at least not for a week or so), but cellular internet access most certainly is.  We can go anywhere, as long as we have a cell signal.  No cell signal, no magazine.

Fortunately most truck camper owners have no such limitation.  With four-wheel drive, holding tanks, battery systems, solar power, generators, and more, you can venture as far off-road and off-grid as your fancy – and courage – take you.

This week’s Question of the Week is, “How far off-road and off-grid have you been in a truck camper?

If you’re a serial off-road and off-grid adventure artist, tell us about the most off-road and off-grid trip you’ve ever taken – with a truck camper.  When were you at the furthest reaches of civilization?

We are also interested in why you drove that far off-road and off-grid.  What compelled you to go, and what did you do once you were there?

Maybe one day satellite internet will be as fast as cellular, and as affordable.  Until then, tell us what it’s like beyond the lights, noise, and crowds of humanity.  We’ve been off on our own, but always within reach.

Readers have now shared how far they have been off-road and off-the-grid.  Check out, Places To Camp Off-Road and Off-Grid.


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Truck Camper
Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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