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Dare 2 Accepted: Tyson D’Acosta, Capri Campers

Tyson D’Acosta, Vice-President of Capri Campers, has officially accepted Dare 2 to go truck camping.  Tyson will be camping in the new Capri Lone Star!

Capri Accepts Dare 2

Tyson emailed us, “I am in!  Let’s do this!”

He continued, “I’m planning on going out for a weekend in May or June with the Lone Star somewhere in Texas”.

Tyson will be camping in the new Capri Lone Star on a Ford F-250.

Capri LoneStar On F250 For TCM Dare

Above: Tyson will be taking out the new Capri Lone Star on a Ford F-250

Congratulations, Tyson!  You are the second industry leader to accept the truck camping dare.  We will hold you to it, and look forward to hearing about what you learn about Capri products on your adventure.  Have fun!

Industry Leaders: How To Accept Dare 2

Once again we are triple-dog daring our industry to go truck camping.  For Dare 2 we are opening the challenge to manufacturers, gear companies and dealerships.  If you work in the truck camper industry and have senior management, design, production, service, or sales responsibility, this dare opportunity is pointed at you.

To accept the Dare 2, click here; Truck Camper Industry Dare 2.





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Founded in 2007, Truck Camper Magazine is the truck camping community’s number one source for news, reviews, guides, newbie advice, destination ideas, maintenance recommendations, modifications, and more.
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