Truck campers are normally displayed in tight rows at dealerships to conserve space. This is great for showing campers, but horrible for taking exterior photography of the units.
So we ask dealers move the campers to a more attractive place where we can photograph them. Essentially, we say, “Can you please move that unit that’s tucked in tighter than a Walmartian’s spandex to that pretty patch of grass way over there?”
For our latest review of the 2017 Arctic Fox 992, we asked Bill Penney, Owner of Truck Camper Warehouse, to move the unit we selected. “No problem!” he exclaimed with way more enthusiasm than we had ever heard for such a request. “Where do you want it?”
What we didn’t know was that Bill had recently leased a huge forklift that was now his favorite toy. “I would quit tomorrow if I had to give this forklift up. It’s the best,” he said. Then he got onto the forklift, drove it over to the camper, and lifted it straight up into the air.
I was standing a few feet away and couldn’t help but take a few photos as Bill carried the unit up and over the roofs of other truck campers and towards the requested grassy spot. Watching Bill was like watching a kid play with trucks in the dirt. He was clearly having a blast.
Just for fun, we’re having a caption contest for the following photo. The winner will receive a Truck Camper Magazine T-shirt of their choosing. We’ll post the winning caption this Friday, and the other captions as well.
Scroll under the photo to submit your caption.
Click here to read the captions for this funny photo.