Truck Camper Magazine Blog

2023 Calendar Contest: Behind the Shot Part 6

For Behind the Shot Part 6, we are featuring photos and stories from Uinta National Forest, the Icefield Parkway, the Dixie National Forest, and more!  Click here to participate in the 2023 Truck Camper Magazine Calendar Contest and be considered for a Behind the Shot feature.

2023 Behind Shot 6

Matthew Breiter
Bow Lake, Alberta, Canada
2020 Ram 3500
2022 Arctic Fox 1150
Camera Used – Phone

As we left Bow Lake in Alberta, we noticed how tall the mountains were surrounding us. We stopped to take a photo and show how little our Ram 3500 and Arctic Fox 1150 were compared to the scene around us. Clouds were flowing over the mountains to block the peaks from view. Every mile (or kilometer in our case) had a completely new view as we drove up the Icefields Parkway.

Todd Brown
Henry’s Lake State Park, Island Park, Idaho
2011 Ford F-250
2015 Palomino Backpack
Camera Used – iPhone 11 Pro

In celebration of my 50th birthday, we left South Texas on an epic 10 day road trip to discover the beauty of the great west. On our way from Idaho Falls, ID to Yellowstone National Park, we found this beautiful state park in Eastern Idaho just southwest of Montana to bed down for the night before making our way into our nation’s oldest National Park. As the sun melted behind the mountains and the lake, I saw a great opportunity to capture our temporary home-on-wheels. I took several shots with my iPhone 11 Pro and this was the best representation of the beauty that we experienced that evening.

Nancy Sansbury
Red Canyon, Dixie National Forest, Utah
2020 Ram 5500
2021 Eagle Cap 1200
Camera Used – Canon SX740HS

We were just passing through the area on our way to Bryce Canyon National Park. There was beautiful scenery, so we just had to stop to take a few pictures.

Diane M. Black
Hamilton, Nevada
2017 Toyota Tacoma
2022 Palomino SS-500
Camera Used – iPhone

Our longest trip in the new popup was a ghost town and fishing adventure. The photo is at a ghost town called Hamilton which is just North of Ely, Nevada. The dirt road took us through a mountain range with wild horse herds and beautiful high desert views. We descended into Hamilton but were still at roughly 7000 feet. It’s an old mining town. We stopped in the cemetery and noticed that many of the gravestones were marked with the year of death in 1907. The structures were numerous with the first one we stopped at we could get the shot with the truck framed by the archway of the entrance.

Shelley LeBlanc
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
2017 Ram 3500
2022 Rugged Mountain Granite 11RL
Camera Used – iPhone 12 Pro Max

We went from Minnesota to Wyoming to pick up a new horse. Then, we continued on to Idaho to pick up new truck camper. This was on our way back. We wanted to ride the Tetons before we headed for home. We had camped at a horse motel in Driggs, Idaho, the night before – ‘Ear’s the Place Equine Inn. We then went on to Riverton the night of this photo to another horse motel – Boony Bash Equine RV Park.

Terrie Allar
Chimney Rock National Monument, Colorado
2017 Ram 3500<
2019 Cirrus 820
Camera Used – iPhone 11

My husband Dave and I were traveling in the southwest area of Colorado. We always stop at National Monuments that we find on our travels. Chimney Rock National Monument was a great stop. We hiked up the Great House Pueblo trail; an elevation of 7,600 at the top. On the way back down the trail, we saw our pickup truck camper looked like it would be a great photo.

Aaron Kessler
Whittier, Alaska
2018 Ram 4500
2020 Eagle Cap 1165
Camera Used – Samsung S21

We were boondocking for a few days in Whittier, Alaska, waiting on the clouds and rain to clear for pictures and a day of epic hiking.

John Doucette
Cambria, Wisconsin
2014 Chevy Silverado
2010 Palomino Bronco
Camera Used – Galaxy Note 9

I went to Otter Lake Campground by Tomahawk, Wisconsin. It was my first trip with my dog! He loves to sleep over the cab.

Wolfgang Deerkop
Uinta National Forest, Utah
2013 Chevrolet Silverado 3500
2000 Bigfoot 1500
Camera Used – Google Pixel 5

We try to get into the Uinta National Forest whenever we can. This was a perfect weekend before bugs and up out of the Salt Lake Valley beating first weekend with triple digit heat.

Ben Ho
Burnaby, British Columbia
2018 Toyota Tundra
1999 Palomino Bronco B500
Camera Used – Phone

This was my 2021 winter Covid project while staying low profile. I rebuilt the overhang bed platform area, upgraded for solar ready, installed a set of 200-watt solar panels, and worked on some interior items. I also re-sealed and painted the exterior. I went out with it a couple of weeks ago and I’m loving it.

Click here to see all of the photos entered so far in the 2023 TCM Calendar Contest.  Enter your truck camper photos today!


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