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2023 Calendar Contest: Behind the Shot Part 4

For Behind the Shot Part 4, we are featuring photos and stories from Yosemite, Great Basin, Bristlecone Highway, Gold Lake, and more!  Click here to participate in the 2023 Truck Camper Magazine Calendar Contest and be considered for a Behind the Shot feature.

2023 Behind Shot Calendar 4

Emily Cummings
Yosemite National Park, California
2020 Chevrolet 2500
2020 Four Wheel Camper Grandby Shell
Camera Used – iPhone 12 Pro

Yosemite National Park

We pulled into Yosemite National Park right before a snowstorm. Not only are us Texans new to snow camping, but definitely noobs when it comes to leveling out in the snow. We are stoked that our FWC kept us nice and toasty all night. The next morning we woke up to the sun shining—ready to keep on moving on!

Steven Price
Great Basin National Park, Nevada
2019 Ford F-350
2019 Four Wheel Grandby
Camera Used – Android cell phone

This photo was taken in mid-April in Great Basin National Park. The campground was empty except for deer and wild turkeys! We went to sleep on a clear night and this is what it looked like in the morning. Beautiful weather!

Michael Hoyt
Bristlecone Highway, Eastern Sierra, California
2022 Ford F350
2022 Hallmark Guanella
Camera Used – iPhone 12 Pro Max

I’d just picked up the rig in Denver and drove it directly to Overland Expo to be in the Hallmark booth. Coming back through Flagstaff, I cut through the north part of Death Valley to see how the suspension would do on gravel and explore that part of the park for future trips. We’d been to the Bristlecones before and had remarked that there were multiple potential spots for dispersed camping. In this spot, it’s perched on a knoll that only a truck camper with four wheel drive could get to.

Allen Jedlicki
Flagstaff, Arizona
2012 GMC Sierra 2500
2014 Wolf Creek 850
Camera Used – Phone

This photo was taken at Fort Tuthill County Park near Flagstaff, Arizona while we were on our 2022 Friends and Family trip covering 5,795 miles over 36 days. We traveled from our home in Idaho across Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, and back to Idaho. Our 2.5 year old kitten, Bella. and 1 year old Westie puppy, Kevin, accompanied us and helped us explore many beautiful sights along the way.

Rich Bain
Columbia Lake, British Columbia, Canada
2004 Dodge 3500
2022 Rugged Mountain Granite 11RL
Camera Used – Galaxy S21 cell phone

We have camped along the Columbia River a lot and still do. I have always wanted to see the headwaters of the Columbia River and finish following the river as much as roads allow us to. On this trip, we got to the headwaters and followed the river up to Golden, British Columbia. We still have another section to do in Canada then my goal will be complete. On this trip, a big deal for us was to finally see our Canadian friends that we have not seen in a few years due to the boarder closures and restrictions. It was so wonderful to finally see them again.

Steven Vankeuren
Gold Lake in Sierras, California
2006 Dodge Ram 3500
2007 Outfitter Mfg
Camera Used – Samsung s10

We went on a road trip for Memorial Day weekend; three different lakes in three days. Gold Lake was the best we found.

David Gibbs
The Cove, Palisades State Park, Culver, Oregon
2019 Ford F350
2020 Northern Lite 9-6 SE
Camera Used – iPhone SE (2nd Gen)

Central Oregon is a spectacular region for truck camping. The Cove Palisades State Park contains some of the most stunning geologic formations and is located where the Deschutes and Crooked River canyons converge. Petroglyphs can be found within 100 feet of our truck camper.

Matthew Ranger
Kodiak, Alaska
2020 Ram 4500
2003 Bigfoot 10.6 Special Edition
Camera Used – Phone

This is a free boondocking site at Pasagshak Point in Kodiak, Alaska. We spent Memorial Day weekend at this spot and frequent it often. This is a great place to watch whales and fishing boats pass by. Shortly after taking this photo, a thick marine layer rolled in and made visibility terrible for the remaining two days. During this time we enjoyed a fire on our solo stove, great food, and board games. All in all, it was a great weekend and a great way to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in support of our freedom.

Click here to see all of the photos entered so far in the 2023 TCM Calendar Contest.  Enter your truck camper photos today!



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