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2021 Calendar Contest: Behind the Shot Part 11

For Behind the Shot Part 11, we are featuring photos and stories from throughout Quebec, Lake Havasu City, Devils Tower, and many more!  Click here to participate in the 2021 Truck Camper Magazine Calendar Contest and be considered for a Behind the Shot feature.

Danielle Moskal
Asbestos, Quebec
2005 Ford F350
2004 Arctic Fox 1150
Camera Used – iPhone 11 Pro Max

During our only week touring our province during Covid-19, we came about this 200-ton truck that was used to transport asbestos from the open-pit mine in the town of, can you guess, Asbestos.

Linda Thompson
Lake Havasu City, Arizona
2015 Ford F350
2016 Lance 1062
Camera Used – iPhone 7 Plus

We park our camper during the winter at my stepmother’s home in Lake Havasu City. It’s our home away from home. The sunsets there are absolutely amazing.

Craig Fisher
Crystal Lakes, Colorado
2020 Ram 2500
2020 Hallmark Everest
Camera Used – iPhone

A beautiful sunset highlighted my new rig as I returned from a hike, so I just snapped a few photos with my phone.

Donna Ross
Devils Tower, Wyoming
2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD
2020 Lance 825
Camera Used – iPhone XR

We were on our way to Dubois, Wyoming, and stopped for lunch at Devils Tower. As we were eating lunch at a pullout, I noticed that we could see Devils Tower. We were parked with the tower as our backdrop and didn’t have to move the truck to capture this perfect shot.

Gary Loomis
Cottonwood Lake, Grand Mesa National Forest, Colorado
2011 Chevrolet 3500 HD
2020 Northstar 850SC
Camera Used – iPhone

This was taken the morning after a storm came through. It was 33 degrees and snow. It’s one of our favorite places close to home.

Mark Robinson
Vermillion Cliffs Overlook Highway 89A, Arizona
1996 Dodge Ram 2500
1998 Bigfoot 1500
Camera Used – Samsung S10

I was traveling between Hurricane, Utah, and Sedona, Arizona on my yearly mountain biking trip to the southwest. I was trying to extend my summer a bit since I live in Oregon.

Nathalie Blackburn
Rivière-Ouelle, Québec
2017 GMC Sierra 3500
2012 Northern Lite Sportsman
Camera Used – Nikon D500

We were observing stars and the Milky Way on a beautiful late summer night. It was on the edge of a pretty beach in the small village of Rivière-Ouelle in Quebec.

Bud Waner
Cedar Point State Park, 1000 Islands, New York
2017 Chevrolet 3500HD
2017 Palomino HS-2902
Camera Used – Motorola G6

I set up my camper on the shore of the St. Lawrence Seaway. We unloaded the camper since we stayed for the week and put our boat in the water at the campground’s marina. My wife was relaxing when I got back, just in case a large ship passed by.

James Thompson
Benson County, North Dakota
2016 Ram 3500
2001 Kodiak K-99
Camera Used – Canon 7Dmk2, canon 24 mm prime lens

This photo is titled “visiting my roots” because it was taken in Benson County, North Dakota on the farmstead where I grew up. We took a trip to North Dakota with our granddaughter who graduated from high school this spring. She had never been to North Dakota, so we went for ten days and explored seven states. It was between her summer school classes and college fall classes. It was a fast trip, but we were able to give her a lot of family history and big stories. We also showed her some highlights of North Dakota.

Vicki Roberson
Blue Ridge Parkway, Virginia
2014 Ford F-350
2016 Eagle Cap 1165
Camera Used – Samsung Galaxy S8

Late in 2019, we traveled from Texas through the northeast, including Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Washington DC, and the Blue Ridge Parkway. This picture near Waynesboro, Virginia. It shows some of the beauty we encountered with the fall’s changing of the leaves.

Heiri Hafner
West of Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota
2012 Ford F-350
2020 Northern Lite 9.6SE
Camera Used – iPhone 11 Pro

A magical moment boondocking somewhere west of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park.

Todd Duliba
Sundre, Alberta
2016 GMC 3500
2018 Palomino HS-2902
Camera Used – iPhone XR

We were on our way to spend a week in Banff National Park leaving from Edmonton, Alberta. We made a rule that when we are traveling on the road to our destination we would stop by 3:30pm every day no matter where we were and find a campsite.

In the past, we have wasted so much time and frustration to find the perfect spot. It ends up getting late and we don’t enjoy the area. Stopping at 3:30 gives us time to set up for the evening and check out a place we would have probably never stopped at.

This time we ended up in Sundre, Alberta where we found a campground on the edge of town called Greenwood Park Campground. There was a spot available backing up to the Red Deer River. After we parked, we went for a walk around the grounds. It was beautiful with wood carvings of animals all over, a community fire pit area, and walking trails. After having a bite to eat we set out on our chairs and watched the river as kayakers floated by and wildlife came to visit the water.

Vicki Blaser
Hartman Rocks, Gunnison, Colorado
2018 Ram 2500
2018 Palomino Backpack HS-6601
Camera Used – iPhone 10

I was at the end of a one week trip to Silverton, Ouray, and Lake City, Colorado from Ohio. Just before leaving Hartman Rocks near Gunnison the fog rolled in as the sun was coming up over the rock formations.

Alain Francoeur
Johan Beetz Bay, Québec
2019 Ram 3500
2018 Cirrus 920
Camera Used – DJI Mavic Pro 2 drone

This shot was taken while boondocking on the northern coast of the St-Laurence river in Québec, Canada. Believe it or not I was able to level the truck on this unusual terrain and locals told us we were okay with the tide. As a historical matter this village, Johan Beetz Bay, was the only place in Canada where the Spanish flu pandemic did not hit in 1918. This gentleman who was not a doctor but had some medical knowledge did close the village to outsiders.

Click here to see all of the photos entered so far in the 2021 TCM Calendar Contest. Enter your truck camper photos today!


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