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2020 Calendar Contest: Behind the Shot Part 9

For Behind the Shot Part 9, we are featuring photos and stories from Canaan Valley, West Virginia, Xangongo, Angola, Valley of the Gods, Utah, and many more!  Click here to participate in the 2020 Truck Camper Magazine Calendar Contest and be considered for a Behind the Shot feature.

Brent Koops
Needles Highway, Black Hills, South Dakota
2016 Chevy Silverado
2016 Four Wheel Camper Hawk
Camera Used – Canon 7DMkII

At the end of May we took a trip through the Black Hills via the Needles Highway. It had snowed around a foot there less than a week prior and snow is still visible on the sides of the tunnel. This was a shot I’d been wanting to take for quite awhile. The tunnel is quite narrow and the photo gives the illusion that a pickup might not fit!

Hugh Redmon
Canaan Valley, West Virginia
2007 Ford F350
1998 Lance Legend 990
Camera Used – Canon EOS Rebel T6

We were camping at Canaan Valley State Park in West Virginia over the Christmas holidays. Temperatures were well below freezing at night and during the day but we were toasty warm inside the camper. We were the only campers in the campground and is was very quiet and peaceful.

We hiked all of the wonderful trails in the park and came across a couple who were cross country skiing on the trails. I forgot our snowshoes so we just hiked in our insulated hiking boots (sorry, Marci).

We also drove up to Snowshoe Mountain while we were in the area and spent the day walking around the village and seeing the sites. We had a great lunch in town and then headed back. The lodge at Canaan Valley had the absolute best Christmas buffet dinner we have ever had. We highly recommend staying there over the holidays!

Laurie Heimbigner
Xangongo, Angola
2013 Ford F-550
2013 Phoenix Pop-up
Camera Used – LG G4 phone

Our truck camper, Livingstone, is 28-feet long. This enormous baobab tree in Angola absolutely dwarfed it!

Robert Glover
Valley of the Gods, Utah
2005 Dodge Ram 3500
2019 Arctic Fox 992
Camera Used – iPhone XS Max

After picking up my new camper in Pueblo, Colorado on August 31st, I drove across Colorado hoping to find a place to camp near Ouray so I could explore the surrounding mountain passes. The town and surrounding areas were completely packed for Labor Day Weekend, so I continued east to Valley of the Gods. There, I parked and explored the area on my motorcycle, before heading back to Arizona.

Thom Price
Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado
2017 Ford F350
2008 Outfitter Apex 8.5
Camera Used – iPhone XS

I camped on BLM land at Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado.

Wesley Markowsky
Hornbeck Provincial Recreation Area, Alberta
2018 Ford F550
2005 Okanagan 116 Ultimate Suite
Camera Used – Samsung 9

We always stop just west of Edson, Alberta on our way to the west coast for fishing. There is a nice little creek that runs past the site.

Claude Voynaud
Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick
2017 Ford F150
2020 Adventurer 80RB
Camera Used – iPhone X

One of the many places we found along the road during our vacation. This place is called Cap Enragé.

John Kus
Tucannon River Valley, Washington
2006 Ford
2016 Travel Lite
Camera Used – FujiFilm-Finepix S8600

Here we are while boondocking in the beautiful high desert of the Tucannon River Valley in our home state of Washington. We came across this tortured tree in front of the Last Resort campground. I put the tree front and center because it’s all about the nature. The trucks and campers are our means to an end. Long live the outdoors!

Angela Klinger
Coeur D’ Alene National Forest, Wallace, Idaho
2018 Dodge 5500
2017 Arctic Fox 1140
Camera Used – iPhone 6

We are members of Escapees and met up with the Boondockers group in the Coeur D’Alene National Forest near Kingston, Idaho for a week.

Across the road was this beautiful creek where we walked over every day, sat on the rocks, rolled up our pant legs and dangled our feet in the cool mountain water.

Seeing the wooden bridge over the creek surrounded by beautiful trees could only mean one thing! A photo entry for TCM!

Carlos Minoletti
El Tatio, Chile
2018 Ram 2500
2007 Lance 815
Camera Used – iPhone 6

I was forced to camp in San Padró de Atacama due to the low temperatures at nights at 4200 meter height. It was – 20-degrees Celsius.

Doug Van Affelen
Huntington Beach, California
2008 GMC Sierra 3500
2016 Eagle Cap 1200
Camera Used – Samsung S7 Edge

Glamping at Huntington Beach state beach campground along with my 1957 GMC. It was a nice autumn day.

Neil Mullen
Berthoud Pass (11,307 foot) Highway 40, Colorado
2016 Ram 2500HD
2018 Travel Lite 840 SBRX
Camera Used – Motorola Droid Turbo 2

We spent much of July exploring the higher altitudes of Colorado searching in vain for cooler temperatures. This photo is an example at 11,000 feet of elevation and it was still an uncomfortable 88 degrees! The pass is located on Highway 40 nearly half way between Interstate 70 and Granby.

Michael Joss
Cotopaxi National Park, Ecuador
2018 Nissan Titan XD
2019 Hallmark Guanella K2
Camera Used – Phone

After being in a cloud cover most of the day, just before sunset, the Cotopaxi volcano exposed its full majestic view.

Jodie Ramsey
Mount Dora, Florida
2018 Ram 3500 and 2016 Ram 3500
2019 Cirrus 920 and 2008 Okanagan 117DBL
Camera Used – iPhone 6S

While staying at the Renninger’s Flea Market in Mount Dora, Florida this past winter, I tried for some unique shots of a toy truck camper with actual ones, hoping to make them seem the same size.

Tom Patterson
Camanche Reservoir, California
2015 Ford F250
1998 Lance SquireLite 186
Camera Used – iPhone 8 Plus

Camping at Camanche for Memorial Day weekend.

Click here to see all of the photos entered so far in the 2020 TCM Calendar Contest. Enter your truck camper photos today!




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