For Behind the Shot Part 8, we are featuring photos and stories from Bear Glacier, Antelope Island, Kring Point State Park, and many more! Click here to participate in the 2020 Truck Camper Magazine Calendar Contest and be considered for a Behind the Shot feature.
Nancy Stevenson
British Columbia, Canada
2015 Ford F-350
2017 Capri Retreat
Camera Used – Canon 60D
Highway 37A in British Columbia is probably one of our favorite get away spots. In this picture, we are parked in front of Bear Glacier. We have seen many bears in this area and beside the road between Meziadin Junction and Stewart, British Columbia. We camp in Meziadin Provincial Park and drive down Highway 37A for the beautiful scenery, glaciers, waterfalls, and our favorite find – bears! We have seen many grizzly and black bears with cubs on this road in the early spring and fall.
Angie Scott
Antelope Lake, east Oregon
2014 Chevy Silverado 3500
2016 Northern Lite 8-11 EX
Camera Used – Nikon D7100
On our return trip from visiting friends in Idaho, we stopped at one of our favorite overnight camping spots, Antelope Lake in eastern Oregon. We were the only ones there this time, except for the variety of waterfowl and antelope. I missed the golden hour because we were out walking, but could not resist getting a few photos afterward. The sky and lake were gorgeous!
Thomas Monday
Broomfield, Colorado
2014 Chevy 3500HD
2019 NorthernLite 10-2
Camera Used – Mavic Pro Drone
I live in my 2019 Northern Lite full-time. Work allows me to park at the office during the week and on the weekends I am free to enjoy the Colorado mountains. We have incredible sunsets every night.
Gilles Woolrich
Kring Point State Park, New York
2014 Ram 3500
2011 Lance 1181
Camera Used – iPhone 8
This photo is of the beautiful Thousand Islands looking at the St. Lawrence River.
Tomas Tierra
Baja California Sur, Estero Secreto, Mexico
2005 Toyota Tundra
2000 Four Wheel Camper Hawk
Camera Used – iPhone
After searching southern Baja for over twenty-five years, I finally found my Shangri-La. It has very tough access because of title conditions, but there’s epic fishing.
Angela Klinger
Wilson Arch south of La Sal Junction on Route 191, Utah
2018 Ram 5500
2017 Arctic Fox 1140
Camera Used – iPhone 6
We were heading up to Moab, Utah on Route 191 stopping along the way to see all the beautiful rock formations.
David Fradkin
Eastbay Raceway, Tampa, Florida
2017 GMC 3500
2017 Lance 975
Camera Used – Samsung Galaxy 7
We are big time race car fans. While we were on a trip to Ocala, Florida, friends of ours called and said they’d be in Tampa. They were entered into the Dirt Car Nationals at Eastbay Raceway. Given the flexibility and freedom a camper provides, we pulled up jacks and made the two hour trip to the track. The track allowed RVs to camp overnight (no hookups). We were all set. This picture is of my Lance 975 at night after the main event. I like how the lights, the darkness, and trees all interacted to make a decent picture for a spur of the moment shot.
Rich Bain
Lost Creek State Park, Montana
2004 Dodge 3500
2010 Adventurer 810WS
Camera Used – Android phone
We made a quick trip from Spokane, Washington to Three Forks, Montana to check out a campground for a future rally. On one of the nights we knew a basic area we wanted to camp. We were not sure if we would camp at Lost Creek State Park, but wanted to go there to check the place out and find a couple geocaches. Once we arrived and looked around we decided to go ahead and stay the night there. The geology of the place was very interesting and pretty. On that summer day, the night temperatures were nice and cool since we were fairly high in elevation at the campground, around 6000 feet.
Kathy Morrissey
Monument Valley, Utah/Arizona
2012 Ford F250
2011 Lance 830
Camera Used – Samsung Galaxy S9
We were on our way home from a three-week road trip through so many beautiful places including Great Basin National Park, Glacier National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Flaming Gorge and Arches National Park.
I remembered my father talking about Monument Valley when I was a child, and at the last minute we decided to swing through US163 in Utah and Arizona We were pleasantly surprised at the simple beauty of the rock formations in the area. We stopped along the road to take this shot.
Felix Agel
Normandy, France
2016 Isuzu D-Max 2.5
2004 Lely-Camper 260S
Camera Used – Panasonic Lumix TZ202
Here’s our favorite campground at the Normandy coast. It’s called St. Valery aux Caux. Nearly every year we make a trip to this region because beside of the fantastic landscapes with the White cliffs. We enjoy the great seafood, oysters and white wines of the neighbor regions.
Steven Long
Roosevelt Beach, Washington
2019 Ford F-350
2019 Arctic Fox 1140
Camera Used – Samsung Galaxy
We had just purchased our camper at Apache Camping Center. After spending the night in the nearby Walmart parking lot, and continuing up the coast, we ventured out to the beach. After some protest from the other passenger, and getting out and walking on foot first, we ventured out with the rig onto the sand. Something about, “I didn’t buy a truck camper to sit in a campground” was said. So, there we were. The sand was nice and firm, so there was no need to air down.
Evan Keeler-Wolf
Kluane National Park, Yukon Territories
2005 Dodge Ram 3500
2013 Outfitter Caribou
Camera Used – Nikon D850
It was my first night in the Yukon Territories after a thousand miles of fires in British Columbia. I was greeted by a spectacular showing of the northern lights. No, they did not charge my solar panels and yes, it was cold. I climbed up on this small hill behind my camp and watched the show framed by a couple of scraggly black spruce trees.
Erik Barnhill
Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Texas
2013 Ram 3500
2008 Palomino Bronco
Camera Used – iPhone
Every year we drive from Iowa to meet my dad who lives in Las Vegas. We meet somewhere in the middle. This summer we met him in Colorado. When we drove home, we decided to drive south through New Mexico and Texas. The second largest canyon in the United States is just outside of Amarillo, Texas.
It was beyond beautiful and camping in the canyon was one of the best memories of the trip. We ended up staying an extra day, hiking the canyon and learning the history.
The kids have been to amusement parks and stayed in fancy hotels, but they constantly talk about all the places we’ve camped and traveled to in out truck camper.
Sandy Schmidt
Rabbit Ears Pass, outside Steamboat Springs, Colorado
2006 Toyota Tundra
2015 Four Wheel Camper Hawk
Camera Used – Nikon D7100
Colorado had a lot of snow this past winter and had a particularly wet spring. This led to a late and amazing wildflower season. This was taken at our campsite on Rabbit Ears Pass in August. The wildflowers were everywhere. Photos couldn’t even do them justice.
Click here to see all of the photos entered so far in the 2020 TCM Calendar Contest.
Enter your truck camper photos today!