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2020 Calendar Contest: Behind the Shot Part 10

For Behind the Shot Part 10, we are featuring photos and stories from Malcolm Island, Boyd’s Campground, Portage Lake, and many more!  Click here to participate in the 2020 Truck Camper Magazine Calendar Contest.

John Hedeen
Badlands, South Dakota
2016 Chevy Silverado 1500
2019 Palomino SS-1240
Camera Used – Sony A77II

We took a road trip on September 21, 2019 to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary with our new camper.

Mike Brandl
Boyd’s Campground, Stock Island in the Keys, Florida
2014 Ford F250
2013 Lance 865
Camera Used – DJI Mavic Air

Our summer trip to Florida Keys started with five days at Boyd’s Campground on Stock island. It is only a bike ride away from the Key West downtown district. While taking some aerial footage with the DJI Mavic I snapped this picture of our home for the week.

Boyd’s is a really nice professional campground and I would recommend it to any type of camper interested in going to Key West. Part two of the trip was five more days north at Key Largo campground. Being on the water and towing our boat with us on the trip was is the #1 reason we have a truck camper!

David Romero
South of Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico
2017 Ram 2500
2017 Cirrus 820
Camera Used – DJI Mavic Air

This was taken as we dry camped on some BLM land for the night as we were making our way down to Guadalupe National Park. There was an extraordinary sunset at this location; about a mile off of the Highway-180/62.

Sylvain Robin
Anastasia State Park, Florida
2015 Ford F-450
2018 Lance 1172
Camera Used – Sony Xperia

We took this picture just before we left Florida this spring after six weeks of being there.

James Freniere
Lake George, New York
2013 Ford F-150
2016 Lance 650
Camera Used – Phone

I went to a Americade motorcycle rally in Lake George, New York.

Gabe Lipchik
Portage Lake in Portage, Alaska
2016 Ram 1500
2006 Cache Camper
Camera Used – iPhone 5

Normally we would walk across the frozen Portage Lake back to the Portage Glacier this time of year. Not so much in 2019.

Ed LaRoe
Near Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge, Utah
2016 Chevy 3500
2006 Northstar TC800
Camera Used – iPhone 6

We were spending a few days exploring the Lincoln Highway section from our home in California to Salt Lake City, Utah.

We usually try to find a place to set up for the night before dark, but on this day we had just crossed the southern margin of the Great Salt Lake desert and entered the Fish Springs Refuge at dusk. We were not sure it was okay to camp in the refuge so we continued another ten miles to the northern boundary.

In the meantime, it had turned pitch dark, when we came upon a Pony Express marker with some graded area behind that looked like a good spot to pull off the road and spend the night.

After enjoying a beautiful star display in the moonless sky, the cold drove us in for the night. Morning came fast and I was curious what our surroundings were going to look like in the light of morning.

These pictures shows our view to the west. The southern area of the Salt Lake desert being lit by the sunrise at our back. Beauty all around us an a great start to the day. We really loved the vastness and solitude of this area.

Stephen and Teresa Gomez
Le Camping Campground, Chaleur Bay, Gulf of St Lawerence, New Brunswick
2014 Ford F-350
2015 Host Mammoth
Camera Used – Nikon D3300

We went on a 2019 Newfoundland tour with our grandkids.

Erik Schall
Heilwood, Pennsylvania
2007 GMC 3500
2006 Lance 1181
Camera Used – Samsung S9

As I’m always up way before the other four in the family, I caught the sun glimpsing between the cabover.

James McCoy
Remote shore of Lake Powell, Utah
2003 Dodge Ram 2500
1991 Hallmark LaVeta
Camera Used – Canon T7

In June 2019, while wandering southeast Utah, I visited a favorite 4×4 accessible area of Lake Powell. It was a nice bay with good kayaking and an island a quarter mile off shore to visit. I spent two days relaxing here. It’s about eighteen miles of dirt road with a 4×4 accent to get away from the highway. Then, there’s one more steep steep hill to get up and over requiring four wheel drive low, to get to my spot.

Jerimiah Johnson
Seward, Alaska
2001 Ford F350
2009 Lance 1181
Camera Used – iPhone

We ended up getting three more feet of snow after the shot was taken. The truck will push through a tremendous amount of snow with the weight of the camper on the back.

Tim Swickis
Airdrie, Alberta
2012 F150
2015 Travel Lite 770SL
Camera Used – UMIDIGI S3 Pro

My wife told me I needed time away, so I did…in my backyard.

Jodie and Chuck Ramsey
Portland Head Light, Cape Elizabeth, Maine
2012 Chevy Silverado 3500
2019 Arctic Fox 990
Camera Used – Olympus Stylus SP-100EE

Portland Head was about five miles from our old home, so while we were in the area visiting friends, we decided to drive over for a quick visit. Normally we’d visit on a crystal clear day and see the ocean behind the light, but this day was foggy which emphasizes the purpose behind lighthouses.

Roger Garner
Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan
2014 Ram 1500
2017 Northstar Vista
Camera Used – Canon PowerShot SX520 HS

This photo was taken at a roadside park next to Lake Superior in Keweenaw County in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. I was in route to Fort Wilkins State Park near Copper Harbor. The roadside park is between the town of Gay and Point Isabelle. The photo was taken the last week of September 2019.

Ryan Palmer
Lillooet, British Columbia
2011 Ram 3500
1997 Northland Grizzly
Camera Used – iPhone XS Max

I went over this pass out of Lillooet, British Columbia. The views were absolutely amazing!

Eric Startup
Bere Point Campground, Malcolm Island, British Columbia
2013 Ford F-150
2019 Travelaire 7.6
Camera Used – iPhone 6

A short ferry ride from Port McNeil on Vancouver Island’s northeast coast lies Malcolm Island. Once the site of an (attempted) utopian society called Kalevan Kansa, this remote island sees more killer whale visits than humans, at least in late September when we visited.

With dense Lord of the Rings worthy forest trails and beautiful driftwood strewn beaches looking out on Queen Charlotte Strait, Malcolm Island was one of the highlights of our three week exploration of Vancouver Island.

Click here to see all of the photos entered so far in the 2020 TCM Calendar Contest. Enter your truck camper photos today!



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