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2019 Calendar Contest: Behind The Shot Part 8

For Behind the Shot Part 8, we are featuring photos and stories from Montana BLM, Yellowstone National Park, Blue Hole, Arkansas and more!

Click here to participate in the 2019 Truck Camper Magazine Calendar Contest and be considered for a Behind the Shot feature.

Scott Ellis
BLM land north of Roundup, Montana
2012 Chevy 3500
2019 Northern Lite 9-6 QC SE
Camera Used – iPhone 7

BLM Land north of Roundup, Ellis, Montana

This general neighborhood is large area of mostly private land open to hunting in the fall as a block management area.  Somewhere along the way, I discovered that this fine high vantage point is BLM land.

We’ve camped here several times over the years.  It’s only a few miles from a significant highway, but it’s not unusual to spend a weekend here and see no sign of any human except two or three distant ranch lights.

John Markwell
Muley Point, Utah
2006 Chevy 2500
2006 Pastime 850SD
Camera Used – Canon SD1000

Dry camping in Muley Point, Utah

We ended up camping at Muley Point, south of Moab, on April 11, 2018.  That night the wind picked up and blew so hard we thought the whole rig was going over the cliff, which was only 10 to 15 feet away.  It got so bad that we moved about 12:30am looking for a sheltered spot to sit out the night.

We had 160,000 miles on this rig at the time and had never been through wind like we experienced that night.  Muley Point was a cool place to camp, but we’ll check the weather before we go back.

Bill Richcreek
Somewhere in Wyoming
2013 Ford F-350
2017 Lance 855S
Camera Used – Samsung S8

Camping somewhere in Wyoming

This was a overnight stay just inside of Wyoming on our way to Devil’s Tower.

Mark Sodja
Hayden Valley, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
2016 GMC Sierra 3500
2016 Arctic Fox 992
Camera Used – iPhone 8

Hayden Valley, Yellowstone National Park

Mark White
Blue Hole, Arkansas
2011 Ford F250
2006 Pastime 850SD
Camera Used – Mavic Air

Blue Hole, Arkansas

Mike and Lynn Pels
Idyllwild, California
2016 Ford F-350
2017 Lance 850
Camera Used – Apple iPhone 5

Thousand Trails campground, Idyllwild, California

This is the first time ever that we camped in an actual campground!  We were lucky to get a spot at Thousand Trails, Idyllwild, in the middle of summer.  Being the middle of summer, the electrical hook up meant air conditioning all day long!  The weather was perfect.  We were walking back from the store with some supplies (a can opener is a must!).  At least I had my phone on me!

Click here to participate in the 2019 Truck Camper Magazine Calendar Contest and be considered for a Behind the Shot feature.



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