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2012 Travel Lite 1000 SLRX Ultra Rally Review

TCM did something at the Fall 2011 North-East / Michigan-Ohio Valley Truck Camper Jamboree that has never, ever, been done with a truck camper; a rally wide truck camper review. … … … … … … … … … … …

Travel Lite Rally Review

To the best of our knowledge, what we did at the Fall 2011 North-East / Michigan-Ohio Valley Truck Camper Jamboree had never been done before in the history of truck camping.  No, we didn’t launch our truck camper with a giant catapult.  Unfortunately, Angela nixed that idea.  She’s no fun.

What we did was announce to an entire truck camper rally that we were conducting the first ever “rally review” and invited one and all to come see our new camper and give us their impressions.  We even promised, in public, that we would publish their comments in the distinguished electrons of Truck Camper Magazine.  Were we out of our minds?  Probably, but what better way to get real feedback on a new camper than to ask lots of people to give you real feedback on a new camper.

Maybe next year Angela will approve my catapult idea.  For now, we’ll just have to settle for the first ever truck camper rally review.

Rally Review: 2012 Travel Lite 1000 SLRX Ultra

Travel Lite Reader Review

What follows are the impressions of experienced truck campers who looked over our 2012 Travel Lite 1000 SLRX Ultra during the Fall 2011 North-East / Ohio Valley Truck Camper Jamboree.  These impressions were all stated verbally as rally attendees looked over the camper in person.  They have only been edited for grammatical consistency.

Rally Review

“The floor plan is very nice and we really like the cabinetry.  We also like the kitchen design and convection microwave.  The light cabinetry makes the camper seem brighter.  Also, the fit and finish looks really good.  The storage under the dinette is great for shoes, beer, and soda.  We also like the progression of the steps into the over cab bed.  The holding tanks are large with forty-one gallons of fresh, thirty-six gallons of grey, and thirty-six gallons of black.” – Ron and Shelia Day

“The cabinetry is very nice and the spring loaded cabinet doors are a good idea.  I like that the kitchen drawers are wide enough for a silverware tray.  I’m concerned that little kids can get to the thermostat and 12-volt outlet under the sink.  The counters are a nice granite-like material and I like the two sturdy legs for the dinette.  I love the floor.  It looks real nice and feels comfortable to walk on.  I would prefer tinted windows for privacy and a slide-out pantry and spice rack in the kitchen.” – Kathy Porter

“It’s a good size camper with a surprising amount of space.” – Anne Brown  

Rally Review

“The interior decor is nice and the floor is awesome.  The thermostat and 12-volt outlet under the kitchen sink could get wet so I would recommend they be moved.  The 12-volt outlet is great, but it would be better in the dinette.  I personally would prefer ducted heat.  The bathroom is nice, but the bathroom counter is a bit tall.  Also, the access port to slide-out motors needs to be more clear and I would prefer LED lighting all around.” – Don Kingfield

Rally Review

“I have issues with pushing the bathroom shut.  It takes quite a push to get the bathroom door to stay closed.” – Paulette

“Things I like the are the granite-like counters, the pantry, the mirror, and the steps into the bed.  I also like that the sink is angled, but I would prefer the type of double sink with a small and a big basin.  I like the amount of cabinetry space and recommend that they add more shelves above the sink.” – Brenda Murray

“The fan above the bed is great for circulation.  I would like a larger 12-volt refrigerator.  I like the lower counters.  Everything is at a good height, especially the steps to get into the bed.” – Dorris and Mark Bluth

“The floor plan is similar to the Arctic Fox 990.  I would prefer to have a trap door in the bumper for the sewer hose.  The floor is nice and the dinette table seems robust.  I would prefer Ozite on the roof so I could use velcro and put things up there.” – Jack Porter

Rally Response

“The counters seem a bit low for me.  I like the double stainless sink.  It’s better than plastic.  The camper needs a plastic splash guard behind the range.  I like the real wood cabinetry and the separate refrigerator/freezer.  I like the step up into the bed as there are not too many of us under fifty with good hips and knees.  I would prefer thermal pane windows, especially the European-style windows.  I am worried that water might get into the cabinet doors in the bathroom when showering.  I’m not a fan of slide-outs, but I like the face-to-face dinette.” – Dick Cyr

“We like the dinette and we love the floor.  It looks easy to maintain.  The counters are nice too.  It’s just as well not to have an oven.  The range top is big enough for a big pot.  I’m not sure about the convection microwave.  The finger holes to open to the storage next to the dinette is really nice.  I also like the steps up to the bed.  I can reach everything.  I like the double sink to put wet dishes somewhere.  The fuse box is in a good location where you don’t have to be on your hands and knees.  The checker plate under the camper is nice.  Overall, this camper feels big.” – Bill and Sue Billyard

Rally Review

“The floor plan nice and open.  The under dinette storage area is a good idea.  I like the 12-volt outlet.  I don’t care for the dark color of the floor and would prefer real hard wood.  The bathroom is nice, but the counter and sink are a bit too high.” – Tom Emerick

Rally Review

“It’s good that you can close the slide and still get in to use the camper.  I like the sink and high stainless faucet.  I also like that you can see back through the window from the truck while you’re driving.  I would prefer a cassette toilet, but like the thirty-six gallon black tank.  This camper needs a Honda generator.” – Andy Spedden

“The bumper in the back is a good size for your feet.  I think the sink is too high in the bathroom.  I really like the color of the floor as it ties in nicely with the decor.” – Tony Strungis

“This camper feels open.  I would have to have a stool to use the bathroom sink.  It’s too tall if you have kids with you.  I would prefer a carpet on the floor for warmth and quiet.” – Cinda Wistler

“This camper has a big and open feel.  The entry into the bed area is very open and there’s plenty of head room in the overcab.  There’s adequate counter space around the sink with a nice double bowl sink.  Also, the sturdy one-piece top on the stove makes it a work space.  This one-piece stove top style is better than the articulated folding tops.  The counter tops will hide stains, but there’s no edge on the counter tops to trap dirt and debris.  I like the two post dinette table.  I’d swap out to LED lights on the interior.  The shelving looks good, but I would prefer a pull-out pantry.  I like how the sink is easy to access.  I did notice the absence of a roof ladder.” – John Wells

Rally Review

“I really like the counter tops.  The closet is a bit small.  The floor looks easy to clean.  The wing guards are a real nice touch on the range.  I like that you can get into the bathroom when the slide is in.  The bathroom an okay size and I like the height of the counter in the bathroom.  The camper only has one battery and needs two.  The dump valves are a bit tough to get to.  The exterior aesthetics with the filon and front cap are nice and sharp.” – Dick and Elizabeth Barlow

“I love the table in the dinette, but would prefer a U-shape dinette.  I like the small skylight over the kitchen area.  The designers need to measure people’s butts and I would prefer more in room the bathroom around the toilet.  It’s a great floor.  I love it, but I would prefer to have carpeting.  I love the counter tops too.  They’re really nice.  I like the storage under the dinette seats but would prefer lift-up access rather than the drawers.” – Denise Barber

Rally Report

“I would prefer a regular oven.  The floor is too dark but wood planking look is really nice.  I’d like it be lighter.  The granite-like counters are nice, but again they’re too dark.” – Judy Funk

“I like the bathroom sink location.  I like the space in the overcab bed.  I like the fit and finish of the cabinetry and the granite-like counter, but would prefer a lighter color.  I like the location of the refrigerator near the kitchen area.  I tend to like lighter upholstery.  I like the storage drawers under the dinette.” – Mary Lou Wells

Rally in Carlisle

“I think it’s great!  I love the mirror.  I like the space and the overall look.  I walked in and said, “Wow!”.  Everything works so well together.  There’s nice floor space, lots of storage, and the cabinetry is very pretty.” – Patty Hoover

“I like the bathroom sink height.  The dump valves are hard to get to.  I like the counter tops, but it needs to be a little less sharp on the underside.  I like the laminate floor.  The kitchen is a bit low with the counters.” – Dave Casal

Travel Lite Reader Report

“I like the look of the camper outside with front nose cap.  I also like the exterior storage.  It’s hard to reach the holding tank valves.  I would prefer carpet inside.  The fiberglass counters are very nice.” – Denny Berry

“It’s beautiful.” – Deb Berry


“I usually prefer non-slide campers because things that move need maintenance.  I like the face-to-face dinette.  It’s a good kitchen height for my wife, Lily, but not so good for me.  I like the north-south bed and the storage in the overcab.  The placement of lights looks good for reading in bed.  The counters look nice, but it’s a little sharp under the lip.  I love the laminate floors because it looks like it is easy to care for.  The cabinetry looks nice.” – Lily and Brad Cutter

“I like the cabinetry and color.  I really like the dark counters.  I like the laminate floor but would go lighter.  I like the window behind dinette.  I would prefer a sink the same size but without a divider.  I also like the deep seats in the dinette.” – Carole Hoskins

Rally Review

“Everything is beautiful!  The counters remind me of our real granite counter tops at home and the floor looks easy to clean.  Very nice windows by the dinette.  We don’t have a slide, but want two recliners if we go to a slide.  I like the large oval burner on the range for larger pots.  The bumper feels like it sags a bit.  I do not like height of counters in the bathroom.” – Anne Cotton

“This is nice.” – Kay Goode

“I like hardwood floors.  I’m loving the camper already.  It feels so open and roomy.  The decorator did a nice job!” – Kathy Hann


“I would prefer to see a cover for the exterior slide.  The floor looks good.  There are sharp edges on the counters.  Very nice interior decor.  I like where sink is.  I don’t like the exposed screws under overcab.” – Alan Merritt

“Would prefer LED lights and dual batteries.  The interior headroom is excellent and I’m 6’2”.  I like all the goodies including the Dometic brand refrigerator and Coleman Mach air conditioner.  Where the heater is located is good.  The kitchen counter top height looks good and the bathroom countertop height is a bit high.  The size of the bathroom is good.  The floors are nice.  We would prefer a carpet for cold weather.  The cabinetry looks nice and the decor color is real nice.” – John Cotton


“The quality looks good.  The decor is nice.  I would prefer a carpet overlay on the floor.  I was looking for more closet space.  The lighting is good, but I would prefer LED lighting.  I like the design of the stove and the counter top.  The fiberglass front cap is very nice.  The height in the overcab for sitting up is nice.  I like the large amount of floor space with the deeper slide and the way the kitchen is laid out.  The exterior storage is good and the propane height is good.” – Robert Lawrence

Rally Review

“It’s a nice and bright camper with plenty of storage.  I would prefer a bit more kitchen counter space.  I like the color combination of browns and darks with the laminated floor.  I would prefer a roll-out cover to protect the top of the slide out.  The bathroom needs to be wider around the toilet area.  Overall, it’s a nice and roomy camper that’s very inviting and pretty.” – Elaine Gage and Elaine Brownell



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