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Ford Camper Buyers Guide

2016 Buyers Guide FordPHONE: 260-593-3850  |  WEB:

Ford 11S MSRP $32,193
The Ford 11S is a hard-side, single-slide, dry bath truck camper.

Ford-11s-floorplan Ford-11-interior blog15
Dry Weight 3,371 pounds
Wet Weight* 4,280 pounds
Floor Length 138″
Overall Length 227″
Width 89″
Interior Height 80″
Exterior Height 105″ off truck
Center of Gravity 52″
Truck Type Long Bed
Fresh 30.5 gallons
Grey 32 gallons
Black 28 gallons
Water Heater 6 gallons
Propane Tanks 2x 20 pounds
Batteries One Battery

*Ford 11S: dry weight, 3,271 pounds + 30.5 gallons fresh, 254.4 pounds + 6 gallons full hot water heater, 50 pounds + 2x 20-pound full propane tanks, 40 pounds + 1 battery, 65 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 4,280.4 pounds

Ford 10.0 – MSRP $27,433
The Ford 10.0 is a hard-side, non-slide, wet bath truck camper.

Ford-10-floorplan ford-10-exterior  blog15
Dry Weight 3,127 pounds
Wet Weight* 4,036 pounds
Floor Length 130″
Overall Length 219″
Width 89.5″
Interior Height 80″
Exterior Height 98″ off the truck
Center of Gravity 44.5″
Truck Type Long Bed
Fresh 30.5 gallons
Grey 34 gallons
Black 28 gallons
Water Heater 6 gallons
Propane Tanks 2×20 pounds
Batteries One Battery

*Ford 10.0: dry weight, 3,127 pounds + 30.5 gallons fresh, 254.4 pounds + 6 gallons full hot water heater, 50 pounds + 2×20-pound full propane tanks, 40 pounds + 1 battery, 65 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 4,036.4 pounds

Ford 8.6 – MSRP $23,933
The Ford 8.6 is a hard-side, non-slide, wet bath truck camper.

Ford-CampLite-8-6 Ford-8-6-interior Ford-8-6-exterior
Dry Weight 2,529 pounds
Wet Weight* 3,438 pounds
Floor Length 103″
Overall Length 195″
Width 89.5″
Interior Height 80″
Exterior Height 105″ off truck
Center of Gravity 33.5″
Truck Type Long Bed
Fresh 30.5 gallons
Grey 17 gallons
Black 14 gallons
Water Heater 6 gallons
Propane Tanks 2×20 pounds
Batteries One Battery

*Ford 8.6: dry weight, 2,529 pounds + 30.5 gallons fresh, 254.4 pounds + 6 gallons full hot water heater, 50 pounds + 2×20-pound full propane tanks, 40 pounds + 1 battery, 65 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 3,438.4 pounds

Ford 9.2 – MSRP $25,593
The Ford 9.2 is a hard-side, non-slide, wet bath truck camper.

Ford-9-2-floorplan Ford-9-2-interior Ford-9-2-exterior
Dry Weight 2,797 pounds
Wet Weight* 3,706 pounds
Floor Length 110″
Overall Length 199″
Width 89.5″
Interior Height 80″
Exterior Height 105″ off truck
Center of Gravity N/A
Truck Type Short Bed
Fresh 30.5 gallons
Grey 17 gallons
Black 13 gallons
Water Heater 6 gallons
Propane Tanks 2×20 pounds
Batteries One Battery

*Ford 9.2: dry weight, 2,797 pounds + 30.5 gallons fresh, 254.4 pounds + 6 gallons full hot water heater, 50 pounds + 2×20-pound full propane tanks, 40 pounds + 1 battery, 65 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 3,706.4 pounds

Ford 8.4S – MSRP $29,813
The Ford 8.4S is a hard-side, single-slide, wet bath truck camper.

Ford-8-4s-floorplan Ford-8-4S-interior Ford-8-4S-exterior
Dry Weight 3,173 pounds
Wet Weight* 4,082 pounds
Floor Length 8’1″
Overall Length 17’1″
Width 89.5″
Interior Height 80″
Exterior Height 105″ off truck
Center of Gravity 48″
Truck Type Short Bed
Fresh 30.5 gallons
Grey 17 gallons
Black 13 gallons
Water Heater 6 gallons
Propane Tanks 2×20 pounds
Batteries One Battery

*Ford 8.4S: dry weight, 3,173 pounds + 30.5 gallons fresh, 254.4 pounds + 6 gallons full hot water heater, 50 pounds + 2×20-pound full propane tanks, 40 pounds + 1 battery, 65 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 4,082.4 pounds

Ford 6.8 – MSRP $22,393
The Ford 6.8 is a hard-side, non-slide, wet bath truck camper.

Ford-CampLite-6-8 Ford-6-8-interior Ford-6-8-exterior
Dry Weight 2,153 pounds
Wet Weight* 2,916 pounds
Floor Length 78″
Overall Length 170″
Width 89.5″
Interior Height 80″
Exterior Height 105″ off truck
Center of Gravity 24″
Truck Type Short Bed
Fresh 13 gallons
Grey/Black 32 gallons
Black Shared w/ Grey
Water Heater 6 gallons
Propane Tanks 2×20 pounds
Batteries One Battery

*Ford 6.8: dry weight, 2,153 pounds + 13 gallons fresh, 108.4 pounds + 6 gallons full hot water heater, 50 pounds + 2×20-pound full propane tanks, 40 pounds + 1 battery, 65 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 2,916.4 pounds

All dry weights, specifications, capacities, and photographs were provided by Livin’ Lite RV.


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