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The Signs We’ve Been Truck Camping For

We got more, “Well, duh!” responses to this week’s Question of the Week than any question in recent memory.  Seriously, we may as well asked if truck campers go in the woods.

If you’ve been looking for a sign of where to go truck camping, here are a couple dozen.  Why do truck campers cross the road?  Evidently, to get next to the next sign.

This week’s Question of the Week was, “Do you photograph your rig with signs?”

Signpost Forest Tons Of Signs

“Why take a picture of your rig with just one sign?  Why not with thousands?  The Sign Post Forest in Watson Lake, Yukon Territory has 77,000 signs and growing.  This picture was taken in July of 2014.

Start Of The Alaska Highway Sign Rhodes

The above picture was in front of the start of the Alaska Highway sign in Dawson Creek.  It is probably one of the most photographed signs with campers and RVs.” – Eldon Rhodes, 2008 Chevy 3500, 2011 Lance 1050

Bigfoot USA

“Not usually. I made a special trip for this one.” – Susan Goll, 2018 Dodge Ram 3500, 2019 Bigfoot 25C10.4

Arrival To Tuktoyaktuk Arctic Ocean

“Sometimes you just can’t not take a picture.  A very pleasant Inuit working in a recently built kiosk on the shore of the Arctic Ocean explained that a sign was needed to show the many new arrivals to Tuktoyaktuk where the ocean was located.  He seemed genuinely amazed that anyone wouldn’t know where to find it.” – Bill Tonner, 2016 Ford F-250, 2016 Four Wheel Camper Hawk

Keene's Market Sign

“Yes, doesn’t everyone?  I can’t be the only truck camper owner out there who has to park the rig in the correct spot so that I can get the angle I want to capture a picture.  My wife doesn’t even roll her eyes anymore since it is now a normal thing.” – Rich Bain, 2004 Dodge 3500, 2010 Adventurer 810WS

Jake at Jakes with a Pastime

“Yes, we love the we were here aspect of taking a picture of our rig/us with identifying signs.  Keep up the good work on TCM!” – Jake and Denise Schultz, 2008 Ford Ranger, 2016 Pastime 700FDS

Palomino Camper At Arctic Circle

“We sometimes park and take a photo.  Sometimes it is at a location we visited 40 years ago.  Other times it’s just as a reminder, like when we visited the Arctic Circle!” – Dan Forry, 1996 Ford F250, 2006 Palomino Bronco 1251

Welcome To Alaska Sign Arctic Fox

“We take photos of our rig with signs and famous landmarks.” – Angela Klinger, 2018 Dodge Ram 5500, 2017 Arctic Fox 1140

Extraterrestrial Highway Sign

“Yes. I especially liked the otherworldly glow in the background.” – Laurie Heimbigner, 2013 Ford F-550, 2013 Phoenix Pop-up

Bigfoot Alley

“I think photographing with signs is a popular pastime with RVers.  One reason we do it is to document where we’ve been in the camper.  Another is because we happen to run across signs that coincide with the brand of our camper.

This picture was taken at the Crescent City KOA RV Park nestled in the Redwoods of Northern California.” – John and Grete Stageberg, 1996 Ford F250, 2002 Bigfoot 25C8.11

Kings Canyon Sign California

“I have taken approximately 8,000 to 10,000 pictures (not including deletions and doubles) on our last three cross-country trips.  I have one, and only one, of a sign with our camper that indicates where we were located.  I think I have found a new hobby that doesn’t include counting dead armadillos.” – Richard O’Connell, 2016 Ford F-250, 2009 Northstar Freedom

George A Dickel Distillery Sign

“Sometimes, if I think it has a bit of humor.” – Bill Gage, 2015 Ram 3500, 2017 Wolf Creek 840

BaDwater Basin Sign

“I took pictures of road signs on our six-month trip to Alaska in 2016.“ – Gary Goyette, 2011 GMC 2500, 2011 Northern Lite 8-11 QSE

Silver Islet in Ontario

“I frequently photograph my rig with signs.  It’s a nice way to document memorable places I’ve traveled with my truck camper.

I’ve attached a photo I took at Silver Islet, which is at the southern tip of the Sibley Peninsula on Lake Superior in northwest Ontario.” – Roger Garner, 2014 Ram 1500, 2017 Northstar Vista

“We drove to Caribou, Maine to photograph our camper beside a sign of that said, “Welcome to Caribou, Maine”.  This was back in 2002.  I will have to dig the photo out of the album.” – Robert Cabral, 2001 Chevy 3500, 2001 Fleetwood Caribou

Northwest Territories On Dempster Highway

“Whenever we can.  This particular shot was taken entering the Northwest Territories on the Dempster Highway.  It is over 400 miles of gravel road to the small community of Inuvik.” – Mark Motsko, 2016 Silverado 3500, 2016 Bigfoot 1500

Famous Alaska Highway Sign

“This picture was taken on our Alaska Tour in Dawson Creek, British Columbia, which is where the Alaska Highway starts.

Burwash Landing Yukon Sign

I’ve also included a picture at Burwash Landing in British Columbia on our Alaska Tour.   It is home of the largest gold pan in the world!” – Charles Coushaine, 2001 Ford F350, 2012 Chalet DS116RB

Mt Hood Campground sign

“Yes, any chance we get.” – Barry Schoenwetter, 2006 GMC Sierra 2500HD, 2005 Lance 1030

Minaret Vista Sign Inyo National Forest

“We do it when we can.” – Connie Westbrook, 2002 Chevy 3500, 1997 Lance Squire 5000

Shoshone National Forest Sign

“Yes, we have most likely a couple of hundred sign photos with our rig in them.  I’m submitting two photos.  It shows two different faces of the same sign that is on the boundary of Shoshone National Forest and U.S. Custer National Forest on the Beartooth Highway.

Custer National Forest Sign

Our truck camper is divided by the boundary line and thus in both forests at the same time.” – Alex Blasingame, 2007 Ford F250, 2002 Lance 815

Sheep Rock Payette National Forest

“Most of our camping is boondocking off the beaten path, so there are often no signs.  When there is we try to photograph it with our camper to show people where we have been or camped.” – Brian and Chris Hagen, 2004 Dodge Ram 2500, 2014 Palomino Backpack SS-1251

Bienvenidos A Chihuahua

“Sometimes we take photos with signs, but not that often.

Dixie National Forest Sign

These photos are from our trip from Costa Rica to Cedar Falls, Iowa to visit the Northstar factory.” – Alex and Vianney Sales, 2015 Ford Ranger, 2017 Northstar 600 ATV

Yellowstone Sign Camplite

“Of course!” – Tim Sansbury, Chevy 3500, 2016 CampLite 8-4S

Camp Tuffit Arctic Fox

“For years we have taken pictures as a way to remind us of where we have been.  The attached picture is a great example – Camp Tuffit!  For us this sign was a bit ironic.  As after camping in a tent for 20-plus years, getting our Arctic Fox is far from ‘tuffing’ it!” – Rick Roeder, 2003 Dodge Ram, 2014 Arctic Fox 990

Ukon Sign Missing Y

“We just retired in April of 2018.  This picture was taken May 23, 2018 on our two month trip to Alaska from Michigan.  It was during this trip that we started including our rig in our sign pictures instead of just us.” – Tim Cooper, 2016 Ram 3500, 2009 Bigfoot 25C9.4LB

Carlsbad Caverns Sign

“We like to take pictures with signs. It is perfect to remember the place or the road we traveled on.

Carlsbad Caverns Sign

Then, we go back and look at the pictures with friends!” – Bruno Gauthier, 2011 Ford F-350, 2005 Adventurer 100WSB

Parry Sound Sign

“On occasion.” – Gary Martin, 2003 Chevrolet Silverado, 2001 Palomino 1250

Alaska Sign Photo Lance

“Of course I use my camper parked near signs for photos.  I learned long ago to include signs in travel photos.  They serve as an aid to keep my 35mm slides organized.  Now, with digital photos, the sign makes more sense than the file description.” – Philip Tron, 2009 Chevy 3500, 2012 Lance 1050

Beartooth Pass Tiny Sigh

“Yes, always have.  This photo is from 2017 with our previous truck camper.” – Neil and Yoly Mullen, 2016 Ram 2500HD, 2018 Eureka

Palomino Camper With Knox Helicopter

“Sometimes.” – Bob Edwards, 2011 Dodge Ram 1500, Palomino Bronco SS-1500

Stratton Plaza Sign Maine

“I photograph signs to denote our travels.  Sometimes our rig is included.  We were in the western mountains of Maine four wheeling this summer.  We went through this quaint town. It was an interesting lunch spot.” – Carmen Haggerty, 2018 Ram 3500, 2013 Northstar Adventurer 8.5



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