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Moochdock Camping With Family and Friends

See if you can relate to this.  You visit the homes of friends and family in your truck camper.  They are not RVers.  When you arrive, they show you their guest room.

When you tell them you want to stay in your camper, they are initially perplexed, then concerned that you have somehow rejected their hospitality.

Here are three recommended ways to let your would-be hosts down, and not have them feel hurt or rejected.  We encourage you to start with the first recommendation, and proceed down the list should it be necessary.

1. Tell them that you have a very bad back and need the special mattress in your truck camper to avoid problems.  You wish you could stay in their house, but you don’t want to risk an injury.

2. Explain that your dog (or cat) is much more comfortable staying in your camper and needs to sleep with you at night.  Then tell them a detailed story about how your fur baby one night peed in nearly every room of a house they didn’t know.

If that doesn’t do it, bring out the nuclear option.  Here it goes…

3. Reveal that you are a sleep walker and night eater and could wake up in the middle of the night and consume a complete jar of peanut butter from their pantry – with your bare hands (or is it bear hands?).

If these three recommendations don’t work, drive immediately to the next stop.

Or do as we do.  I tell folks that our truck camper is our home, and that we enjoy having our own space at night, and we are allowing them to have theirs.  And our cat, Harley, will chew a hole through something if we leave him in the camper.  That’s the truth, and we’re sticking to it.

“Yes, I’m an habitual moochdocker.  During my six months of ramblin’ every year, I usually moochdock at three locations.

I park on the street in front of my long time friend’s place in southern California, where I spent my working years.

I’ll stay the driveway at my son’s in northern California for a few nights.  My eight year old granddaughter loves to come out and play in Grandpa’s camper.

I’ll also camp in the circular driveway at my cousin’s in Montana, where I visit for a couple of weeks and try to catch some fish.

I do buy dinners for all three, so I’m a considerate moocher.  So far, I’ve always been invited back.  It’s much more comfortable to have my own space while visiting.” – Ralph Goff (aka Ramblin’ Ralph), 2006 GMC 2500HD, 2001 Lance 845

“Yes, we moochdock every time we visit friends and family.  We love the comfort of our own bed, coffee in the morning, and a refuge when large family gatherings get a little too rowdy for us.  We will also be staying at our son’s house watching their dogs while they take a Junior ROTC group to Kentucky in April.” – Bill and Barb Johns, 2016 Ram 3500, 2018 Arctic Fox 990

CampLite Moochdocking North Carolina Mountains

“We moochdock with my brothers in Jonesbourgh, Tennessee and Sun Valley, Nevada.  We also stay at my son’s house the mountains of North Carolina.  I can’t moochdock at my eldest son’s house in Florida because of HOA rules.  I have to store my camper while I spend most of the winter with him.

I have 15-amps at all the places and water available.  I can live with that.” – Thomas Baxter, 2016 GMC Denali 3500, 2013 CampLite 8.5

“Yes, I moochdocked in front of my brother’s home using his 110-volt service.  I have no problem with his friendly neighbors.  I use three 2x10s street-side to level my camper.

I love the Arctic Fox 990’s 59 gallons of fresh water, 39 gallons of grey, and 41 gallons of black that allow for more than six days without dumps and fills.

I always take them out for dinner at least one time per visit.  Even their cat considers me part of the family.” – Ronald Ramos, 2003 Ram 3500, 2017 Arctic Fox 990

“We always camp in my sister’s driveway over Thanksgiving and have a number of times visited friends with our camper.  We like driveway camping as it gives us a quiet place to retreat to as well as lessens what we ask from others.  There is no need to make up a guest room when we visit.” – Al Stebbins, 2016 GMC 2500 HD, Northern Lite 2005 8-11 Queen Classic

“We always crash in family member’s driveways and we have family just about everywhere we go.  We even stay in Baja where my brother just retired and built a house and a nice mooch landing area for us!” – Paul H. Castillo Sr., 2007 Silverado 2500HD, 2003 Lance 820

“Yes, I moochdock every year to spend Christmas with my daughter, son-in-law, and six granddaughters.  It is great having the camper when I need a break.  I love sleeping in my own bed every night.  It is a great way to visit with family and friends.

I took a cross-country trip from Virginia and moochdocked in Tulsa, Oklahoma and then in Port Orchard, Washington, and came back via San Diego, California.

Moochdocking helped to keep the cost down, especially in San Diego as the KOA would not let me stay in the their campground because I had a truck camper.  I would like to know if any of your readers have had this problem.

I mostly boondock, but I am going to go full-time this year and want to spend more time in campgrounds socializing more with fellow campers.” – Vincent Marola, 2000 Ford F350, 2005 Lance 881

Moochdocking In New Braunfels, Texas

“We’ve been moochdocking for several years at our daughter’s in New Braunfels, Texas for Christmas and also we do a one day road trip every year.

Wanda’s brother from Alaska meets us (he has a Toter Home) at our daughter’s house and then we all go by Suburban to wineries and distilleries in the Texas Hill Country.  We also had a 30-amp outlet installed when our daughter built their new home.

We’re with you.  It’s nice having your own bed, enjoy an early cup of coffee, or even having an escape place!” – Keith and Wanda Webb, 2007 Chevy 3500, 2009 Lance 981 (2018 Lance 975 on order)

“Absolutely yes.  It’s a great way to visit family or friends who already have a houseful!” – Mark Eichler, 2008 GMC Sierra 3500, 2011 Adventurer 910 FBS

“Of course we moochdock.  We need our camper to visit family as they all live two to five days away for us.  We like having our own space.  Since we are early risers, we have the ability of get up and make coffee without waking our hosts.

Occasionally a family member does not have an appropriate driveway (or nasty municipal bylaws) and we stay in a nearby campground.” – Tricia Mason, 2009 Ford F350, 2008 Montana Ponderosa

“Yes, we can totally relate to moochdocking.  A couple years ago we went to Redondo Beach in California to help our daughter remodel her condo.  We parked our Bigfoot in her driveway for three months!  It was off the truck since we needed the truck for construction hauling.  We kept waiting for the police to ask us to move it.

It was just as described in the article.  We had our own space and our own bed.  It would have probably been too tight if we had been staying inside with our daughter.” – Dick Walter

“We always moochdock.  I need a CPAP and have it setup nicely in using the 12-volt system in the camper.  Visiting does not require any support for my CPAP.  Also, I like my own bed and I am able to snack and cook breakfast without disturbing family or friends when visiting.

Sometimes the early riser joins us and likes the experience.  In fact, when they want to talk privately, the dinner table in the camper is a ideal place.  I have used it many times; especially for gossip about family.

With 200-watts of solar and a wind generator to recharge my two Group 27 batteries, we do not need to plug-in to place we are visiting.  We ensure that we have full water and empty holding tanks before arriving.  It’s nice to have our own black tank (know what I mean) rather than using theirs.

It’s seems like there is an extra welcome since they don’t have to do anything special for our visit.  We take them out to dinner.  A bottle of wine/booze or a bouquet of flowers has always been a good touch and a way of saying that we are glad to see them.

Best of all, we can go to bed anytime without causing a fuss.  Moochdocking is that special touch to a visit that puts the “we are glad to see you” and “hurry back” sign out and it’s sincerely made.  It makes a visit great for all concerned.

I am retired from the Air Force and the camper is a great place for talking about past war stories without our wives giving us that look or telling us we talk too much.  Happy moochdocking all.” – Clifford Cizan, 2010 Ram 3500, 2012 Arctic Fox 1150

Driveway Camping Tucson Arizona

“Here we are friend docking in Tucson, Arizona. We left Juneau, Alaska mid-December on our second Snowbird migration to warmer climates with our truck camper.  We are on day 47 of our trip.

In total we’ve spent eleven nights “friends docking”.  It’s been so much fun to get reconnected to our friends and have our own space to live in.  They show us their little piece of paradise.  We’ve camped at five different friends’ places all with different amenities.

From my wife’s folks place in Tucson, a retirement community (dry camping) in their parking lot to our friends in Yuma that have a five star rated place, all the hook ups and a pool!  We’ve stayed along a very busy street in Santa Cruz with two extension cords run through the trees to get free power.  All have been great experiences!  We have lots more friends and family to see before we board the Alaska Marine Highway again in mid-May up in Skagway, Alaska.” – Tracy Rivera, 2016 Ford F-350, 2016 Northern Lite 8-11

“We moochdock whenever we are near friends or family.  When we used to take up offers to use a spare bedroom, we would inevitably leave something behind.  Moochdocking is so much easier.

We lived in Florida many, many moons ago and have many friends still there.  Whenever we head south, we have places to stay all up and down the peninsula.

Heading west, we have friends in Beaumont, Texas (full hook-ups none the less) and family near Fresno, California.  In Yachats, Oregon, our friends had a beautiful house where we could watch the whales spouting from their dining room.

We visit our granddaughter in Holly Springs, North Carolina and family in Kentucky.  It is a great way to keep in touch while not being too much of a bother to those we are visiting.” – Larry Routt, 2005 Ford F-350, 2004 Lance 820

“Yes, friends and family almost always want me to stay longer.  Be aware of staying at older homes that do not have the three prong electrical outlets.  My surge protector/manager wouldn’t allow electricity to pass into my camper.  It was generator time.” – Steven Cordis, 2000 Ford F250, 1996 Skyline Weekender

“We just moochdocked for a week in Florida in my cousin’s backyard.  We are always at Cape Cod and Old Orchard, Maine in the summer.” – David Carvalho, 2006 Dodge Ram 3500, 2013 Alaskan

“I’ve only moochdocked twice, however both experiences were different.  The first one was on our way to a destination wedding in Wisconsin.  We stayed in the driveway of a cousin I hadn’t seen since the 1960s.  She wanted us to stay in her home, however we insisted we wanted to stay in our camper (the guest room smelled so musty we knew it would play havoc with our allergies).

The other time was just about a year ago when traveling through Arkansas.  My relatives insisted that we stay in their guest house over the garage.  It was beautiful, but we had to eradicate ants every time we used the kitchenette.  We wished we were in our ant-free camper instead.” – Jan Hill, 2002 Chevy Silverado, 1993 Litecraft 8-foot

“Sure, that’s part of why we have the pickup camper.  We go to Arizona in the winter and see a lot of friends and relatives.  Most everyone wants us to stay in their house, but why haul stuff in house and back when you have everything you need is right there?  Plus, you never mess up a spare bedroom.

Like you said, you can visit more often that way and not over stay your welcome.  One friend in Phoenix has a couple of archers, an RV dump, and room to store our ATV’s for weeks at a time.  Life is good.

Last year we were gone for three months and only paid $33 to park for the whole time.  That was because I went to a Lance Camper rally for three nights.  But, they also had a dump so it paid for itself.

I paid $12 in Quantize last year to dump and take on water.  Otherwise we found free places to dump.  So, it’s a very cheap way to live for a couple of months.” – Frank and Lynn Niehus, 2007 Ford F-350, 2007 Arctic Fox 1150

“Definitely.  It is a much more comfortable way to visit people, and not be driving back and forth to some obscure campsite, especially when in a larger city environment.  My wife and I have also found that as we get older, and a little more set in our ways, we don’t want anyone in our face first thing in the morning.  We prefer to have our relaxing coffee, then some breakfast, wash up, then we are ready to face the world.  It is also easier on the people we are visiting.  They don’t have to rush out of bed and be feeding and watering the company first thing in the morning either.

We also travel with a cat and have found that as long as he’s in his own pad, he is quite happy.  Bring him into a house that already has a cat or two, all hell breaks loose.

We purposely chose a camper with a right hand slide for street camping in pretty much any city location.  No one really knows if someone is in there or not.  It’s pretty hard to open, or leave open a slide that sticks out into the traffic, unless you have really good insurance!

As for how long you should stay, we find that after three nights there really isn’t much that hasn’t been said or needs saying.  Stay much longer and you become a bit of a burden.  That’s with friends mind you.  Some people find that with family, you can stay longer.  I always figure there is no sense in hanging around like a bad smell.  Keep it short and sweet, and you are more likely to be welcomed back a second time.  And as you mentioned, pitch in, and pick up the tab.  Nobody likes a freeloader!  Be good.” – Kevin Mooney, 2014 Ford F350, 2006 Okanagan 106UDB

Sedona Arizona Driveway Moochdocking Camping

“Yes, we have camped many times in driveways.  We stayed with my brother and sister-in-law in Boise Idaho.  We have also visited my brother in Fresno, California, my son in Stockton, California, and friends in Sedona, Arizona.  Oh you lucky people….we’re baaaack!

Every place we stay were able to hook up to water and electric.  It’s so convenient and we all maintain our private space.  We like to bring food or suggest going out for a meal.  We always bring wine and beer.  Plus, we keep our stays to two or three nights maximum.” – Roger and Elaine Odahl, 2008 Dodge Ram 3500, 2004 Eagle Cap 950

“Our son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren live in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  When we go over to visit from PEI, we usually camp in their driveway.  With six active kids ages 6 to 16, we really enjoy our visits.  It’s also great at the end of the day to retreat to the peace and quiet of our camper.” – Jamie Rea, 2012 Ford F-350, 2012 Lance 855S

“When we visit my wife’s parents in Pennsylvania we pull right into the yard, level up, run a power cord and water and we are set to go.  Oh and my father-in-law dug down to the sewer line, put in a T-fitting under their deck, and ran a vertical line up and capped it.  So it’s full hook-ups for us.” – Paul and Susan Kulick, 2015 Ford F350, 2017 Cirrus 820

“I stayed in front of my best friend’s house for two and a half months last fall while I finalized the purchase of a rental property.

I would call this reciprocation rather than mooching because last spring I picked up their daughter’s entire world in my enclosed trailer after she graduated from University of South Carolina and moved her back home to Denver.

Two weeks later I drove my trailer to Wisconsin to move his son (and son’s girlfriend) and everything they own to Las Vegas (where it was over 110 degrees everyday).

With my solar panels I don’t use any electricity.  All I needed was a fresh water fill up every two weeks or so and a laundry machine.  I used an RV dump at a nearby campground.  I was able to access his WIFI from the curb, which was nice.  I also helped finish their basement and walked their dog daily while I was there.  I made us all dinner a few times.  I think I earned my curb campground!” – Phil Borchelt, 2007 Ram 3500, 2014 Lance 992 and 16 foot enclosed trailer

“We occasionally visit my first flight instructor and his wife who live up near Boise.  When he built the house he opted for a design that had an oversized two-car garage and an RV garage.  He turned the RV garage into an impeccably manicured man-cave themed around his C-7 Vette and his long flying history.

Our 24-foot rig fits in with plenty of space to spare.  They are surprised that we prefer the Bigfoot’s bed over their guest bedroom, but they understand we’re used to it.

Camper heaven is turning down the temp of their garage air conditioner, opening all the camper’s windows, and getting the best night sleep imaginable in a big city.  We are only missing the sounds of night provided by Mother Nature far out in the boondocks.” – Joe Sesto, 2015 Silverado 3500, 2015 Bigfoot 2500 10.6E

“We have moochdocked at odd times and for very short terms (overnight).  We are wanderers and explorers and avoid adhering to someone else’s schedule.  That goes against the grain for us.

We have spent our lives with dates, schedules, and responsibilities.  Our eyes are constantly watching the clock.  When we travel we try to remove as much of that pressure as possible.

We do visit overnight with a few of our friends.  Most of the time we set up camp and invite local acquaintances over for a meal and some good conversation, and maybe a “wobbly pop” or two.” – Wes Hargreaves, 2016 Ford F450, 2006 Snowbird 108DS

“Absolutely.  We have kids in Missouri, a sister in Scottsdale, and friends everywhere.

I assume you know of  We are hosts for this group, and have met many interesting people this way.  I do think the term moochdocking is pretty good, though.” – Pat and Mike Jones, 2007 GMC 3500, 2017 Host triple-slide

“I have tried to on a number of occasions, but friends and relatives just don’t seem to want my visit shortened in any way.  That includes me sleeping out in their driveways.  They insist that it is what guest bedrooms are for.

I’ve even been told at one visit by longtime friends and former coworkers, that “refusing their hospitality was insulting”.  But, at least they were smiling when they said that.

It usually seems to work out that way, maybe because I usually travel alone (with no cats).  Occasionally my dog travels with me, but I stay in campgrounds or off-grid, which he definitely prefers because they are, by design, longer stays.” – R. Shaffer, 2016 Ram 3500, 2016 Four Wheel Camper Hawk

Hanging Out Camper Families House

“Yes, I do.  My dad has full hook-ups in his driveway in northern California.  I’ve also been to my son’s house in Colorado Springs, and various other relatives’ places.” – Ron Williams, 1997 Ford F250, 2003 Lance 1010

“I have moochdocked at my sister-in-law’s house outside of Boston after a trip to Bar Harbor, Maine last October.  We borrowed some electricity from an outdoor 30-amp plug.

I say we borrowed some electricity because in the middle of the night it rained and tripped the breaker.  I woke up suddenly when my CPAP stopped working.  I wanted to start my generator, but it was raining too hard and I don’t have a weather proof enclosure for it.  That was a long night!

After that night we stayed for another three days of uneventful bless.  I would recommend to everyone with a truck camper to sleep in your camper instead of imposing on your host (if allowed).” – RJ Bickford, 2007 Dodge 2500, 2003 Palomino Maverick 1000

“I have, just a few times.  But, like you said, it’s nice to have your own bed and a place to retreat to when it’s convenient.  Maybe when I fully retire I’ll get to moochdock more.” – Jeff Hagberg, 2002 Ford F250, Travel Lite 800SBX

“We love to moochdock with family and friends.  The perfect way to be a good house guest is to bring your own house!  This allows the visitors and the hosts time alone when needed, sleeping in if that’s what you do, a familiar place for our dog to stay, and favorite snacks without imposing.  The list of pluses is a long one.

We also offer to donate towards the electricity used.  Most will decline, but we often stash $20 to $40 somewhere it will be found right before we leave.  Then there’s no guilt for parking in someone’s driveway.” – Shelley Pike, 2009 Ford F350, 2006 Lance 920 Sportster

“Yes, we park at Walmart’s, Lowe’s, rest areas, vacant businesses, friend’s driveways and yards.  We do stay in campgrounds when we need long showers and need to empty tanks.  This is the the number one reason for owning a truck camper; you can park it anywhere!  It’s great for long distance traveling!” – Allan and Gale Riley, 2004 Dodge Ram 2500, 2008 Northstar 8.5 Arrow

“We regularly travel to friends with our truck camper as we still travel with our 85 pound Labradoodle.  The last three summers we have done runs to the east coast of Canada and United States while visiting with friends while mooch camping at their homes.

At each stop we were able to plug-in for power and fresh water.  We were able to unload our truck camper at most of our stops if we stayed longer than a couple of days.

Each time we left our stops we stayed at a campground for a couple of nights to flush our holding tanks.  It has been a good way to travel for us.

We are planning a trip to The West Coast with a few mooch camping sites along the way.  It’s a different and better way to travel than Walmart overnighting.” – Eric and Jacki Devolin, 2007 GMC 3500, 2006 Adventurer 106DBS

“Only when we visit the western North Dakota town where we lived for thirty years.  We have close friends who have a huge driveway that leads into a machine/storage shop.  Almost all remaining relatives live within seven miles of our present home.” – Philip Tron, 2009 Chevy 3500, 2012 Lance 1050

“Absolutely, as often as I can.  In the last six weeks, I have moochdocked with a daughter in McAllen, Texas, a son in Dallas and a sister-in-law in Nashville, Tennessee.

I have also moochdocked in Snyder, Texas and I don’t even know anybody in Snyder.  I had unplanned brake work performed on my truck there and it was completed at 5:00pm.  I asked and received permission from the proprietor to moochdock right there where I plugged-in, and ordered a pizza.” – Fred Patterson, 2013 Ford F350, 2002 Lance 1161

“We don’t look for a place to driveway camp but, when the opportunity arises, we take it.

Our driveway camping amounts to three different instances in twenty years.  There was a summer stay in South Dakota (sister-in-law) for five days with water and 20-amp service.  We also had a summer stay for one night in Carney, Oklahoma (Grandma), with 20-amp service.  Air conditioning was used with no problem both times.

We found ourselves in Arlington, Texas (cousin) for two nights in the winter time, with 20-amp service.  I am mad at myself for not taking photographs!” – Scott Spradley, 2015 Silverado 2500HD, 1998 Lance Squire Lite 186

“Just two months into the truck camper life we stayed in the driveway of some friends in eastern Pennsylvania.  It was in sort of a rural area with steep rocky forested hills.

We connected to their electricity (mostly for lights and to run the refrigerator and propane furnace blower), but did not have need of their city water as our tank was full before arrival.  They provided shower and toilet facilities in their house.

We slept in the truck camper.  They said that we were the least accommodations work load factor of any guests that they had ever hosted.

They took us for several rides in the surrounding area and we learned much about the history and terrain.  Most meals were paid for by splitting the ticket.  We paid for everyone’s dinner a few times and bought them some groceries, gasoline, and exchanged some books and DVDs.

We had dogs with us and so did they, and in that aspect all four leggers had a good time, except for a very stealthy cat.” – Bill and Kira Jones, 2017 Ford F350, 2018 Northern Lite 9-6Q SE

“Yes!  When I head out for almost any length of trip I stay in driveways, condo parking lots, on cul-de-sacs, and even in hospital parking lots when visiting friends and families.

My wide spread arthritis requires me to have a consistent, properly supportive (not too hard and not too soft, which is why my daughter calls me Goldilocks) mattress to sleep.  That is why I bought a truck camper in the first place.

It is so wonderful to park very near to those I visit.  I can visit most of the day and evening, but I head out at night.  I almost always go out mid-day for a stretch out, sometimes a nap, and sometimes just to read.

I make my own breakfast before heading in to visit.  Since I am a Celiac, it saves my host from making special plans for every meal.  It also allows me to contribute to a meal.  I create a dish or dessert in the camper and carry it in!

This past fall I parked for about two weeks behind a friend’s townhouse and plugged into their parking lot circuit (Edmonton where cars must be plugged in during the winter).  We went boondocking in the Rockies for awhile but, when he worked, I was able to come and go as I wished.  I visited other friends just outside of the city, shopping, abd exploring with no inconvenience to him.

The biggest issue is usually how sloped most driveways are.  That is why I prefer to park on the street, even if it means not plugging in.  In the city, where my family lives,  they have to know in advance when I am coming so that they can call City Hall.  They give them my details and arrange a special parking permit.  It’s free.  Other communities might require the same arrangements.

I don’t call it moochdocking or even have a name for it.  It’s just how I visit!

I am looking so much forward to when I get my dream Northstar Laredo that I can use in Canada year-round with a few adjustments so that I never again get relegated to someone’s guest room!” – Michele McLeod, 2013 Ford F150, 2000 Travel Hawk 9.5

“Why yes, I have done this.  Actually, while spending the summer in Alaska with my son, I spent many a night camping in his backyard.  I also camped in a relative’s yard who lives right on the Kenai River.  There is tons of fishing there.  Great fun times!” – Shellie Barnes, 2017 Ford F250, 2017 Palomino SS-550

“I am not really sure if this is considered moochdocking since we parked at our own home.  This summer my husband’s mother died so we invited his dad to stay with us for a few months.  Our daughter also moved back home with our two year old granddaughter.  We had seven people in our house including four generations.

For our sanity, we parked our truck camper in our driveway.  At least three evenings a week we escaped sitting in our truck camper parked a few feet away from our home.  We spent most of our time enjoying the quiet and planning our next get-away.” – Deana White, 99 Dodge 1500 Sport, 2002 Starcraft

“I wouldn’t use the term mooching for ourselves as we are welcome guests at all the homes that we park our rig at.  Welcome guests aren’t “mooching”.

We have been guests at many homes which is usually at relatives or friends homes during many of our cross-country adventures.  This is one of the advantages of having a truck camper.  You don’t need a lot of space to park your rig to stay somewhere.” – Alex Blasingame, 2007 F250, Ford, 2002 Lance 815

“We first experienced moochdocking a few years ago when we rented a Class C motor home for a family event a few thousand miles away.  It had a Triton V10 and could pass anything on the highway, except gas stations.

We especially loved the fact that we were not obligated to be at any specific place and time.  We merely surprised and phoned friends and relatives when we were a few miles away from them to see if we could get together.

In some cases we visited friends and relatives who lived in a condo, so we would go to a nearby RV park and invite them over for breakfast or whatever.  You don’t feel as though you’re inconveniencing or intruding on your friends and relatives.  Quite often you are the host providing food, wine, and entertainment, traveling like a self-contained tortoise.

Of course if your rig is some perceived eyesore that you assembled in your backyard from salvage yards, your moochdocking may be a very short lived one-time experience and you might not ever get the new address of your friend or relative again.” – Larry Baumgart, 2017 GMC 3500, 2018 Lance 1172

“Just so you know, you cannot moochdock in anyone’s drive way in California, unless they have a few acres, as our mountain house has.  But, forget the beach house.  That’s a big no-no.” – CC Fayne, Looking again

“I built a small home when I retired and moved from Pennsylvania to Arkansas.  When family comes to visit I spend nights in my Lance and they stay in the house.  It works well.” – Jamie Davis, 2009 Toyota Tundra, 2016 Lance 650

Camping On Land Schumacher

“We prefer reciprocating camp host.  All the family and friends that have stayed with us have in turn provided spots for us in our travels.  I provide a lake view with 2,000 acres of park property beyond that.  It’s our backyard.  You get power, sanitary waste disposal, and full access to laundry, showers, and your own private site.” – James Schumacher, 2007 Ford F350, 2008 Lance 1131

“You bet!  I have been a truck camper for forty years camping as often as possible and traveling during vacations.  It was great to have our own home away from home when stopping to visit friends or relatives along the way.

Not everyone has guest space for four or more pets, but most have parking space for a pickup.  As you said, it is easier to relax and enjoy when you don’t feel so much like you are intruding.  It usually makes you more welcome to stay a bit longer.” – Linda Haley, 2007 Dodge 3500, 2016 Wolf Creek 850

If you’d like to see how TCM driveway camps aka moochdocks, read our article titled, Are You A Moochdocker?


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