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D-Jacker System For Rieco-Titan Jacks

Jens Heidrich of Wohnkabinencenter in Gevelsburg, Germany has invented a new product that allows Rieco-Titan camper jacks to be quickly and easily removed.  Introducing the D-Jacker System.

D Jacker System For Truck Campers

Wohnkabinencenter is a dedicated truck camper dealership in Gevelsburg, Germany.  Founded in 2007, Wohnkabinencenter carries Four Wheel Campers, Nordstar, and Camp-Crown and professes to be the largest truck camper dealership in Europe.  From their posted photos, it’s certainly one of the largest truck camper dealerships we’ve seen outside of the United States and Canada.

D Jacker System Dealership

In years past, Wohnkabinencenter rented truck campers.  For safety and security reasons, they removed the camper jacks from the rental units.  As anyone who’s ever needed to remove a camper jack knows, it’s a labor and time-intensive process.

D Jacker System Jens

This experience, combined with the fact that Germans prefer to remove their camper jacks, led Jens Heidrich, CEO of Wohnkabinencenter, to develop the D-Jacker System.

At its core, the D-Jacker System is a retrofit that allows Rieco-Titan jacks to be quickly and easily removed.  Once the D-Jacker System is installed, removing each jack is as easy as pulling a safety pin, pushing out a bolt, and sliding out (and off) the jack’s leg.  No tools are necessary.

For a complete presentation of the D-Jacker system including unboxing and installation, watch the above video.

Quality Build and Presentation

We have not had the opportunity to see the D-Jacker system in person, but the materials and design of the D-Jacker system appear to be first-rate.  Jens employed high-quality stainless steel and exceptional tolerances.

D Jacker System Packaging

We are equally impressed with the D-Jacker’s packaging, protective foam inserts, illustrated manual (in English and German), and the completeness of the overall presentation.  All of the required hardware is included; screws, nuts, bolts, safety pins, and nut covers.  They even include the required metric drill bit.

D-Jacker System Manual

Tools and Installation

The installation process appears to be very straightforward, but you will need a few tools.  Specifically, you’ll need a power drill, socket wrench with 17mm socket, 17mm wrench, a small wrench with a 6mm L-key.  Everything else is included in the kit.

According to Jens, the steel gives the D-Jacker system 1,500 kg of capacity per leg (3,306-pounds) exceeding the 2,500-pound capacity of the Rieco-Titan jack legs themselves.

Bonus Loading Width

The D-Jacker system pushes each jack out about 2-inches, giving you more space while loading and unloading.  For rigs with tight exterior loading space, this bonus feature could be the clincher.

Possible Atwood and Happijac Compatibility

The D-Jacker system was developed specifically for Rieco-Titan jacks, but it may be compatible with Atwood systems as well.  As Mikeee Tassinari helped us discover last year as he switched out his jacks, the bolt patterns for Rieco-Titan and Atwood jacks line up perfectly.  The jacks are literally interchangeable.

However, we would recommend to anyone looking to install and use the D-Jacker system with an Atwood system to check with Jens and Wohnkabinencenter first.  It’s not been 100-percent confirmed.

Unfortunately, the D-Jacker system is not currently compatible with Happijac camper jacks.  Perhaps if enough Happijac jack owners contact Jens, he will invest in the required research and development.

Current Price and Availability

The D-Jacker system is made in Germany and does not currently have a distributor in the United States or Canada.  If you want this product on this side of the pond, Jens will ship it directly to you.

The D-Jacker system itself is approximately $459 USD, or $575 CAD.  That price is approximate as it’s based on the cost in Euros; €385.71.

Shipping can range from $50-$160 USD, or $63-$200 CAD.  Shipping a heavy steel product from Germany to the United States or Canada is expensive, but shipping inside the USA or Canada isn’t exactly cheap either.

D Jacker System Sharp

Watch Those Hooks

From watching the video, our only immediate reservation about D-Jacker is the metal points on the removed hook plates.  They look extremely sharp, especially for something folks might stow (with the jacks) in their truck or camper.

Ideally, a robust sleeve or sheath would be placed over the hook plates to prevent someone poking their eyes out, or worse.  Perhaps some of the foam packaging included in the kit could be repurposed to cover and protect the hook plates when removed.

D-Jacker System T-Shirt

Camp Different!

Finally, you can’t help but notice the awesome T-shirt Jens is wearing in this video.  I want one!

For more information about the D-Jacker system, visit



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