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Capri Debuts Epoxy-Poured Countertops and Tables

In a truck camper industry first, Capri Campers announces epoxy-poured countertops and tables for 2024. During our visit, we also discovered major factory, equipment, and team updates. Capri is pouring it on.

Capri Epoxy Poured Countertops

In 2017, we published an in-depth factory tour showcasing Capri Campers as a time-tested and proven truck camper company. We titled the article, “Texas Time Machine” and celebrated their old-school camper designs, techniques, and overall approach to the marketplace.

Six years later we returned to Bluff Dale, Texas, and discovered the 54-year old company proudly maintaining its status as a classic truck camper manufacturer, but much has changed.

Capri Camper Team 2023

Above: The Capri Camper team in their new facility

Capri Campers has simultaneously expanded and modernized its team, facilities, process, and product to the extent that terms like ‘old-school’ no longer apply. This Texas Time Machine is moving into the future, and fast.

The Dollar Tour

In early 2022, Capri Campers announced their new 100-percent modular Lone Star camper line along with the acquisition of a second facility. The new location allowed Capri to relocate camper finishing, camper delivery, and the main offices. It also gave the original building more space for framing, cabinetry, and inventory.

Capri Family Dollar Building

Above: The new Capri Camper facility, and former Family Dollar store

The facility was a Family Dollar store in its previous life. Looking past its origins, Capri saw essentially a brand new building with 8,400 square feet, tall ceilings, space for a 14-foot door, and good parking. Most importantly, it’s less than a minute from their original location.

Capri New Building Production Space

Upon our arrival, we were amazed at the bright open space this building offers. The origins of this building may be unusual for the truck camper industry, but the form and function it provides are perfect for Capri production requirements. We can also report that several truck camper companies operate in similarly-sized or smaller facilities, most without a second building.

Capri New Factory Campers Completed

The new building is air-conditioned, well lit, and provides ample space for camper stations, outlets, tools, and materials. All of this makes completing a camper easier and more comfortable for the Capri team.

Capri New Factory Camper Skin Install

Original Building: Fresh Breathing Room

The original facility has housed Capri Camper production for decades. Since acquiring the company in 2015, the father and son team, Pete and Tyson D’Acosta, have maximized the building inside and out.

Capri Original Factory Wide 1

Moving camper finishing, camper delivery and the main offices to the newer facility allowed them to further enhance the original space.

Capri Original Factory Exterior Wide

Above: The original Capri Camper facility has been expanded

Out back, they added a covered addition containing well-organized inventory including small parts, air conditioners, propane tanks, Lagun table systems, windows, doors, and trim.

Capri Original Factory Storage Expansion Tanks

Above: Prepped fresh water tanks await production

Further back they installed an open addition with fiberglass showers and fresh water holding tanks. Since our previous visit, they’ve significantly increased the volume of materials, components, and parts on hand to insulate them from shortages better.

Capri Original Factory Storage Expansion Doors

The wood shop, cabinetry shop, and camper production areas now enjoy more work room. This is further evidenced by the addition of a vital new piece of equipment.

Capri Goes CNC

Where they once had customer deliveries, Capri Campers has a Laguna Smart Shop CNC machine.

Laguna Smart Shop CNC Machine At Capri Camper

With a 6 HP spindle, 8-position automatic tool changing system, and multi-zone vacuum table, the CNC machine allows Capri to cut materials with greater precision and efficiency than previously possible.

Capri CNC Programming

The impact of CNC isn’t hard to find at Capri Campers. Within a few feet of the machine is a rack full of CNC-cut cabinet doors and components (shown below).

Capri CNC Cut Cabinetry Doors

Above the exit doors inside Capri Campers is a trim piece with their logo CNC cut into it. As it always seems to do, CNC has found its way into more and more elements improving the design, tolerance, and overall quality of the final product.

Capri CNC Cut Pieces With Logo

Epoxy-Poured Countertops and Tables

Reminiscent of the late Steve Jobs, “One more thing…” moments, Capri had one more thing for us to see. First, they introduced us to their new Operations Manager, Chris Nugent. Beyond being a carpenter, Chris has an exceptional talent for epoxy-poured countertops and tables.

Capri Epoxy Countertops First Step MDF

Above: Chris preps CNC cut MDF for the epoxy-pour process

In another example of how the original facility has been repurposed, Chris converted the previous office area into an epoxy pour studio. I’m calling this area a studio because the epoxy pour process is nothing less than production art.

The studio itself was sealed from the rest of the building to prevent sawdust and other contaminants from getting into the epoxy. Chris also built custom jigs to elevate and level the MDF countertops and tables during the epoxy process.

Capri Epoxy Countertops Painting White

Chris started by painting the MDF countertops and tables white.

Capri Epoxy Countertop Epoxy Blending

He then carefully mixed together the resin, hardener, and coloring.

Next he poured the thick clear liquid onto the MDF forms. By this point, Angela and I were mesmerized.

Capri Epoxy Countertop Popsicle Stick Spreading

With the mixed resin and hardener poured across the countertops and tables, Chris spread the liquid evenly across the table surfaces with a large popsicle stick and then gently patted the surface. He explained that the liquid is self-leveling, but needs a little encouragement.

Capri Epoxy Countertop Flame

Then things got fired up. With a handheld propane blowtorch, Chris heated the surface to eliminate bubbles and give the epoxy a glass-like finish. Each countertop or table took approximately thirty seconds to blowtorch before proceeding to the next.

Capri Epoxy Countertop Adding Black Lines

Now for the art. With another large popsicle stick, Chris drew shallow lines into the surfaces. From these main lines, he pulled smaller arteries.

Capri Epoxy Countertop Brushing Lines

These lines were then feathered with a brush, blown with a heat gun, and treated with other ‘secret’ ingredients and processes.

Capri Epoxy Countertop Heat Gun

As he scanned his work, he would brush a tabletop here, heat gun a countertop there, and blowtorch a bit on this side or that.

Capri Epoxy Countertop More Fire At End

Oh yes, my friends; Chris is most definitely an artist.

We didn’t see the final steps due to the overnight cure time, but Chris explained that the tables and countertops need a bit of sanding, and then a finish coat.

Capri Epoxy Countertops Our Surprise

Above: Chris surprised us with a new epoxy-poured dinette table for TCM HQ

What impressed us the most is how the whole epoxy-pour process is production friendly for Capri. Excluding the CNC cutting and prep work, Chris could epoxy pour three to four camper countertops and table sets in under an hour, which is much faster than what the previous laminate and edge banding process took. And the results are in another league.

Capri Camper Countertop And Table

Above and below: The new table and countertops in 2024 Capri campers

Capri Camper Countertop With Sink And Stove

More To Come

Capri has more exciting news to share in the coming weeks. All we can say for now is that the Retreat is about to advance, and there’s more in store for 2024.

For more information on Capri Campers, visit their website at Click here for a Capri Camper brochure.



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