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Alaskan Presents Sitka and Klondike

Truck Camper Magazine makes contact with the all-new Alaskan Sitka interior and compares it side-by-side to Alaskan’s Klondike interior. Which one is better? You decide.

Alaskan Campers Expo West 2024

Alaskan Campers brought two 2024 Alaskan 8 long bed models; one in Classic White and the other in Rugged Grey. Alaskan Campers debuted Rugged Grey in Truck Camper Magazine in early 2024 and it certainly looks sharp on black and charcoal trucks (see above).

Alaskan Camper Exterior A1

Above: For the show, the Alaskan team presented the units with the tops up and the cabover pop-up-walls down to maximize allow airflow through the units.

The Alaskan 8 in Classic White showcased the new Sitka interior, and the Alaskan 8 in Rugged Grey featured the Klondike interior. This was our first time seeing these two new interiors in person and we were struck by how different they both were compared to the Classic Alaskan interior we’ve known for years.

In photography, the Sitka and Klondike interiors can be tough to tell apart unless the images are side-by-side. Even in person, they are not night and day, but the differences are much more apparent.

The Klondike walls and cabinetry are more grey-brown, and the Sitka walls and cabinetry are more warm-brown. Both have grey-white countertops with the Klondike featuring a white-grey stone look and the Sitka featuring a more white-marble look.

Alaskan Klondike Interior

Alaskan Camper Interior B1

Alaskan Camper Interior B5

Alaskan Klondike Interior

Alaskan Sitka Interior

Alaskan Camper Sitka interior

Sitka Counters Alaskan

Alaskan Sitka Cabinets Interior

Our Impressions: Klondike vs Sitka

We both went back and forth in our preferences between these two interiors. Angela preferred the warmer Sitka. I initially went for the more grey-brown Klondike, but I too now prefer the Sitka.

Now, if the Classic interior were added to the mix, I’d probably stay old-school. There’s something timeless about a Classic White Alaskan with the Classic interior. Or maybe I’m just getting old.

Alaskan Camper Interior B3

Beyond the interiors, we continue to be fans of the modernization that’s happening at Alaskan. For example, Alaskan Campers now offers RedArc Rogue Red Vision systems, extensive lithium battery banks, and Nomadic X2 12-volt air conditioners. Talking to the leadership team, there are more advances to come.


Even among all these advances, my favorite Alaskan feature is the hide-a-away cassette toilet. So many examples of pop-up campers either don’t offer a built-in toilet system or don’t have a solution quite as middle-of-the-night convenient as this. Even better, it can be hidden from view so you’re not looking at a toilet as soon as you open the door. This is the kind of old-school feature I hope Alaskan maintains as they move their product into the future.

For more information on Alaskan Campers, visit their website at Click here to request an Alaskan brochure.



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