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Honda Generator Locking Mount On Rear Bumper

Welcome to the second entry in February’s Medium Mod-Ster Contest.  One fresh and tasty Medium Mod will be published in every Email Alert in February.  At the end of the month we’ll hold a reader vote to determine February’s winner.  For information about the Mod-Ster Contest, including how to enter, click here.

Ray Fair, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
Honda Generator Locking Mount
2017 Chevy Silverado 3500
2015 Eagle Cap 850

We dry camp about 75-percent of the time and rely on our solar panel and two Group-27 batteries for power.  While traveling through Iowa, we had three days of rain and no sun to charge the batteries.  After that, I finally broke down and purchased a generator.

Our Eagle Cap was pre-wired for a generator. The batteries are housed in the front left compartment and the generator was intended to be installed in the rear right compartment.  However, the compartment was not designed or intended to house, store or accommodate an operating Honda EU2000i.  There was no exhaust opening on either side of the compartment.

When storing or removing the generator from the compartment, it had to be tilted at a 45-degree angle to clear the bottom frame of the compartment’s opening.  A couple of tries of storing and removing the generator resulted in skinned knuckles.  I had to go to Plan B.

I wanted a method to secure the generator to the camper so it would be still in the same location the next morning. Plan B was a LowPro Lockdown mounted on the rear bumper/landing of the camper.

Honda Generator Locking Bumper Completed

The LowPro consists of three parts. The first is a steel plate that is secured to the bottom of the Honda generator by furnished bolts. The second is the steel base plate that is intended to be secured to part of the camper (the rear landing for our install) with four bolts and nuts with nylon inserts. The last item is a large heavy-duty paddle lock.

We mounted and secured the LowPro on the left side of the rear landing. When the generator is secured within the LowPro base plate, the head of the bolts are under the generator eliminating the possibility of using a wrench to loosen the nylon inserted nuts.

Honda Generator Locking Bumper

The generator can be used while in the secured and locked position on the LowPro or easily removed and placed on the ground without skinning my knuckles.

We have run the generator while it’s been in the secured position. However, due to the vibrations, it’s only for a couple minutes (recharging the computer’s battery).  As an afterthought, I did cut a rubber door mat to fit under the LowPro to lessen the vibrations with marginal results.

Whether we travel down the highway, are parked at a shopping plaza or are dry camping, we are confident the Honda is secured in place and will be there when needed.

It took me one hour to complete this modification and cost me $199.  In my opinion, the skill level of this modification is medium.

Disclaimer: The modifications above are submitted by Truck Camper Magazine readers. It is your responsibility to make sure that any do-it-yourself modification project you undertake is safe, effective, and legal for your situation.

Enter Your Mods Now!

If you’d like to enter a modification you’ve done on your truck camper, click here. You can enter as many mods as you want, at any time.  Good luck mod makers!



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