The Truck Camper Adjustment Bureau (TCAB) has launched a world-wide hunt for anyone responsible for truck camper modifications, alterations or customizations. If you turn your mods in, there will be no trouble. You might even win something.
It may be a shock to learn that the United States government has a Truck Camper Adjustment Bureau (TCAB), a forgotten Cold War leftover of the Eisenhower Administration.
Two weeks ago we were approached by Agent Fielder of the TCAB. He was seeking information on anyone associated with, “…camper modifications, alterations or customizations.”
Naturally we resisted, but he pointed his iPhone 12 flashlight right into our eyes and asked one more time. Under this unrelenting pressure, we immediately divulged the direct link to Truck Camper Magazine’s mod section. It was all we could do.
“We’re recruiting,” he said. “I need 11 more TCAB Agents. I need to see two more mod makers per week in Truck Camper Magazine, or I’ll be back.” And with that, he left.
Folks, if we don’t come up with two mods per week, we’re done for. Over! Cooked! Sunk! We need your truck camper mods, or else! Oh what can we do? How can we make sure we have at least two mods per week. Oh wait…
Here we go again! Back by popular demand, we are running another humongous truck camper mod contest in 2021. Every time we think our readers can’t possibly want more mods, our analytics, email and feedback says otherwise. Apparently there’s just no satisfying your demand for camper mods. Like the Zoom dress code, it’s bottomless!
This year we want to encourage our mod-makers to think bigger, experiment more, discover new possibilities and come up with even better solutions to truck camping problems. That’s what this contest is all about.
Each month we’ll focus on one of the three established mod categories; Mini-Mods, Medium Mods, or Mega Mods. Then we’ll publish one mod in that month’s category every email alert. On average we’ll have 8-mods per month. At the end of the month, you will get to vote on your favorite mod from that month.
Monthly winners will get an extremely limited edition Truck Camper Adjustment Bureau (TCAB) shirt. Only the 11 monthly winners of the TCAB mod contest will get one.
For the December finals, readers will pick the the best of the monthly mod winners to determine the 2021 Top Truck Camper Mod Maker!
The Grand Prize is a $250 gift certificate to Amazon. Second Place will be a $100 gift certificate to Amazon. Third Place will be a 2022 TCM Calendar and a TCM T-shirt of your choosing.
1. All submitted truck camper modifications must have been made by yourself on your own truck camper rig.
2. All modifications must be new to TCM. Please do not send in modifications that you have submitted for a previous Truck Camper Magazine mod contest.
3. All modifications must result in a physical change to the truck camper rig; cosmetic, decorative, and/or functional. Repairs do not count, unless they also improved the stock design, appearance, or functionality of the truck camper.
4. To submit a mod, use the mod-submission form. Every submitted mod must be individually submitted with the mod-submission form. We require at least one photograph per mod.
A truck camper modification is physical change you made to improve the stock design, appearance, or functionality of your truck camper.
A modification can be a simple cosmetic change like new fabric for the seat cushions, or a floor plan change like a re-arrangement of the camper dinette, or the addition of a new or better component or appliance, and anything in between. Interior and exterior truck camper modifications and decorations count.
The best modifications are things you did to improve the aesthetics or function of the camper to better suit your personal needs. Did you alter your camper to make it work better for your truck camping lifestyle? Chances are you made a qualifying modification.
Good luck mod makers!