TCM announces the 2017 Mod Super Cup Series to find the best truck camper mods, award Mod Team jerseys, and present the World Champion Mod Maker with a Mod Super Cup Trophy. Let the mod games begin.
With the 2016 Mod Contest ending last month, it’s time to announce the new 2017 Truck Camper Mod Super Cup Series.
Launching this Fall, the 2017 Modification Super Cup Series will challenge mod makers to submit their best mods in three categories: Mini Mods, Medium Mods, and Mega Mods.
Hold on a mod-minute! Aren’t those the same three mod categories as last year’s mod contest?
Well, yes they are. After careful evaluation, having Mini, Medium, and Mega mod levels not only keeps the contest fair, but also invites the most participation. After all, we want more mods, from more mod makers, and a fair contest.
To keep things fresh and exciting, we’re upping the ante with custom TCM Mod Team jerseys featuring the name of the winner each month.
Win a monthly mod contest and we’ll design a custom one-of-a-kind TCM Mod Team jersey with your name, and ship it right to your door. How’s that for exclusive?
Monthly winners will also be eligible for the 2017 Mod Super Cup World Series, a final reader vote next year to see which of the monthly winners becomes the 2017 World Champion Truck Camper Mod Maker and wins the grand prize; a TCM Mod Maker Trophy, and a $250 gift certificate to Lowes or Home Depot (or the big box hardware store of your choosing).
The Monthly Mod Contest Rules:
1. All submitted truck camper modifications must have been made by yourself on your own truck camper rig.
2. All modifications must be new. Please do not send in modifications that you have submitted in a previous TCM Mod Contest.
3. All modifications must result in a physical change to the truck camper rig; cosmetic, decorative, and/or functional. Repairs do not count, unless they also improved the stock design, appearance, or functionality of the truck camper.
4. To submit a mod, use the mod-submission form. Every submitted mod must be individually submitted with the mod-submission form.
What Qualifies as a Modification?
A truck camper modification is physical change you made to improve the stock design, appearance, or functionality of your truck camper.
A modification can be a simple cosmetic change like new fabric for the seat cushions, or a floor plan change like a re-arrangement of the camper dinette, or the addition of a new or better component or appliance, and anything in between. Interior and exterior truck camper modifications and decorations count.
The best modifications are things you did to improve the aesthetics or function of the camper to better suit your personal needs. Did you alter your camper to make it work better for your truck camping lifestyle? Chances are you made a qualifying modification.
Good luck mod makers!